落花和剑寒,flower and coldness of sword
1)flower and coldness of sword落花和剑寒
2)Hylocereus undatus剑花
1.Study on Ultrasonic Extraction of Total Saponin from Hylocereus undatus;超声波法提取剑花总皂苷工艺研究
2.Planting and Machining Technics of Hylocereus undatus;剑花的繁殖栽培和加工技术
3.Hylocereus undatus, a typical flower of province Guangdong, was loved bypeople of province Guangdong.剑花,又称量天尺、霸王花,是广东的一种特色花卉,素为广东人所喜爱;但人们对其研究不多,就文献来看,已有对剑花的研究主要集中在三方面:(1)剑花栽培等生理条件的研究;(2)剑花营养成分的研究;(3)剑花代谢物的研究,对活性成分很少。
1.It demands foil fencers having very good ability in controlling the point of blade because the effective area is very small according to the rule.击剑是1种竞技性、技术性很强的运动项目,其中花剑由于受规则限制,刺中有效面积狭小,对运动员控制剑尖的能力提出很高的要求。
2.The study examined influential factors of foil fencers decision-making in simulating fencing situation.研究了影响花剑运动员决策速度和准确性的因素。
3.Aim: Correctly measure and evaluate the anaerobic performance of elite foilsmen so as towork out programs for physical ability training.目的:通过准确测定与评价个体优秀花剑运动员的无氧代谢能力,为其合理制定体能训练计划提供帮助。

1.The epee is the dueling sword. The blade is stiffer.重剑是决斗用剑,剑体比花剑坚硬。
2.Foil, epee and sabre are the three weapons used in the sport of Fencing,击剑运动有三种武器:重剑、花剑、佩剑。
3.Foil, epee and sabre are the three weapons used in fencing competitons.花剑,重剑和佩剑三种剑在击剑比赛中使用。
4.Foil, epee and sabre are the three weapons used in fencing competitions.在击剑比赛中使用花剑、重剑和佩剑三种剑。
5.There are three kinds of sword used in the Olympic fencing-foil, sabre, and epee.奥运会击剑比赛使用的剑有三种:花剑、佩剑和重剑。
6."Oh, you know quite a bit. The sport of fencing is also developed from military skills. It is a sport of dueling with foil, epee, and saber."你还真知道得不少。击剑也是源于战争手段。击剑有花剑、重剑、佩剑。
7.The foil is a trusting weapon with on cutting edge.花剑没有劈打用的剑刃,是刺戳用兵器。
8.The foil is a thrusting weapon with no cutting edge.花剑,没有劈杀用剑刃,是刺戳用兵器。
9.The foil isa thrusting weapon with no cutting edge.花剑没有劈杀用的剑刃,是刺戳用兵器。
10.The Swing Puncture in the Male Fleuret Competition;甩剑刺在当今男子花剑比赛中的运用
11.The art or sport of using a foil, an??, or a saber in attack and defense.击剑,击剑术用金属薄片、重剑或花剑攻击或防御的艺术或运动
12.foil:A thrusting sword with a flexible rectangular blade and a smaller guard than the epee.花剑:突刺剑,有柔韧的四菱形剑身,带有比重剑小的护手盘。
13.In foil and epee, a touch can be considered valid only if it is made with the point of the weapon.在花剑和重剑比赛中,只有用剑尖触及对方才算有效。
14.In foil and saber, only the attacking fencer can score a point.在花剑和佩剑比赛中,只有进攻方才能得分。
15.Application on the Thrown Thrust to the Chinese Men s Foil Competitions;甩剑刺技术在我国男子花剑比赛中的运用
16.The Importance of Using Line of Fencing Strategy in Foil Match;花剑比赛中运用击剑线技、战术的重要性
17.The Function in Foil Play and Training Methods to Control the Point of Blade;控制剑尖在花剑比赛中的作用及其训练方法
18.Research on the Development Trend of the World-level Men s Foil on the New Judging Apparatus and the Strategy of the Development of Jiangsu Men s Foil;新裁判器下世界男子花剑发展趋势及我省男子花剑发展对策

