越名教而任自然,beyond the confacian ethical code and let things in the course of nature
1)beyond the confacian ethical code and let things in the course of nature越名教而任自然

1.On the aesthetic derception of Ruanji and Jikang s theory "Natural Beauty Byond Confucianism;试论阮籍、嵇康“越名教而任自然”的美学意蕴
2.On Jikang s Philosophy of Naturalism;越名教而任自然 审贵贱而通物情——论嵇康的自然主义哲学思想
3.Overpassing the Reputation-confucianism and Thought-strolling at Will--A humble investigation into the stage of the thought-tranferation of Rranji;越名教而任自然——浅探阮籍思想发展转变的阶段分期
4.Natural science divagated more and more from metaphysics自然科学离形而上学越来越远。
5.From Scholasticism Coming from Nature to Scholasticism Being Nature;从“名教出于自然”到“名教即自然”
6.Nobody really understand it yet.. Therefore, you do have to feel discouraged at all.然而接触得越多,越发感到自己的无力与苍白。
7.It was merely a question of "good form," the conceit of a superior breeding, the duty not to give oneself away.这不过是“高尚体统”的问题,一种优越教养的自负,尽到不使自己感情流露的责任而已。
8.However you don't want to cross the line and discuss anything religious or sexual (unless of course, a pornography blog is your intention)然而你或许并不想越线去讨论任何关于宗教或性的事务(除非你就是想建一个色情博客)。
9.As his prose grew more exalted, it passed easily into the domain of poetry.他的散文越写越精炼,就自然而然地进入了诗的领域。
10.It is the nameless, contentless, effortless and spontaneous state, beyond being and not being.它没有名称、没有内容,自然无为,超越在与不在。
11.This area is famed for its natural beauty.这地区以其大自然的美景而著名。
12.It is famous for its natural beauty.服务员: 它以自然风光优美而闻名。
13.But she had no utterance, and was obliged to leave all to their own discretion.然而她语言梗塞,只得任她们自行决断。
14.China's hunger for natural resources is causing more problems at home than abroad中国对于自然资源的饥渴正引发越来越多的国内而非国外问题
15.a self-described revolutionary, who is known as the headstrong and brilliant father of Chinese computing.一个自许为改革家人,他以顽强而卓越的中国电脑文化之父而闻名。
16.Freedom·Nature·Norm: An Exploration of the Argumentation Logic of Guo Xiang s Idea of Freedom;自由·自然·名教——郭象自由思想之论证逻辑探析
17.The combination of the two considerations rules out ATB movement.这兩个要求自然而然地排除了横越式位移的可能性。
18.On Thought and Significance of WangBi s Mingjiao Stemming from Nature;论王弼“名教出于自然”的思想及其意义

Norm is Nature名教即自然
1.From "Solo-growth" to "Norm is Nature"——Logical Evolution of Guo Xiang′s Metaphysics System;从“独化论”到“名教即自然”——郭象玄学体系的逻辑演化
3)Mingjiao and Nature名教与自然
1.From the topic of "Mingjiao and Nature" of Weijin Metaphysics, this thesis is about ideal personality of the representative people in three period of Weijin Metaphysics, that is, about the reconstruction of aesthetic subject s personality.本文将运用历史与逻辑相统一的方法,按史的顺序揭示在名教与自然之辨中代表人物的主要观点及人格美学思想与士人的美学追求,并在逻辑上揭示他们这些思想之间的内在联系。
4)Be that as it may; nevertheless.任凭;然而
1.In order to reconstruct the harmony of human and nature,we should deal with nature as Zi-ran-er-ran.为了在现代社会中重建人与自然之间的和谐关系,人与自然的相处应当走向自然而然。
6)the argue of humanism and naturalism名教自然之辩
1.The theme of Wei Jin metaphysics may be understood as the argue of humanism and naturalism.名教自然之辩是天人之辩在魏晋时代的独特展现 ,因而也就是对人文原则与自然原则分裂冲突问题的理论探讨。
