美学观点,historical views
1)historical views美学观点
1.The historical views of literature in Marxism are complementary and organically interrelated to its aesthetical views.运用马克思主义的"美学观点和史学观点"的结合研究文学,是任何一种"主义"或学说都无法替代的批评选择。

1.Marxism Aesthetical Viewpoint and Historical Viewpoint马克思主义的“美学观点和历史观点”
2.From an aesthetic point of view, it's a very nice design.从美学观点上看,这是个很不错的设计。
3.From an aesthetic point of view it’s a thetic view.从美学观点来说, 这是个武断的看法。
4.The Role of the Translator in Perspective of Reception Aesthetics;从接受美学观点看翻译中译者的作用
5.The overall principle and approach of Mark's and Engel's literary criticism is esthetical and historical viewpoint.马克思恩格斯文艺批评的总体原则和方法是美学观点和历史观点。
6.An Exploration of Music Emotional Sense with the Phenomenology and Aesthetics Viewpoint;用现象学美学观点对音乐情感意义的探索
7.On the Translation of Antithetical Lines of Chinese Classical Poems;从矛盾集结的美学观点谈诗词对偶的英语译文
8.Traditional Chinese Aesthetic Points Expressed in Painting Poems in Ancient China论古代论画诗表达的中国传统美学观点
10.Perspectives of 2001 s American Anthropologist;2001年《美国人类学家》学术观点综述
11.Research on Chinese Modern Literature with Views of History and Aesthetics;简论用"美学的历史的观点"研究文学
12.Question the View: Literature Is Esthetic Ideology;“文学是审美意识形态”观点之质疑
13.An Exploration into the Curriculum Harmony: A View from Life-aesthetics;当代课程的和谐美新探:生命美学的观点
14.Musical Beauty & Gesamtkunstwerk form Viewpoints of Formal Aesthetics从形式美学的观点看音乐的美和整体艺术作品
15.Application of Model Teaching in Gymnastics;直观教学法在健美操教学中运用特点分析
16.Ugliness is a point of view: an ulcer is wonderful to a pathologist .丑,是观点的问题:从病理学家看来,溃疡是美妙的。
17.Two Basic Points of View on Aesthetic s---Discuss with Zhu Li yuau关于美学的两个基本观点——与朱立元先生商榷
18.Ugliness is a point of view: an ulcer is wonderful to a pathologist.丑,是观点的问题: 从病理学家看来,溃疡是美妙的。

aesthetic aspect[环]美学观点
1.Clinical Application of the Cosmetic Incisions in the Treatment of Maxillofacial Fractures;颌面部骨折切口设计的美容观点及其临床应用
4)the viewpoints of the USA美国观点
5)aesthetic viewpoint"美"的观点
6)landscape aesthetics景观美学
1.On the influences of Taoistic philosophy on landscape aesthetics of Chinese traditional garden;浅析道家哲学对中国传统园林景观美学的影响
2.Based on the studies of landscape aesthetics,this paper proposes fractal aesthetics,another form of aesthetics,which derives from the combination of fractals and aesthetics,and then puts forward the connotation of the fractal aesthetics and its application in landscape design.从景观美学研究的角度出发,提出了一种把分形几何学与分形艺术结合在一起的美学形式———分形美学;本着丰富景观美学研究内容和扩大景观美学研究视角的目标,探讨了分形美的基本内涵;并结合分形美在景观美学塑造中的应用阐述了分形美的美学特征。
3.This paper expounds the relation between aesthetics and landscape architecture,researches the evolution history of landscape aesthetics thought in different historical periods,and probes into the theoretical foundation and expression of ecological aesthetics of landscape design under the influence of ecological civilization.论述了美学与景观设计学的关系,研究了人类不同历史时期景观美学的思想演变历程,探讨了在生态文明影响下的景观设计中生态美学的理论基础与表现。

产品质量的统计观点产品质量的统计观点statistical viewpoints of product quality  ChanPin zhiliang de tongii guandian产品质l的统计观点(statisti司,ie甲ints。fp耐uet甲ality)应用数理统计方法分析和总结产品质量规律的观点。质童管理的基本观点之一。包含这个基本观点的质量管理就是现代的质量管理,否则就是传统的质量管理。 产品质量的统计观点包括以下两方面内容: ①产品的质量特性值是波动的。由于产品的生产不断受着人、机、料、法、环等质量因素的影响,而这些质量因素是在不停地变化,故产品质量特性值也是波动的。工业革命后,人们逐渐认识到即使是机器生产,产品质量仍会产生一定的波动。产品公差制度的建立就表明承认产品质量是波动的。但是这段认识过程经历了一百多年之久。②产品质t特性值的波动具有统计规律性。指产品质t特性值的波动幅值及出现不同波动幅值的可能性大小,服从统计学的某些分布规律。在质量管理中,常用的分布主要有正态分布、二项分布、泊松分布等,而寿命特性值很多服从指数分布。知道了质量特性值服从什么分布,就可以利用这一点来保证与提高产品的质t。(孙静)