内在特质,internal characteristics
1)internal characteristics内在特质
1.The nature of contemporary China s advanced culture determines its internal characteristics as being distinctively progressive and compatible with our age, being nationalized and opening, being scientific and forwardlooking and being popularized and masterguided. 当代中国先进文化的内在规定性决定其具有的内在特质为:鲜明的进步性与时代性,民族性与开放性,科学性与前瞻性,大众化与精英化。

1.Personality is the supreme realization of the innate idiosyncracy of a living being.人格是生物内在特质的最高实现。
2.Settles on Intrinsic Characteristic of Chinese Culture From the Difference Between Two Kinds of Religious View;从两种宗教观的差异看中国文化的内在特质
3.The Inherent Peculiarity of the Western Philosophy,Its Modern Desiny and Enlightenment;西方哲学的内在特质、现代命运及其启示(一)
4.On Inherent Qualities and Practical Significance of Harmonious Practice of Marxism;马克思主义和谐实践观的内在特质及其现实意义
5.On inherent logic and essential characteristics of corporation strategy;略论企业战略的内在逻辑与本质特征
6.(of especially business assets) having physical substance and intrinsic monetary value.(特别是商业资产)有物质实质和内在的货币价值。
7.A quality or characteristic inherent in or ascribed to someone or something.品质、属性、特征内在的属性或特征,或归结为某人某物的属性或特征
8.Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Fluid Mixtures in Silicon Microchannels;混合工质在硅微通道内的流动与换热特性
9.On features, essence and inner contradiction based on cultural imperialism;文化帝国主义理论的特征、实质与内在矛盾
10.Study on Appearance Characters and Internal Quality of Different Stalk Position Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves不同部位烟叶外观特征与内在质量分析研究
12.Canonical Correlation Analysis of Relationship between the Shape Features and the Inner Qualities of Apples苹果外形特征与内在品质的典型相关分析
13.Inherent quality of character and temperament.内在的气质性格、脾气的内在气质
14.held in great esteem for admirable qualities especially of an intrinsic nature.有令人景仰的品质而受尊敬的,尤其是因内在的特性。
15.The poetries of Han Lin have distinctively lyric feature, and it's decided by the author's inside qualities of a poet.翰林的诗歌具有明显的抒情特色,这是由其内在的诗人气质决定的。
16.Experimental Investigation on Flow Boiling Heat Transfer Characteristics of Pure Refrigerant in Horizontal Tube;纯工质在水平管内流动沸腾换热特性的实验研究
17.On Internal Structure of China s Patterns of Culture and Its Spiritual Traots;自然、人文和科学的统一——论中国文化模式的内在结构和精神特质
18.Outer Environmental Changes and Internal Factors to the Successes of the Newspapers and Periodicals Editors at the Information Age;信息时代报刊编辑外部环境变迁及内在成功特质

inherent characteristics内在特征
1.A study on the inherent characteristics and external mark of its formation is especially necessary, The inher.黄河三角洲范围内的博兴县和广饶县等地关于吕剧起源和创始人的争论,不应该局限于为本地争一个名剧、名人,而应该从弘扬黄河三角洲历史文化和齐鲁文化的高度,深入探讨吕剧形成发展的源流、标志,特别是探讨其基本形成的内在特征和外在标志。
3)inner features内在特点
4)intrinsic characteristic内在特性
5)An inherent or distinguishing characteristic;a property.特性内在的或特殊的特性;性质
6)internal quality内在品质
1.Technical discussion on improvement of internal quality of cotton type polyester staple;提高棉型涤纶短纤内在品质的技术探讨
2.The botanical character,fruit appearance and internal quality of four annona cultivars were studied in this paper.研究了4个番荔枝品种的植物学特性及果实的外观性状和内在品质性状,结果表明:AP番荔枝植株生长健壮,果皮表面平滑、鳞目连成一片,果肉风味香甜、微酸可口,果实维生素C、可溶性固形物、果糖、葡萄糖和蔗糖含量均较高,且种子少、可食率高,是一个值得大面积推广的优良番荔枝品种。
3.We have studied the relationship between the distribution of organic components and the internal quality of four kinds of cigarettes made at Lanzhou,the results showed that when the cigarettes are higher in quality,the contents of organic components extracted,biological base,polarity fraction and less polarity fraction will be higher.采用柱色层族组成分离方法,系统的研究了4种兰州烟烟丝中有机物分布特征,找出了不同档次兰州卷烟中系列有机化合物含量的差异,尤其是为吃味和香味做贡献的系列化合物相对丰度上的差异,提出了利用烟丝中可溶有机质含量的高低、利用烟丝中的生物碱的含量、利用样品的极性馏分、弱极性馏分在可溶有机质中的相对丰度作为判识卷烟内在品质以及检测卷烟优劣的方法。
