美的人性,Beautiful human nature
1)Beautiful human nature美的人性

1.Seeking Perfect Humanity-A Review of 《The Son & the Lover》by Lawrance寻求完美的人性——评劳伦斯《儿子与情人》
2.He was entrancing, with that epicene beauty.他是迷人的,带着女性美。
3.An aesthetic sense, an instinct for beauty, is one of the universal attributes of human beings.美感。 即受美的本能,是人类的共性之一。
4.The Beauty of the Human Nature s Tragedy, the Beauty of the Tragedy s Human Nature;人性的悲剧美,悲剧的人性美——解读《平凡的世界》的美学价值
5.Freedom,Characteristics and Aesthetic Judgment--Attention on the Preschool Arts Education on the Development of aesthetic personality;自由·个性·审美——关注“审美型”人格发展的美术教育
6.The purpose of aesthetics is to develop and perfect personality and human nature.审美教育的目的在于发展人性、善人格。
7.An American Tragedy: The Alienation of Human Nature of the Protagonist;《美国的悲剧》中主人公的人性异化
8.The Harmonious Beauty under the New Vision--A Brief Comment on the Humanitarian Ecological Aesthetics and Technical Aesthetics;展望新视野下的谐和性之美——浅论人性化的生态美学与技术美学
9.The pursue to the aesthetic humanity and personality s beauty--The art style s comparison between Rococo arts and Yangzhou Baguai of China;人性美与人格美的追求——罗可可美术与“扬州八怪”艺术风格之比较
10.Aesthetics Is Rooted in the Depth of Hunan Nature--On the Aesthetical Anthropology thought Embodied in the "Letters of Aesthetical Education;美根植于人性深处——《审美教育书简》中的审美人类学思想
11.On Aesthetic Characteristic and Ethics Standard of Chinese and Western Literary Female s Human Body Description;论中西文人女性人体描写的审美特征
12.Male otherness in Chinese North-American women English literature北美华人女性英文叙事中的男性他者
13.Analysis on Remote City s Natural Beauty and Humanity Beauty--Read Remote City of Shencongwen Once Again;论边城的美与人性的美——重读沈从文的《边城》
14.Awkward of Beauty--Mo Yan s Story< A Beautiful Girl> s Feminism Reading;美的尴尬——莫言《冰雪美人》的女性主义解读
15.Aesthetics Outlook of Perceptive Desire Thinking of Realistic aesthetics of Human Nature;认知欲望的审美观照——现实主义美学的人性之维
16.Instead, from the appearance, you will see the real beauty of humanity and motherhood in the character herself,@ Gong Li said.透过她的外表你将看到这个人物内在的真正的人性美和母性美。”
17.On Translator s Aesthetic Subjectivity in the Translations of Yumeiren;从《虞美人》译本比较谈译者的主体审美性
18.The Correlation between Aesthetic Concept on the Shaping of Human Body and Aesthetic Theory of Modeling Design;人体形态审美与造型设计美学原理的相关性

a sultry beauty性感的美人
3)American traits美国人的特性
1.His kind and innocent nature and his adventurous experience of challenging morality and law vividly manifests the American traits:kind and frank, in pursuit of freedom,dreaming of peace,prefering challenges and .他的反叛性格与当时社会传统道德约束下的人们形成了鲜明的对比,其善良率真的天性,勇于挑战道德和法律的历险经历生动地表现了美国人的特性—善良率真、追求自由、向往和平;喜欢挑战和冒险;充满了开拓精神和勇气;信从于直觉对是非曲直的判断;富有英雄主义色彩。
4)Call for the Old Verities and Truths of the Heart, the Universal Truths美好人性的召唤
5)Beauty and Ugliness of Human Nature人性的美好和丑恶
6)On the Beauty of Human Nature in Criminal Law刑法的人性美特征

性感性感sexsensation 心理名。为启动性亲近的心理体验,是性 与美感密切相关的表征。它能给异性以强烈、集中的心理感受。男性的性感体征集中于躯体 、肌肉与眼神上;女性为眼、唇、乳房、臀部与圆润白晰的双臂、精巧修长的腿脚上。性感 的调动,有时衣着起一定的作用,如透明丝袜、乳罩、口红、香水及暖色内衣,皆有助于性 感。在心理状态良好时,某些音乐、声音(语言)也可调动性感。