灵魂的自我观望,Self-view of the soul
1)Self-view of the soul灵魂的自我观望
2)self-rescued soul自我灵魂拯救
3)The inner self of an individual; the soul.人内在自我;灵魂
4)the earnest expectation in the deep soul灵魂瞩望

1.Accomplishers: Earnest Expectations in the Deep Soul of Yang Zhijun and Jack.London;终结者:杨志军与杰克·伦敦的灵魂瞩望
2.Hope to win salvation hereafter.希望将来得到灵魂拯救
3.Great souls have wills; feeble ones have only wishes.伟大的灵魂拥有意志,而软弱的灵魂只有愿望。
4.Love and desire are the spirit's wings to greet deeds.爱和愿望是飞向壮举的灵魂双翼。
5.Our soul pants for the draught that is beyond its reach.我们的灵魂渴望着那力所不能的一饮。
6.These wishes, they say, come from the depths of the soul.他们说,这些愿望来自我们的灵魂深处。
7.Christians hope and pray for salvation.基督教徒希望并祈祷灵魂得救。
8.Despair and anguish fled( from) the struggling soul.绝望和痛苦离开了挣扎中的灵魂。
9.Atheism is the death of hope, the suicide of the soul.无神论不啻是希望的死亡,灵魂的自杀。
10.Hope is the thing with feather that perches in the soul.希望是栖息于灵魂中的一种会飞翔的东西。
11.He wanted to fill his soul's lungs with the pure radiance.他盼望那纯净的光辉能够洒遍他的灵魂深处。
12.Love is a moving sea, between our soul!爱是波澜起伏的海洋,我们的灵魂隔海相望!
13.Sarat's soul longed for the all-embracing realization of the Godhead.萨拉特的灵魂渴望认识包括一切的神性。
14.I do not believe in immortality, and have no desire for it.我不相信灵魂不灭的说法,自己也没有这种愿望。
15.The Soul Watching in the Pessimistic World: On Weiwei s Three Short Fictions;悲情人世的灵魂守望——评魏微短篇小说三篇
16.To Guide and Observe Soul-The Study on Human Nature in the Novels by Wang Biao;在灵魂边缘处守望——王彪小说中的人性思索
17.Souls Besieged by Desires: A Thematic Survey on Macbeth and Emperor Jones;惨遭欲望围困的灵魂──《麦克白》和《琼斯皇》主题评析
18.LuXun And Kenzaburo Oe:Two Unyielding Soul Towerman鲁迅与大江健三郎:两个不屈的灵魂守望者

self-rescued soul自我灵魂拯救
3)The inner self of an individual; the soul.人内在自我;灵魂
4)the earnest expectation in the deep soul灵魂瞩望
5)The soul watching灵魂守望
6)Keep Watching the Soul守望灵魂
