圣贤精神,spirit of oracle
1)spirit of oracle圣贤精神
1.Luo Ru-fang holds that the spirit of oracle lies in every time-being,which leads people to the way to aesthetics.泰州学派三传弟子罗汝芳提出的"圣贤精神不离当下"为人们指明了一条实践美的途径。

1.On Luo Rufang's Practical Aesthetics试论罗汝芳“圣贤精神不离当下”的实践美学思想
2.Approaching the Prophets and Learning to Care--A Lesson to College Students from the Beauty of Du Fu s Personality;走进圣贤 学会关心——杜甫的人格之美对大学生精神成人的启示
3.hymns that inspire the congregation圣歌振奋会众的精神
4.HOLY MATTER, HOLY MIND--An Aesthetic Approach to the Functioning of the Mind;神圣的物质 神圣的精神——心灵活动的审美探讨
5.The self-realized and holy saint endowed with divine revelation will instruct you in wisdom.被赋予了神的启示,觉悟了的圣贤们将会把智慧教导给你。
6.They are philosophers.他们是有学问的圣贤.
7.He is obviously a gangster, but he pretends to be a saint.分明是强盗,却要装圣贤。
8.Yang Xianjiang s Thoughts on Editing and Journal Running:An Analysis of Transformation of "Students Magazine" by Yang Xianjiang;试析杨贤江的编辑思想与办刊精神——兼论杨贤江对《学生杂志》的改造与革新
9.A Pluralistic Perspective of ZHANG Xian-liang s Fictional Characterizations;多元参照的文化视觉——论张贤亮小说中人物的精神世界
10.But he, Saint Nicholas, and Father Christmas are spirits of giving.但是圣尼古拉斯和圣诞父亲象征着给于的精神。
11.The Spirit of Santa Doesn't Wear A Red Suit圣诞老人的精神不穿红衣
12.a Christian sacrament signifying spiritual cleansing and rebirth.精神纯洁与复活的基督教圣礼。
13.Allegorize the quest for the Holy Grail as an inner spiritual search.把寻求圣杯解释为内在的精神追求
14.“Being an Inner Sage so as to Rule the Outer World” and the Construction of the Spirit of Chinese Nation;“内圣外王”与中华民族精神的建构
15.《Lives of the Saints 》: A metaphor of modern westerner′s psychological puzzledom;《圣徒传》:现代西方人精神困境的隐寓
16.One day, he saw in an old temple some murals depicting Heaven and Earth and the gods and sages of ancient times.有一天,他看到一座古庙里的墙壁上,画着天地神灵和古代圣贤的故事。
17.a belief that there is a realm controlled by a divine spirit.相信有神圣魂灵主宰的精神领域的一种信仰。
18.The Fable of Recognition: A Study of Northrop Frye as a Prophet重新进入神圣精神的寓言:弗莱作为先知的研究

Bible spirit圣经精神
3)the spirit of the excellent men of library图苑先贤精神
4)the idea of sages and persons of virtue圣贤观
1.It shows in the idea of sages and persons of virtue that it respects both Confucius and Laozi,but considering confucius to be wiser than Laoz.在本体论上表现为道本儒末,体用一如等特征,在圣贤观上既孔老同尊,又认为孔子高于老子,孔为圣老为贤。
5)admiring sages and men of virtue始慕圣贤
1.Most researchers think that the development of Wang Yangming s Academics changed from being sunk in the art of writing to admiring sages and men of virtue,however,Wang Yangming regarded the art of writing as a way of being sages and men of virtue.关于王阳明的为学历程,多认为有从"溺于辞章"到"始慕圣贤"一变,但王阳明其实是把辞章当作"作圣贤"的用功途径,在王阳明看来,读书中举,学习辞章,乃至学工学农,都是可以使自己成为圣贤的方法。
6)Saints Manner圣贤气象
1."Personages Style" of Wei&Jin Dynasty and "Saints Manner" of Song Dynasty are two different types of ideal personalities; therefore, they differ greatly in value orientation, ideological resources and so on.魏晋"名士风度"与宋代"圣贤气象"是不同的理想人格类型,它们在价值取向、思想资源等方面存在明显区别。
