现代审美经验,Modern aesthetic experience
1)Modern aesthetic experience现代审美经验
2)phenomenon of Aesthetic experience审美经验现象

1.Break Through the Contradiction of M.Dufrenne--Theory of Literature in Phénologie de la l Expérience esthétique;从杜夫海纳的困境中突围——《审美经验现象学》中的文学作品理论
2.The Presentation of Works and the Communication of Aesthetic Experience--An Angle from Phenomenology of Art;作品的展现与审美经验的传播──一种艺术现象学的视角
3.The Thought of Aesthetic Disinterestedness of British Empirical Aesthetics and Aesthetic Modernity;经验派美学“审美无利害”思想与审美现代性
4.Husserl s Transcendental Phenomenology and the Genesis of Aesthetic Images of Poetry;胡塞尔的先验现象学与诗歌审美意象的生成
5.Study of Geiger s Aesthetics: Experience and Subject;审美经验与审美对象——莫里茨·盖格尔美学思想研究之
6.On the Attainment of Aesthetic Experience Influenced by Psychical Distance in Literary Translation文学译者的“心理距离”与审美经验实现
7.A New Exploration of Aesthetic Phenomena;审美现象新探——兼评关于审美现象的若干说法
8.The Experience of Skin Sense in Aesthetics;美学现代转型中的肤觉经验——肤觉经验与审美意识研究之一
9.The Aesthetic Sensation·Aesthetic Experience.Aesthetic Imagination.Aesthetic Creation--On the Elements of Creating the Aesthetic Stage Image;审美感知·审美体验·审美想象·审美创造——谈戏剧舞台审美形象的生成要素
10.Jiang Kongyang s Aesthetic Theory: An Aesthetics Returns to Aesthetic Phenomenology;蒋孔阳的美学——还原为审美现象的美学
11.Reconstruction of Inner Relationship among Exeperience, Aesthetic and Practice--Implication of Reflection on Modernity in Dewey’ Theory of Aesthetic Experience重建经验、审美与实践的内在关联——杜威审美经验论的现代性反思意蕴
12.Phenomenological Intentionality and the Generation of Aesthetic Images of Poetry;现象学的意向性与诗审美意象的生成
13.Taste Profundity in Dufrenne Phenomenology of Esthetics杜夫海纳现象学美学中的审美深度
14.Chuanshan interprets aesthetic experience by pratyaksa in his poetical theory, so the Buddhism pratyaksa is translated an aesthetic category.船山在其诗论中用现量来解释审美经验,佛学现量由此而形成审美范畴。
15.The Modern Explanation of Aesthetic Image--Aesthetic Image from Acceptable Aesthetics Angle;审美意象的现代性阐释——接受美学视角中的审美意象
16.On the Thoughts of Aesthetic Experience in Medieval Europe;欧洲中世纪美学的审美经验思想评析
17.The Theories about Aesthetic Experience in the 20th Chinese Aesthetics;20世纪中国美学中的审美经验理论
18.Imagery experience & Poetic Imagination of Musical Appreciation Experience;音乐审美体验中的意象感受与诗意想象

phenomenon of Aesthetic experience审美经验现象
3)modern aesthetics现代审美
1.The modern furniture with raw bambooA blend of tradition form and modern aesthetics;现代原竹家具——传统形式意味与现代审美方式之融合
4)aesthetic experience审美经验
1.On the Expressions of Aesthetic Experience in Literature Creation;试论文学创作中的审美经验表达
5)aesthetic experiences审美经验
1.aesthetic distance is a very important topic in aesthetic experiences, which includes aesthetic temporal distance.审美距离是审美经验中一个非常重要的问题 ,审美距离包括审美时间距离、审美空间距离、审美心理距离和审美情感距离。
2.The numerous contemporary aesthetic experiences come from the numerous new phenomena and new things in the present society,which has the combined natures of modernism,premodernism and postmodernism.审美经验是审美主体在具体的审美活动中所获得的生理和心理的经验和感受。
3.Dewey is the key person of the Pragmatist Aesthetics who holds that aesthetic experiences are rooted in daily experiences,but some indispensable conditions are needed to turn the daily experiences into the aesthetic ones.杜威是实用主义美学的核心人物,他认为审美经验根源于日常经验,但是日常经验要转变为真正的审美经验,还需要创造和满足多项条件。
6)aesthetic modernity审美现代性
1.Cognition and Reconstruction: An Opinion on Aesthetic Modernity in Contemporary China;认识与重写——关于当代中国“审美现代性”问题的一种意见
2.The four layers of aesthetic modernity;理解审美现代性的四个层面
