澄明之境,clear state
1)clear state澄明之境
1.LET AESTHETIC THEORY TOWARDS CLEAR STATE IN PRACTICE--also comment on toward clear state;让审美理论在实践中走向澄明之境——兼评《通向澄明之境

1.LET AESTHETIC THEORY TOWARDS CLEAR STATE IN PRACTICE--also comment on toward clear state;让审美理论在实践中走向澄明之境——兼评《通向澄明之境
2.Seeking A World Of Authenticity--Appreciating Landscape Poems By Kong Fu;追寻澄明之境──读孔孚先生的山水诗
3.The New Orientation of Philosophy and a New Interpretation of Final Care哲学的新方向与终极关怀新解──兼就拙著《进入澄明之境》答梁志学先生问
4.Sacred & Clear Realm:Integration of Man s Mind & Natural Objects;神圣与澄明之境:心与物融为一体——论庄子与海德格尔对人与世界原初关联的哲学思考
5.On the Illustration of Chinese Traditional Culture;走向澄明境界——中国传统文化诠释学
6.Comments on the Purity of Buddha Nature--An Interpretention of "Becoming a Buddha after Sudden Enlightenment" in the Sixth Patriarch s Platform Sutra;一念空明澄彻——《坛经》的“一念之谛”的解读
7.On the Lichtung of the Existence of Human Beings:Reflection on the Metaphysica Thinking Emboded in Shi Tiesheng's Prose存在之澄明——史铁生散文中的形而上思考
8.Being Clear,Melodic and Poetic--The Contemporary Significance of Dong Qichang s Landscape Paintings;空明澄澈 诗意境象——论董其昌山水画艺术及其当代意义
9.Comment on the Book-the God Damned Man澄明精神处境的抒写——吴大康小说集《狗男人》的文化解析
10.Constant pursuit of pure beauty--Comment on The Illuminant Aesthetics:Non-mainstream Observe by Liu Shi-lin生生不息的纯粹美追寻——评刘士林的《澄明美学·非主流之观察》
11.On the Light of Body--Reflection on the Bodyness Theory in the Western Philosophy;身体的澄明之途——对西方哲学中的“身体性”问题的思考
12.An Understanding of Theories about Style in SiKong tu s "Siping";泠泠清音 趣味澄夐——解读司空图《诗品》之“实境”风格论的隐深意义
13.Alum will settle turbid water.明矾可以澄清浊水。
14.clarify a remark, statement澄清一项意见、 声明
15.On Differences between "Landscape" and "Poetic Image" and Deficiency of Perspectives of Chinese of Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty on Relationship between Emotion and Landscape;“景”“境”之别与明清人情景论之偏失
16.The statement goes far towards clarifying the case那项声明大大有助于澄清问题。
17.The sky was clear from verge to verge天空这一头到那一头,完全澄澈清明。
18.The teacher's explanation clarify the puzzling problem.老师的说明澄清了困扰的问题。

The Thinking of Clarification"澄明"之思
3)the domain of spaciousness and brightness敞明之境
1.From the perspective of its Chinese origin and its historical noumenal analysis, the origin of beauty is the "brightness" in Chinese, very similar to the existentialist "clarification".从美的汉语本源以及关于它的历史本体分析角度看,美的本源就是汉语中的"明",存在哲学讲的"澄明"也庶几近之,它是事物以透明的审美图式把自身表象、显现为自身。
1.It is similar to "lighting" proposed by Haidegger, a great master of the Western phenomenology, who pondered over the essence of truth and advocated the theory.明清时期,中国画坛革新派代表石涛提出的"一画"论,与西方现象学大师海德格尔基于对真理本质思考得出的艺术"澄明"之境,具有相通的内涵。
2.Being itself as lighting is the event attracted his more attention.海德格尔区分了作为存在者之存在的存在与作为存在的存在,存在本身的澄明是海德格尔所关注的大事情。
1.On the Covering and Clarifying of Teacher s Life Significance;论教师生命意义的遮蔽与澄明
