中产阶级意识,Middle Class Consciousness
1)Middle Class Consciousness中产阶级意识

1.On Ideological Color of Middle Class in Network Literature;论网络文学的中产阶级意识形态色彩
2.Discussion of Chinese Industrial Workers class Consciousness of the Present Age;当代中国产业工人的阶级意识问题研究
3.The Origin of "the Proletariat Ideology" in Theory and Practice;“无产阶级意识形态”之理论与实践源探
4.Sun Yat-sen had the petty bourgeoisie and the national bourgeoisie in mind.孙中山的意思是说小资产阶级和民族资产阶级。
5.A Probe into the Family Consciousness of the Middle and Upper Middle Class in the Mid-Victorian Era;维多利亚时代中期英国中产阶级中上层的家庭意识探究
6.Class Orientation of the Intelligentsia & Class Basis of the CPC知识分子的阶级定位与中国共产党的阶级基础
7.It is inevitable that the bourgeoisie and petty bourgeoisie will give expression to their own ideologies.资产阶级、小资产阶级,他们的思想意识是一定要反映出来的。
8.The creation of a new underclass in China and its implications.中国新的下层阶级的产生和它的含意。
9.Aware of belonging to a particular socioeconomic class.阶级意识的意识到属于某一社会经济阶级的
10.The cognition of CPC to national bourgeoisie during 1921 to 1927;1921-1927年中国共产党对民族资产阶级的认识
11.Evolution Process in which the Communist Party of China Understands the Bourgeoisie中国共产党对资产阶级认识的演变过程
12.On Constructing Functional Categories of Syntactic Structures in Teaching Intermediate Chinese Grammar;中级阶段汉语语法教学中功能类意识的构建
13.Community Participation of the Middle Stratum: on Sense and Channel;中产阶层的社区参与:意识与渠道研究
14.At times this kind of generation consciousness is even sharper than class consciousness.有时,这种年辈意识比阶级意识更鲜明。
15.Class discourses are orthodox ideology of contemporary China's law science.阶级话语是当代中国法学的正统意识形态。
16.On the Class Analysis in Ideological Criticism of Marxism;试论马克思意识形态批判中的阶级分析方法
17.On the Dialectical Characteristics in Lukas' History and Class Consciousness论卢卡奇《历史与阶级意识》中的辩证法特点
18.A person belonging to the middle class.中产阶级属于中产阶级的一员

Proletarian consciousness无产阶级意识
3)proletarian class consciousness无产阶级阶级意识
1.This paper explains Lukacs\' History and Class Consciousness from a new perspective with the aim to find the inner consistency among reified consciousness,historical overall dialectics and proletarian class consciousness,and it ultimately forms the basic opinion that the historical overall dialectics is consistent with proletarian class consciousness in the social historical level.以一个全新视角对卢卡奇的《历史与阶级意识》一书进行解读,旨在挖掘物化意识、历史总体性辩证法和无产阶级阶级意识三者的内在一致性,最终形成了"历史总体性辩证法与无产阶级的阶级意识在社会历史层面上具有鲜明一致性"的基本观点。
4)class consciousness阶级意识
1.Explore this phenomenon using the historical,cultural and regional character,these folk tales refract the moral concept and class consciousness of peasantry in northeast China in the old days.这些故事折射出的是旧东北农民的道德观念和阶级意识,对统治阶级的贬损和对下层民众的认同构成了这些民间故事的品格。
2.They had clear class consciousness,described significant historical events,and presented lives of workers and peasants.清醒的阶级意识、叙写重大历史事件、表现工农生活是其突出特征。
5)the proletariat ldeology无产阶级意识形态
6)bourgeois ideology资产阶级意识形态

中产1.中等财产。 2.中等财产的人家。