四种生产,four productions
1)four productions四种生产
1.The existence,development and renewal of any society is surely based on the balance and adjustment among these four productions.社会生产包括物质生产、精神生产、人自身的生产和社会关系的生产四个方面,任何一个社会的生存、发展和延续,必然是这四种生产之间的平衡与协调。

1.A Probe into the Nature of Social Harmony from Four Productions in Marxism;从马克思的四种生产看社会和谐的实质
2.Effects of Four Biochemical Measures on the Flue-cured Tobacco Production四种化学生物措施对烤烟生产的影响
3.They are bringing out a practical four-wheeled auto他们正在生产一种实用的四轮汽车。
4.Four Tendencies of Academic Production in China's Colleges and Universities我国高校学术生产应重视的四种倾向
5.Four general circumstances which lead to this effect are konwn.目前已经知道有四种寻常情况会产生这种效果。
6.Study on the dormancy type of seeds of four species of wild Iris in China四种国产野生无髯鸢尾种子休眠类型的研究
7.The four methods and its characteristic have been introduced in the text.主要介绍这四种芝麻油的生产方法及特点。
8.Polymorphism of IGF-1 Gene and Its Correlations to Production Performances in Four Yellow-feather Chicken Breeds四种黄羽肉鸡IGF-1多态性与生产性能相关分析
9.Utilization of Tangsipingtou Inbred Lines in Breeding and Production of Maize in Jilin Province塘四平头种群自交系在吉林省玉米育种和生产中的利用
10.Discussion About the Effects and Status of Four-grade Seed Production Scheme for Seed Industry Development in China论“四级种子生产程序”在中国种业发展中的作用和地位
11.Breeding of arachidonic acid producing Mortierella sabellina by ultraviolet mutation深黄被孢霉高产花生四烯酸菌株的紫外诱变原生质体育种
12.Coming through the high driveway into the quadrangle a sense of abysmal futility always came over me.从马路上一路走进四合院,我总会产生一种深切的徒劳无功的感觉。
13.The product examination result showed that the four kinds of triazino remifications had high points, were difficult to evaporate under normal atrmospheric temperature.产品检测结果表明,四种三嗪衍生物有较高熔点,在常温下不易挥发。
14.harmony in which each chord has four notes that create four melodic lines.每次和声有四个音符,每个音符产生一种旋律的和声。
15.Four factors affecting the production of single cellprotein(SCP) feed and the coarse protein content were analysed.对四种影响棉籽饼生产单细胞蛋白饲料因素作了分析.
16.Optimization research on effect of four growth factors on the production of schizophyllan四种生长因子对裂褶菌胞外多糖产量影响的优化研究
17.Breeding of Arachidonic acid Producting Strain with Mortierella sabellina by Microwave Mutation深黄被孢霉高产花生四烯酸菌株的微波诱变育种

four kinds of material production四种物质生产
3)four-stage seed-producing procedures四级种子生产程序
1.Application of four-stage seed-producing procedures in maize seed base of western Henan areas;四级种子生产程序在豫西玉米种子基地中的应用
4)four stage seedproduction procedure四级种薯(苗)生产程序
5)the dialectical unity of four kinds of production四种生产辩证统一
6)Planting Three to Produce Four种三产四
1.Promoting Extension of Super Hybrid Rice to Realize the Objectives of "Planting Three to Produce Four" High-Yielding Project;推广超级杂交稻 实现“种三产四”目标

四种大乐──涅槃四种大乐【四种大乐──涅槃四种大乐】  ﹝出大涅槃经﹞  [一、无苦乐],无苦乐者,谓无世间之苦乐也。世间之乐,即是苦因。故经云:不断乐者,则名为苦;以断乐故,则无有苦。无苦无乐,乃名大乐。此即涅槃之大乐也。(梵语涅槃,华言灭度。)  [二、大寂静乐],谓涅槃之性是大寂静,以其远离一切愦闹法故,以大寂静,名为大乐,此即涅槃之大乐也。  [三、大知乐],谓诸佛如来有大智慧,于一切法悉知悉见,名为大乐。此即涅槃之大乐也。  [四、不坏乐],谓如来之身,非烦恼无常之身,犹如金刚不能毁坏。身不坏故,名为大乐。此即涅槃之大乐也。