西方古典美学,western classical aesthetics
1)western classical aesthetics西方古典美学
1.From the point of view about aesthetic methodology,with the treatise about the nature of eastern and western classical aesthetics and art as it s foundation,and putting it into the literary practice,this article stipulates the nature of art at present.本文从美学方法论的角度 ,以对东西方古典美学艺术本质观的论述为基础 ,结合当前的文艺实践 ,对艺术本质给予了现时代的规定。

1.Critique of Chinese & Western Classical aesthetics From the Ken of Cultural Aesthetics文化美学视野与中西方古典美学批判
2.Aesthetics Methodology and Artistic Nature Viewpoints --Aesthetic Nature of Art through the Eastern and Western Classical Aesthetics;美学方法论和艺术本质观——从东、西方古典美学看艺术的审美本质
3.The Transition of Classical Western Aesthetics--The Historical Status and Role of Croce’s Aesthetic Idea;西方古典美学的转折——克罗齐美学思想的历史地位与作用
4.A Discussion on the Aesthetic Theories of Oriental & Occidental Classical Literatures试论东、西方古典文论中的美学理论
5.Eastern and Western classical gardens in the pursuit of the comparative aesthetics中西方古典园林在美学追求上的比较
6.On Aesthetic Features of Harmony and Sublime in Western Classical Chorus;论西方古典合唱艺术的和谐与崇高美学特征
7.On the Taste Modality of Harmonious in Classical Chorus in the West;西方古典合唱中“和谐”的审美形态
8.Transforming Oriental Classics into Western Canon:Spread and Canonization of Waley s Translation of Classical Chinese Poems in Europe and America;东方古典与西方经典——魏理英译汉诗在欧美的传播及其经典化
9.The category is not only the crest of German classic aesthetics category, but also the crest of western neoteric aesthetics.这个美学范畴体系,不仅是德国古典美学范畴的集大成,而且也达到了近代西方美学的高峰。
10.Comparison between modern rhetoric and western classical rhetoric;现代修辞学与西方古典修辞学之比较
11.On Eastern Aesthetic Characteristic of Korean Notes on Classical Poetry Theory论朝鲜古典诗话理论的东方美学特征
12.Inquiry of western classical philosophy to substance and its significance;西方古典哲学对实体的追究及其意义
13.An Inquiry into Poetry and Beauty -Reread Western Aesthetic Classics;诗与美的追问——重读西方美学经典文本
14.English Translation of Classical Chinese Poetry and the Aesthetic Views of Western Readers;中国古典诗歌英译与西方读者的审美观
15.On Evolvement of the Essentialist Mode of Thinking in Western Classical Philosophy西方古典哲学本质主义思维方式的演进
16.Classical Rhetoric and History:On Thucydides;西方古典修辞学与史学——以修昔底德为例
17.The Influence of German Classical Philosophy on Contemporary Western Philosophy;论德国古典哲学对现当代西方哲学的影响
18.On the Turn of Western Modern Philosophy and the Characteristics of German Classical Philosophy;论西方近代哲学的转向与德国古典哲学的性质

western classical rhetoric西方古典修辞学
1.Aristotle was regarded as the forefather of the theory of western classical rhetoric.亚里士多德被视为西方古典修辞学理论的创始人,他编写的论著《修辞学》被认为是西方古典修辞学的理论核心。
3)Western classical philosophy西方古典哲学
4)Western classical西方古典
5)classical esthetics古典美学
6)classic aesthetics古典美学
1.This paper studies Chinese traditional thoughts from the cultural perspective and summarizes its characteristics as follows: strong Confucian influence; emphasis on practical skill; relating closely to Chinese classic aesthetics.从文化视角考察中国传统翻译思想,其主要特点有三:儒学色彩浓厚;强调实践技能;与中国古典美学范畴紧密相关。
2."Qing" is an important category in Chinese classic Aesthetics.“清”是中国古典美学中的一个重要范畴,目前学术界对它的研究无论从广度和深度来说都显得很不够。

《当代西方电影的美学思想》  中国电影理论专著。李幼蒸著。中国社会科学出版社1986年出版。全书分《绪论》、《电影语言》、《电影表现与现实》、《电影"作者"、作品与观众的结构分析》、《反传统电影潮流》和《先锋派电影的实践与理论》 6章21节;介绍了当代西方电影美学研究的重要发展和面临的基本问题;论述了60~70年代西方主要电影美学理论,特别是结构主义和符号学电影理论的基本概念和观点,还涉及电影中的科学研究、哲理表达等问题。