理念说,rationale theory
1)rationale theory理念说
2)audio-visual notion听说理念
1.On the feasibility of audio-visual notion applyed to college intensive English teaching;试论听说理念的精读教学模式的可行性

1.On the feasibility of audio-visual notion applyed to college intensive English teaching;试论听说理念的精读教学模式的可行性
2.Disdingushing acdemic terms: comprehesion,test and teaching of listening.;学术概念辨析:听力理解、听力测试及听力教学
3.She read me a few extracts from her own new novel.她把她自己的新小说念了几段给我听。
4."Read it out loud to me, if you can handle it."迈可说,“你如果能够的话,念给我听吧。”
5.Did your speech get across to the crowd?你的演说听众理解吗?
6.Task-based Listening Comprehension Teaching and New English Standard;新课标理念下的任务型英语听力教学
7.On Category,Implementation and Theoretical Basis of Dictogloss;论英语语法听写的概念、实施与理据
8.The Design and Survey of "Writing after Listening" in MHK;MHK(四级)“听后写”题型设计理念及实测
9.Listening and Speaking Libra听听、说说“天秤座”
10.I hear Mozart Memorial is the place musical lovers frequent.听说莫扎特纪念馆是音乐爱好者常去的地方。
11."Why don't you consult the headmaster as to whether you can read them to the boys?" Roger said.“那你干吗不请示校长,问问能不能念给同学们听听?”罗杰说。
12.At that I gave up all attempt at commentary, and read straight on: --我听他这么一说便打消了发表议论的念头,接着念信:
13.A Study of Lesson Observation and Evaluation Methods for Physics Teachers Under New Curriculum Idea新课程理念下物理教师的听课与评课方法研究
14.As I said, we hadn't a single clue on how far 6k was. So, when I heard running water, I said excitingly: Is that the waterfall?我说过,我们两个都对数字没什麽概念。听到水流声就想说:瀑布到了!?
15.Aesthetic Concepts of Su Shi s General Sense Theory;“寓意于画”:论苏轼“常理”说的美学理念
16.He began calling the operator, but suddenly changed his mind, hung it up again, and ran out of the office.蓦地一转念,他又把听筒挂上,跑出管理部来。
17.The Effect of Magnetic Force on Symmetrical Idea in the Modern Audio-visual Art现代视听艺术激变中对称理念的磁力效应(一)
18.Edmund, you have heard me mention Charles Anderson.埃德蒙,你听我给你说过查理·安德逊。

audio-visual notion听说理念
1.On the feasibility of audio-visual notion applyed to college intensive English teaching;试论听说理念的精读教学模式的可行性
3)the Idea Theory理念学说
1.This is much due to the fact that Plato took the Idea Theory as his basic concept.归结到理念学说这一原初运思根基看,柏拉图在三级图式的整体意义上讴歌迷狂,可在前一梯度、或曰现世层面上则悬搁了它。
4)idea of novel小说理念
1.In this thesis, the author makes a detailed analysis on it and tries to demonstrate the implied idea of novel.对此加以分析 ,可揭示蕴含其中的昆德拉小说理念。
5)On New Ideas of Teaching教学新理念之说
6)novel concept小说观念
1.This view affects novel research greatly,making later generation scholar more compliment Hu Yinglin s novel classification,and criticize the novel concept of Bibliography of the Imperial Four Libraries conservative and exist bias.这一观点对于"传奇"小说的研究影响重大,使得后世学者多褒扬胡应麟的小说分类,断言《四库全书总目》小说观念保守,批评其总撰纪昀对"传奇"小说存有偏见。
2.From these novels and the relevant comments of the persons during that time,one can find the novel concept during that period is less developed than that of Han Dynasty.现在论及魏晋六朝小说时,一般笼统地指志人小说和志怪小说,从这些小说和魏晋六朝人对这些小说的相关论述出发,得出其时的小说观念相比汉代的小说观念也显得落后。
3.On the basis of the previous research, this paper studies the connotation of Kundera s novel mainly from the perspective of the creative theme, the novel s deeper meaning and Kundera s novel concept.主要从昆德拉小说的创作主题、小说的深层内涵和昆德拉的小说观念三个方面入手进行研究。

善的理念(见理念)善的理念(见理念)idea of good  s卜an deljnian善的理念(idea of good)见理念。