人生的艺术化,"Classy Life"
1)"Classy Life"人生的艺术化
1.Aesthetic Salvation: from "Classy Life" to "Classical Living";审美救赎论:从“人生的艺术化”到“审美化生存”

1.Aesthetic Salvation: from "Classy Life" to "Classical Living";审美救赎论:从“人生的艺术化”到“审美化生存”
2.On Zhu Guangqian s Founding and Exercising of His "Life-towards-Art" Conception;论朱光潜“人生的艺术化”思想的创建与实践
3.The Artistic Life Beyond Sufferings--Reference Value of Su Shi s Life to Modern People;苦难人生的艺术化超越——苏轼遭际对现代人生存的观照价值
4.Their Own Garden"and the Artistic Life--On the Cultural Character of Beijing Intelligentsia Group;“自己的园地”与人生的艺术化——京派知识分子群体文化性格论
5."The Non-artistic Also Art literature"Human Life --Take "Chess king" As The Example To Discusse Acheng s Esthetics Pursuit;非艺术亦艺术的文学人生化——以《棋王》为例新论阿城的人生美学
6.Ideology of the Noon--Cultural Analysis on Artistic Life;正午的思想——央视《艺术人生》文化解读
7.The Home of Tao's Artistic Life陶渊明人生艺术化的归宿——“桃源”探微
8.Common lfie is real life, art life is ideal life.常态人生是现实人生,而艺术人生则是理想化的人生。
9.In Zhu Guangqian's opinion, poeticized life means a moral、 tasteful、 transcendent and perfect life.朱光潜认为人生艺术化意味着人生的道德化、趣化、脱化。
10.Artistic Life: the Ailm of General Art Education;成就艺术化的人生——试论学校教育中艺术教育的重要性
11.An artist with a grand personality produces grand art;人格伟大的艺术家产生了伟大的艺术;
12.an artist with a trivial personality produces trivial art;人格渺小的艺术家产生了渺小的艺术;
13.From Life Artistry to Aestheticization of Everyday Life;从“人生艺术化”到“日常生活审美化”
14.Art of Life Style and Artistic Life--The Environmental Function of Display Art;生活的艺术化和艺术化的生活——陈设艺术的环境功能
15.Wang Ping: Therefore, someone says tennis is an art which beau-tifies life.王平:所以有人说,网球是美化生活的艺术!
16.On Uygur Cultural Influence on Wang Meng s Outlook on Life and Arts;论维吾尔文化对王蒙人生观艺术观的影响
17.Feng Zikai s Tastes for Pure Sincerity and His Artistic Life;丰子恺的真率之趣和艺术化之真率人生
18.On Tao Yuanming s Art & Outlook on Life;委运任化 返朴归真——浅论陶渊明的艺术及人生观

artistic life艺术化人生
3)artistic life人生艺术化
1.His individual aesthetic tastes and connotations are expressed in his artistic life.丰子恺以对真率之趣的阐释,建构了一种以童心为本、绝缘为径、同情为要、趣味为旨的中国现代"人生艺术化"之真率人生范式,具有自己独特的人生美学旨趣与内涵。
2.A life s desire for infinite creation stimulated an ideal enthusiasm for "artistic life.而无限创造的生命欲求 ,则催生了“人生艺术化”的理想热情。
4)Life-Like art艺术人生化
5)Life Artistry人生艺术化
1.From Life Artistry to Aestheticization of Everyday Life;从“人生艺术化”到“日常生活审美化”
2.Study on Liang Shiqiu s Life Artistry Theory;梁实秋“人生艺术化”思想研究
