美善相乐,harmony in ritual and good
1)harmony in ritual and good美善相乐

1.Harmony in Beauty and Good--Tsunzi s Thought of Relations between Ritual and Music;美善相乐——论荀子的礼乐关系思想
2.Reflection on Enjoying in Beauty and Good and Poetic Experience:A Research on Confucian Poetic Atmosphere;美善相乐的心灵感悟与诗意体验:理学诗境探论
3.On Confucius Aesthetic Standards of Music;以美养善 美善合一——谈孔子的音乐审美观
4.The Sound of Music音乐之声/真善美/仙乐飘飘处处闻
5.Guiding Righteousness with Aesthetic Educating People with Aesthetic--On University Students’ Aesthetic Education of Music;以美引善 以美育人——浅谈大学生音乐审美教育
6."a man has joy in the answer of his mouth: and a word at the right time, how good it is!"口善应对,自觉喜乐。话合其时,何等美好。
7.In this entertainment palace, you will get perfect enjoyment.本娱乐宫给您尽善尽美的享受。
8.Epicurus was a [b][color=#990000]materialist[/color][/b].伊壁鸠鲁相信快乐就是生活最高的善。
9.To this pleasure camping gives an exquisite refinement.露营给这种乐趣以尽善尽美的优雅意境。
10.Interweaving of Kindness and Beauty--A Brief Study of Ouyang Xiu's View of Musical Function“善”与“美”的交织——试探欧阳修的音乐功能观
11.The course of making personality perfect and life more beautiful--thesis about the course of musical quality for non-musical major students.;完善人性、美化生活的课程——谈非音乐专业大学生音乐素质课程
12.A Study on Moral Education Strategy of Harmonizing the Beauty and Kindness in Middle Art School;中等艺术学校美善相谐德育策略研究
13.On the Aesthetic Interest of the "Nihility and Existence Growing out of One Another" in Chinese Traditional Music;论中国传统音乐“虚实相生”的审美意趣
14.The African songs met American music when African slaves were brought to the US.非洲黑奴被贩卖到美国后,非洲音乐和美洲音乐互相融合在一起。
15.Her verdict on “As Good As It Gets”, which stars Jack Nicholson, is rather positive.她对由杰克·尼克尔森主演的《尽善尽美》相当肯定。
16.A Comparison of Chinese and US Law of Product Liability and Perfection of Relevant Legislation in China;中美产品责任法比较及我国相关立法的完善
17.The scientific outlook on development:a scientific theory presenting truth,goodness and beauty科学发展观是真善美相统一的科学理论
18.The happiest of people don’ t necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.最快乐的人不必事事尽善尽美,他们只会让大部分事情顺其自然。

couple beauty appreciation with virtue美善相济
3)Harmony of beauty and virtue美善相谐
4)Mei Shan Xiang Yue美善相悦
5)Zhao Ri Le Xiang Le《善哉行·朝日乐相乐》
1.A Study into the Real Writer of Zhao Ri Le Xiang Le《善哉行·朝日乐相乐》作者考辨
