人文关怀缺失,Deficiency of humanistic care
1)Deficiency of humanistic care人文关怀缺失

1.Research on the Absence of Human Solicitude in English Teaching大学英语教学中人文关怀缺失的研究
2.Analysis about the Lack of Hunan Care in Current Education News Report;当前教育新闻报道中人文关怀缺失现象分析
3.The Deficiency And Countermeasures of Humanistic Care In China Tour Service;我国旅游服务中的人文关怀缺失与对策
4.On the Lack of Human Care for Students Ideological and Political Education in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职学生思想政治教育人文关怀缺失问题研究
5.The Analysis and Ponder on Lack of Humanism in Sporting News对体育新闻人文关怀缺失的分析与思考
6.On the Lack of Humanistic Care in the English Language Teaching of Higher Vocational-technical College and Its Counter-strategies;高职英语教学中人文关怀的缺失及其对策
7.Analyzing the Deficiency of Humanistic Solicitude in Kindergarten Class Rule;透视人文关怀在幼儿园班级规则中的缺失
8.Deficiency and Permeation: the News Communication under the Vision of Humane Care;缺失与渗透:人文关怀视野下的新闻传播
9.The Losing of Humanism Solicitude in the Ideological and Political Education and the Strategies for Them;思想政治教育中人文关怀的缺失及应对策略
10.The Lack of Humanistic Concern in the Ideological and Political Education of Universities and the Way to Dealing with It高校思想政治教育人文关怀的缺失及其对策
11.Research on the Absence of Human Spirit in Education;关于教育中人文精神缺失问题的研究
12.The Contents and Realization of Medical Humanism:construction of medical humanism from the esthetical perspective;医学人文关怀应关怀什么和怎样关怀——美学视角下的人文关怀建设
13.On the Difficulties of Structuralist Literary Criticism;失落了的人文关怀——结构主义文学批评的理论困境
15.Cultural Reasoning on Missing of Humanitarian Contents in Modern China s Education;关于当代中国教育中人性内容缺失的文化思考
16.On the Failures in the Protection of Ancient Civilian Houses and the Loss of Humanistic Care--A Case Study of Kuanzhai Alley in Chengdu论古民居保护中的败笔与人文关怀的流失——以成都宽窄巷子为例
17.The Lack and Germ of Sports Philanthropy;体育社会关怀功能在我国的缺失与萌芽
18.A Study on Scarcity of Feeling Care to Students in Rural Elementary Boarding School农村寄宿制小学情感关怀缺失问题研究

lack of humanism人文关怀缺席
3)humanistic solicitude人文关怀
1.Research on essence of natural disaster's in the era of humanistic solicitude;人文关怀语境下的自然灾害本质探析
2.Discussion on application of humanistic solicitude in clinical method teaching;人文关怀在《临床方法》教学中的应用探讨
3.On application of humanistic solicitude in clinical teaching of obstetrics and gynecology;“人文关怀”在妇产科临床实习教学中应用研究
4)humanistic care人文关怀
1.Construct a Harmonious Physician-Patient Relationship by Carrying out Humanistic Care;推行人文关怀,构建和谐医患关系
2.Application progress of humanistic care in teaching of nursing specialty courses;人文关怀在护理专业课教学中的应用进展
3.The practice and effect of humanistic care for critical patients in ICU;对重症监护病房患者实施人文关怀的做法与效果
5)humane care人文关怀
1.The relationship between medical quality zero deficiency and humane care;医疗质量零缺陷与人文关怀
2.From Technique Supremacy To Humane Care --An Prerequisite For the Transformation of Morden Medical Model during Practice;从技术至上走向人文关怀——现代医学模式在实践中转化的必要条件
3.Humane Care: Inevitable Alternation to Knowledgeable Statf in Contemporary Enterprises;人文关怀:现代企业对知识型员工管理的必然选择
6)Human care人文关怀
1.The way to expand human care for Higher Vocational College students' ideological and political education拓展高职院校学生思想政治教育人文关怀的途径
2.Human care is the core conception and an important task in nursing.人文关怀是护理的核心概念和中心任务。
3.Doctors as the medical main body should be encyclopedical human diathesis represent hospital human care.医院人文关怀表现为作为医疗主体的医生必须具备广博的人文素养;医院应当遵循“救死扶伤,实行革命人道主义”的医疗原则;实行人文关怀的目的在于“以患者为上帝”。

人文1.指礼乐教化。。 2.泛指各种文化现象。 3.人事。指人世间事。 4.习俗,人情。