天才论,theory of genius
1)theory of genius天才论

1.Comrade Mao Zedong didn't believe in the theory of innate genius, but he was not opposed to cherishing able people.毛泽东同志不赞成“天才论”,但不是反对尊重人才。
2.An Essay on the Genius and Writings of Shakespeare论莎士比亚的天才和和作品
3.No amount of "genius"can do without labour.无论怎样的“天才”,也不能不努力。
4.He came round about to these conclusions.他兜了半天圈子, 才得出这些结论。
5.Outlook of Overall Nature of Confucian Harmony with God;儒家“天人合一”三才论的自然整体观
6.Try to explain the suicide reason of Hai Zi;疲倦、忧伤和天才——论海子的死亡情结
7.Freedom:An Ideal State--Reviewing Kant′s Theory of Talent;自由:一种理想状况——康德天才理论述评
8.Praise a fair day at night.[谚]到了夜里才能说今天是晴天;盖棺定论。
9.Key Factors in Qin′s Unification of China天下有才 唯秦用之——略论秦统一天下的关键因素
10.Talent given by Apollo--On Copland s Music Critique;阿波罗给与的天才——论科普兰的音乐评论
11.A talent, an endowment, an aptitude, or a bent.天才,天资,才能,爱好
12.On Naturalism in Theodore Dreiser s Biographic Novel "The Genius ";论西奥多·德莱塞小说《“天才”》中的自然主义特征
13.Only when you are right can you be self-confident --discussion about seven major relationships of natural gas development in China;“理直”才能“气壮”——论中国天然气发展的七大关系
14."Natural" Poems and the Gifted Genius--On the New Ideas of Zhong Rong's Natural Thoughts“自然”之作与天才素养——浅论钟嵘自然思想的新意
15.An Everlasting Poetic Quality A Blueprint of Genius: On“Association of Man with Heaven”As the Ultimate Ideal of Chinese Culture;永恒的诗意天才的蓝图——论“天人合一”在中国文化中的终极理想设定
16.On the Poetic Creation of a Talented Poet Xia Wanchun in the Late Ming Dynasty--A Special Case of Genius Sequence in Chinese Literary History;论明末天才诗人夏完淳的诗歌创作——中国文学史上“天才序列”中的“特例”
17.Educational Objective for the Gifted Students and its Function in USA-Programs for the Gifted Few or Talent Development for the Many?;美国天才教育目标与作用的讨论——课程设置是为少数天才还是为多数学生能力的发展
18.Shangguan Yi s Poetic Theory and Her Contribution to Poetry;玉阶良史笔,金马掞天才——论上官仪的诗歌理论及其贡献

theory of art talent天才理论
1.The theory of art talent is an important part of Kant′s aesthetics.艺术天才理论是康德美学的重要组成部分。
1.The Genius behind Surface Simplicity --On James Joyce s Short-Story Collection Dubliners;平凡中见天才——评乔伊斯短篇小说集《都柏林人》
2.Started from subjective aesthetics, Kant stipulated work of art as the work of genius, thus it formed his genius art view.康德从主体论美学出发,把艺术作品规定为天才的作品,从而形成了他的天才论的艺术观。
3.Three levels are "symbol and genius","symbol and organic unity" and"symbol and incarnation"respectively.为了全面理解柯尔律治(Coleridge)对"象征"与"譬喻"的区分,并以此为契机揭示其诗学的神学意向,运用分层递进式的方法深入开展讨论,三个层面分别为:象征与天才,象征与有机统一,象征与道成肉身。
1.In view of this,talent and taste are divided into two poles,the artist s "taste" is only the ability to give the beautiful form to the object.康德哲学所开示的"经验"与"超验"的"二向度思维",是《判断力批判》所提"天才对鉴赏的关系"这一重要命题的致思根源。
2.On the basis of macroscopic combing, tracing the writing process of Jia Ping-wa, from the following aspects such as "writing talent with pen"、"wise man travelling on the edge", "anti-traditional and unigue writer in China", "adopting everything possible to create vivid characters", "I am a peasant" ,the paper sketches some general features of Jia Ping-wa′s writing style.在对贾平凹的创作历程进行宏观梳理与跟踪关注的基础上,从"用笔写作的天才"、"游走在边缘的参悟者"、"非潮流化写作与'大陆文坛之独行侠'"、"意欲穷尽一切可能的'百变灵笔'"、"我是农民"等五个侧面分别勾勒出贾平凹作为作家的一些本质特征。
3.This article makes a complete comment on Chekhov s views on talent from the following from fighting bravely against adversity,cultivating a noble sense of responsibility,turning your talent into the ability to communicate and constantly exceeding yourself.论述契诃夫的天才观 ,从“勇于向逆境斗争”、“培养崇高的责任感”、“把天赋变成实际才能”、“磨炼刚毅的意志”、“必须不断超越自我”四个方面对契诃夫天才的精辟、深刻而独到的看法作了全面的论述。
5)Kant s Theory of Taste and Talent康德论鉴赏与天才
6)On Chekov s View On Genius论契诃夫的天才观
