哀而不伤,Sadness but no resentment
1)Sadness but no resentment哀而不伤

1.Confucius said: "The Kuan Tzu [Note: The Kuan Tzu ("The Cry of the Ospreys") allows for pleasure without Being lewd and allows for grief without Being too painful."子曰:「关雎,乐而不淫,哀而不伤。」
2.Harmony: Confucius Music Thought.;乐而不淫,哀而不伤——关于孔子的“和”的音乐美学思想
3.She lamented having lost her father.她因失去父亲而哀伤。
4.She was disconsolate about her son's death.她因儿子的死而哀伤。
5.He was in deep mourning for his father.他为父亲之死而哀伤。
6.To give forth a mournful or ominous sound.发出哀鸣发出哀伤或不祥的声音
7.She is disconsolate at the death of her cat.她对猫的死哀伤不已。
8.The traditional Chinese solution would be to withdraw and dwell in sadness.古中国人的作法是「退而自伤」;也就是说不再规劝,退开一边,默默的哀伤。
9.To save thee from the blame Of all my grief and grame?别让人不你责怪,给我带来忧伤和悲哀。
10.If thinking on me then should make you woe.如果想起我会使你不胜哀伤。
11.No, I must hide my sorrow for Romeo.“不,我必须隐藏对罗密欧的哀伤。
12.experiencing or showing or causing sorrow or unhappiness.经历、显露哀伤或不快乐的。
13.She mourned her dead child for many years.她孩子死了多年, 她仍哀伤不已.
14.Reading "The Fu of Grief" in "Wenxuan;所遇无敌物,焉得不速老——读《文选》“哀伤赋”
15.Through the total fading away and extinction of craving,decay and death,sorrow,lamentation,suffering,grief,and despair are extinguished.彻底消除和根绝欲望后,生老病死,悲伤,哀痛,苦难,不幸和绝望就一扫而光。
16.Mona Monroe mourned the moral morass of the monster.门罗夫人为这个陷入道德困境的怪物而哀伤。
17.KJV] Behold, my servants shall sing for joy of heart, but ye shall cry for sorrow of heart, and shall howl for vexation of spirit.[新译]看哪!我的仆人必因心里高兴而欢呼,你们却要因心中伤痛而哀叫,因灵里破碎而哀号。
18.[KJV] Behold, my servants shall sing for joy of heart, but ye shall cry for sorrow of heart, and shall howl for vexation of spirit.看哪!我的仆人必因心里高兴而欢呼,你们却要因心中伤痛而哀叫,因灵里破碎而哀号。

lament but not regret哀而不恨
1.In The Biography of Yingying, the famous novel in the Tang Dynasty, the artistic image of Miss Cui s "lament but not regret" is of great significance for us to understand the meaning of life.研究唐代著名小说《莺莺传》中崔莺莺的艺术形象 ,破译其“哀而不恨”的密码 ,对于我们揭示这一人生主题具有积极的意义。
3)grieve but not fume哀而不怒
4)sad but not injured悲而不伤
1.The most meaningful description is death which was written as a sad but not injured sentiment so that the works casts a romantic atmo-sphere.其中最有意味的是作者对于死亡的描写,其营造的悲而不伤的情调使作品蒙上一层淡远悠长的浪漫情调。
1.Investigation and analysis on the nurses recognition of grief consultation and strategies;护士哀伤咨询认知的调查分析及对策
2.The difference in material-drawing between the two appears in the kind of fu concerning "grief" and that concerning "ambition".二者取材的差异主要体现在有关“哀伤”一类的赋及有关“志”类的赋。
6)not grieved for; causing no mourning.不被哀悼的;不能引起哀伤的。