Hylocereus undatus剑花
1.Study on Ultrasonic Extraction of Total Saponin from Hylocereus undatus;超声波法提取剑花总皂苷工艺研究
2.Planting and Machining Technics of Hylocereus undatus;剑花的繁殖栽培和加工技术
3.Hylocereus undatus, a typical flower of province Guangdong, was loved bypeople of province Guangdong.剑花,又称量天尺、霸王花,是广东的一种特色花卉,素为广东人所喜爱;但人们对其研究不多,就文献来看,已有对剑花的研究主要集中在三方面:(1)剑花栽培等生理条件的研究;(2)剑花营养成分的研究;(3)剑花代谢物的研究,对活性成分很少。
1.It demands foil fencers having very good ability in controlling the point of blade because the effective area is very small according to the rule.击剑是1种竞技性、技术性很强的运动项目,其中花剑由于受规则限制,刺中有效面积狭小,对运动员控制剑尖的能力提出很高的要求。
2.The study examined influential factors of foil fencers decision-making in simulating fencing situation.研究了影响花剑运动员决策速度和准确性的因素。
3.Aim: Correctly measure and evaluate the anaerobic performance of elite foilsmen so as towork out programs for physical ability training.目的:通过准确测定与评价个体优秀花剑运动员的无氧代谢能力,为其合理制定体能训练计划提供帮助。
5)sisal flower剑麻花
1.Using rutin as the standard sample, the flavonoids substances in sisal flower were determined through methyl alcohol ultrasonic extraction and ultraviolet spectrophotometer.以芦丁为标样,对剑麻花中黄酮类化合物采用甲醇超声提取,用紫外分光光度法测定,结果表明,在选定的实验条件下,芦丁的浓度和吸光度呈良好的线性关系,标准曲线的相关系数为0。
2.In this study, petroleum ether-phase, ethyl acetate-phase and n-butanol-phase fractions of ethanol extract of sisal flower and polysaccharides extracted from the ethanol extraction residue were prepared and then their antioxidant activities were evaluated by measuring the scavenging rates to DPPH radical (DPPH·), hydroxyl radical (·OH) and superoxide anion radical (O-2·) respectively .本实验分别就剑麻花乙醇提取物石油醚相、乙酸乙酯相和正丁醇相以及剑麻花多糖对DPPH·、·OH和O-2·三种自由基的清除率进行了测定,并与合成抗氧化剂TBHQ、BHT进行对比。
6)women foil女子花剑
1.By the ways of documentation,expert interview,statistics and experiment,and applying the relative theories of sports training and sports physiology,training,test and analysis were arranged on the choice reaction time of Shanghai amateur women foil fencers.采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、数理统计法和实验法等方法,运用运动训练学、运动生理学等相关理论,对上海女子花剑队三线运动员的选择反应时进行训练、测量和分析,从而验证一些反应时的专门训练方法是否能短时间内缩短花剑运动员的选择反应时,提高运动员反应速度,为更好的促进上海女子花剑的发展提供条件。

落花【诗文】:高阁客竟去,小园花乱飞。参差连曲陌,迢递送斜晖。肠断未忍扫,眼穿仍欲归。芳心向春尽,所得是沾衣。【注释】:【注解】:1、参差:指花影的迷离,承上句乱飞意。2、芳心:指花,也指自己看花的心意。3、沾衣:指流泪。【韵译】:高阁上的游客们已经竞相离去;小园的春花随风凋零纷纷乱飞。花影参差迷离接连着弯弯小径;远望落花回舞映着斜阳的余晖。我的肝肠欲断不忍把落红扫去;望眼欲穿盼来春天却匆匆回归。爱花惜花自然要怨春去得太早;春尽花谢所得的只是落泪沾衣。【评析】:这是一首专咏落花的诗。首联写落花与人的心情,含蓄蕴籍耐人寻味。颔联从不同角度描写落花“乱飞”的具体情状。颈联直接抒发情感,巴望花不再落而不能。末联写花为装点春天而开,却落得飘零沾衣的结局。表达了素怀壮志,不见用于世的凄婉和感慨。全诗洋溢着伤春惜花之感,情思如痴,委婉动人。--引自"超纯斋诗词"bookbest.163.net 翻译、评析:刘建勋【简析】:既是叹花也是自叹,感叹青春已逝和身世漂零。【出处】:唐诗三百首全唐诗