两种尺度,two kinds of scales
1)two kinds of scales两种尺度

1.Marx s Thought of Harmony in His "Two Criteria" Theory;马克思“两种尺度”理论中的和谐思想
2.A Discussion on the Conflicts between the Two Different Scales and the Solutions to Them;试论教育评价中两种尺度的冲突及解决策略
3.The Connotation and Signification of Marx's "Two Measures" from the Perspective of Ecological Esthetics生态学视野下马克思“两种尺度”说的内涵及意义
4.Two Measures of Children Poetry and Children s Self-identity;儿童诗的两种尺度与儿童的认同度——序钟代华诗集《迎面而来》
5.GIS-Based Study on Runoff Production and Sediment Yield Watershed Modeling in Two Types of Scales and It's Application on Loess Hilly Region;基于GIS的黄土沟壑区两种尺度产流产沙数学模型研究与应用
6.The Marxist Idea of "Two Measures" and the Construction of the Harmonious Socialist Society;马克思主义“两种尺度”思想与构建社会主义和谐社会
7.This ruler has one scale in centimeters and another in inches.这把尺有厘米和英寸两种刻度。
8.A ruler graduated in both inches and centimetres有英制和公制两种刻度的尺
9.This ruler has one scale in centimeter and another in inch这把尺有厘米和英寸两种刻度
10.Comparison and analysis of two general scaling methods for remotely sensed information两种普适性尺度转换方法比较与分析研究
11.Plant in rows two feet apart.每隔两英尺种一行.
12.Yard Stitch: available in 91.4cm(36 inches) or 114. 3cm (45 inches) in length, made of metal or wood.码尺:有91.4cm(36英寸)和114.3cm(45英寸)两种长度,由金属或木料制成。
13.Multi-scale systems (MuSS) consist of components from two or more length scales (nano, micro, meso, or macro-scales).多尺度系统由具有两个或多个长度尺度(纳米、微米、中尺度或宏观尺度)的组件构成。
14.either of two huge coniferous California trees that reach a height of 300 feet; sometimes placed in the Taxodiaceae.加州两种巨大针叶杉的一种,高达英尺。
15.Stability in Terms of Two Measures for Perturbed Dynamic Systems on Time Scales;时间尺度上扰动方程的两度量稳定性
16.Multispecies, Multi-patterns at Multiple Scales and Their Scaling;多尺度上多物种的多格局及其尺度推绎
17.A Method for Accuracy Test and Repair of Big-size Square Rulers;一种大尺寸直角尺的精度检测与修复方法
18.The larva of either of two moths(Paleacrita vernata or Alsophila pometaria), destructive to fruit and shade trees.尺蠖两种蛾(春尺蠖春虫属或秋尺蠖林尺蠖属)的幼虫之一,对果实和遮阳树有破害作用

standards of man and object两个尺度
1.Subjectivity,standards of man and object;主体性和两个尺度是个辩证发展的过程,它推动人类实践、社会生产力乃至整个人的世界向前发展。
1.The influence of random fiber speckle, the size of measurement area and subset size on the error of digital image correlation measurements has been discussed in two-scale among five different gauge size, and the optimal subset size have been suggested for various size of measurements.采用显微白光数字图像相关方法,研究了三种不同铺层AS4/PEEK层合板,在弯曲载荷作用下宏、细观两尺度的自由边缘效应,并观测了层合板弯曲损伤的萌生和演化过程。
4)seed dimensions种子尺度
6)two measures两种测度
1.By applying Liapunov functional method, this paper established some criterions of uniform stability and uniform asymptotic stability for difference systems with infinite delay in terms of two measures.利用 Liapunov泛函方法建立了无限时滞差分系统基于两种测度的一致稳定和一致渐近稳定性判据 ,并运用所得的结果讨论了一个具体的无限时滞差分系统的一致稳定和一致渐近稳定性 ,所得的结果推广和发展了这一方向的现有结
2.Employing the so called variational Liapunov method, this article discussed the stability properties of delay difference systems in terms of two measures.运用变异李亚谱诺夫方法 ,讨论了时滞差分系统依照两种测度的稳定性 。
3.By using the combination of the two techniques, the so called variational Lyapunov method, this paper established several stability criteria for nonlinear differential systems in terms of two measures.本文利用将两者相结合而建立的变异 Lyapunov方法 ,给出了非线性微分系统依照两种测度的稳定性判定定
