话语批评,Discourse criticism
1)Discourse criticism话语批评

1.A Discourse Criticism:Reflection on a New Approach of Literary Criticism;话语批评学:关于一种文艺批评新模式的思考
2.couch criticisms in tactful language以委婉的话语提出批评
3.Critical Metaphor Analysis:A New Method of Critical Discourse Analysis;批评话语分析的新方法:批评隐喻分析
4.Critical Perspective on Discourse Studies: From Critical Linguistics to Critical Discourse Analysis;语篇研究的批评视角:从批评语言学到批评话语分析
5.animadversion: a critical or censorious remark意见,评论: 评论或批评性的话语。
6.SHIFT OF PERSPECTIVE IN THE PARADIGM OF ARCHITECTURAL CRITICISM:From Linguistic Criticism to Discourse Analysis建筑批评范式的转向——从语言学批评到话语学批评
7.A Critical Discourse Analysis of Classic Fairy Tales: A Gender Study批评话语视角下经典童话的性别研究
8.A Critical Discourse Analysis of Discourse Power of College English Teacher;从批评话语分析角度看大学英语教师话语权
9.The Relation between Mainstream Discourse and Critical Discourse in Western Linguistics;西方语言学中主流话语与批评话语的关系
10.Critical Discourse Analysis of Political News Reports-Under the Framework of Appraisal Theory;评价理论对政治新闻的批评话语分析
11.An Introduction to Analysing Newspapers: An Approach from Critical Discourse Analysis《分析报纸:批评话语分析的方法》之述评
12.Multi-approaches to Critical Schools--Review on Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis;批判学派的多视角研究——《批评话语分析方法》评介
13.An Analysis of Questions in Senior High English Classroom Discourse-From the Perspective of CDA;高中英语课堂话语问句的批评性分析
14.A Critical Discourse Analysis of Women Language in Sense and Sensibility;《理智与情感》女性语言的批评话语分析
15.Critical Discourse Analysis of English Political News Reports;英语政治新闻报道的批评性话语分析
16.On the "Inter-Lingual Nature" of the Current Chinese Literature Criticism Discourse;当下中国文学批评话语“语际性”研究
17.An Effective Approach to Critical Discourse Analysis--Functional Grammar;批评话语分析的有效工具——功能语法
18.Critical Discourse Analysis and Positivei Discourse Analysis:from deconstructon to construction;批评话语分析与积极话语分析:从解构走向建构

critical discourse批评话语
1.This paper uncovers mainstream discourse and critical discourse s continuation and disintegration on the attitude to language and its reason, and holds that clarifying the different perspectives is a necessary precondition of knowing language and a better interpretation of their relationship.主流话语和批评话语在对语言的态度上形成了复杂的关系,澄清其视角之不同是对语言深刻认识的必要前提。
2.Yet the regular metrical feet is the end rhyme,which make Liu Xie s critical discourse aesthetic melody and natural rhyme because he used a rhyme according to the meaning.这一特质使得《文心雕龙》批评话语在声音系统上具有回环和谐的旋律美。
3.Starting with the popularization of English in the age of globalization and its impact on Chinese critical discourse, the essay puts forward some corresponding strategies: confronting the challenge of globalization and mastering the English language, by menas of which, putting forward Chinese critical strategies in communicating with Western scholarship in an attempt to construct Chinese.本文从全球化时代英语的普及以及对中国文学批评话语的冲击入手 ,提出了一些相应的对策 :既迎接全球化的挑战 ,掌握英语这一文化传播工具 ,同时又在与西方学术界的交流中借助英语这一工具提出中国批评的策略 ,最终达到中国文学批评话语的建构。
3)words criticize话语学批评
4)critical discourse rights批评话语权
1.The consequent expansion of critical methodology is discussed in the dimension of the reconstruction of net medium art critical language,the critical discourse rights of the common people,and the theoretical completeness and its basis of criticism.从建构传统美术批评体系中的批评家与批评话语权之间的关系入手,就当下社会生活中的网络传播媒介对传统美术批评体系的解构现象进行了初步探讨,并从网络美术批评语言的重构、批评话语权的平民化方式、批评的学理完整性和依据以及批评的思维方式等方面对当代美术批评方法论的拓展进行了思考性阐述。
5)critical discourse analysis批评话语分析
1.Review of the application of critical discourse analysis to the study of intercultural communication;简评批评话语分析在跨文化交际学研究中的应用
2.Integration of Cognitive Linguistics and Critical Discourse Analysis;试论认知语言学与批评话语分析的融合
3.Critical Discourse Analysis of Gender:An Overview;社会性别的批评话语分析述评
6)Critical discourse analysis批评性话语分析
1.Critical discourse analysis can help the public realize the reality of hidden power and ideology in and behind discourse.本文探索了批评性话语分析的理论渊源,并论述了批评性话语分析的研究方法和研究范围,最后论文阐述了批评性话语分析的研究前景和研究意义,作者认为批评性话语分析在语言学界日益成为一个学术焦点,对批评性话语分析的研究能使公众认清话语中隐藏的权力、意识形态的真实面貌,同时在揭露权力话语对公众的欺诈性上是具有深远意义的。
2.This paper reviews and comments on the critical turn that took place overseas in the field of intercultural communication study as well as new developments from the application of critical discourse analysis to intercultural communication by mainland Chinese scholars.对海外跨文化交际学研究中的批评转向和国内跨文化交际学研究者使用批评性话语分析的最新发展作简要述评,旨在为我国学者对本世纪跨文化交际学的研究方向和方法作战略调整提供参考。
3.In this paper,the author tries to sketch a general situation of the critical discourse analysis from its origins,theories,contents and the achievement it has reached and the difficulties to face.文章对批评性话语分析从其起源、理论发展、研究的内容及所取得的成就和所面临的困难等方面加以概括,以期为总体性了解批评性话语分析有所裨益。

批评与自我批评  中国共产党在长期革命斗争中形成的优良作风之一,也是社会主义学校德育方法之一。它在形成健全的集体舆论,树立良好校风,提高学生觉悟和帮助学生改正缺点错误方面都有重要作用。    批评是指教师对学生或学生对同学的不恰当的思想言行给予否定的评价,唤起他们的警觉,去努力改正自己的错误和缺点。为了使批评能够收到良好的效果,批评者要弄清被批评者错误的事实及其来龙去脉,进行符合实际的恰如其分的批评;要有耐心,允许被批评者申辩,并通过摆事实、讲道理帮助他们认识错误,指出改正的办法,启发他们自觉改正。与此同时,要充分估计被批评者可能作出的反应,设法防止其反应的消极方面,或做好准备,使其及时消除。要从团结的愿望出发,尊重学生的人格,鼓励学生自我改正的信心。批评要取得学生集体的支持,以加强批评教育的作用。要教育学生正确对待批评,不讳疾忌医,不因受到批评而失去上进的信心。    自我批评是指在自我认识、自我评价的基础上,对自己不恰当的思想言行进行批评,督促自己改正错误和缺点。自我批评是自我教育的重要方式。要帮助学生充分理解共产主义思想品德的要求,使他们明了自我认识和自我评价的准绳。人们的自我认识和自我评价的能力,常常落后于认识和评价他人的能力,要教育学生对自己高标准、严要求,经常反省和深刻剖析自己的思想言行。要教育和鼓励学生根据社会主义社会和学校生活的准则,诚恳地检讨自己的思想言行,争取老师、同学对自己更多的帮助。