自由说,freedom theory
1)freedom theory自由说
2)free utterance自由言说
1.Rectifiction from free utterance to conscious utterance of prese phenomenon in Yanan Era;从自由言说到自觉言说的整合——“延安时期”散文现象浅论

1.A free speech on the base of historical discourse--On coloratura;历史话语参照下的自由言说——品读《花腔》
2.Rectifiction from free utterance to conscious utterance of prese phenomenon in Yanan Era;从自由言说到自觉言说的整合——“延安时期”散文现象浅论
3.Free Speaking in Peripheral Situation: J.M.Coetzee’s Resistance to Oppressive Authority;边缘处境中的自由言说——J.M.库切与压迫性权威的对抗
4.They are free to form associations and make friends, to have their own thoughts and beliefs, to speak and communicate, and to write and comment.他们可以自由结社自由交友,自由思想自由信仰、由言说自由通信、由写作自由评论。
5.Liberty:A Discourse in Terms of Right and Utility--A review of J. S. Mill’s On Liberty;自由:权利与功利下的言说——读密尔《论自由》
6.For those who believed in free speech and free thinking, the Bastille stood for everything evil.对那些崇尚言论自由,思想自由的人来说,巴士底狱代表着邪恶。
7.The Wordless Creator that Comes from the Heart--About the hanging scroll, “ Lofty Mount Lu ”, by Shen Zhou;造化无言 来自心灵——由沈周《庐山高图》轴说开去
8.Freedom in Self Expression: Loquacious Narrative in Finnegans Wake;自由的言说——论《芬尼根的守灵》的饶舌叙述
9.Freedom,Travesty and Language Glamour;自由、戏仿及语言的魅力——评徐坤的小说创作
10.On the Language of Fictions during the 1980s & the 1990s;反叛与自由——20世纪80-90年代小说语言论之一
11.but will (fair)let him go on, and turn their freedom of speech, to freedom of thought.他们将干脆让他继续说下去而把他们自己言论底自由变为思想底自由。
12.I would say there are "four little freedoms".我说是“四小自由”。
13."Hey," he said, "you're free!"他说:“嘿,你自由了
14.Therefore, the government should allow people to make speeches freely, whether they make good sense or not. It is up to the public to judge what the speakers say.因此政府应该让人们自由"演说",言之有物也好,言之无物也罢,让人民自己判断。
15.She said to herself on the way.在路上她自言自语地说。
16.And he entered the little room in which Edward slept;他自言自语地说,“很好。”
17.Presently he said to himself:随后,他自言自语地说:
18.asked Andrea of himself.安德烈自言自语地说。

free utterance自由言说
1.Rectifiction from free utterance to conscious utterance of prese phenomenon in Yanan Era;从自由言说到自觉言说的整合——“延安时期”散文现象浅论
3)abolish Numerus Clausus物权自由说
4)free radical theory自由基学说
1.People have focused on free radical theory study on aging mechanism in recent years.自由基学说对衰老机理的研究已成为近年来人们的关注焦点,运动对衰老的影响与现代衰老理论的自由基学说紧密地联系在一起,运动对机体内自由基的影响与运动形式、运动强度和持续时间等有关,并对各组织器官影响存在差异;适宜的运动负荷能够减少机体自由基数量,提高机体抗氧化能力,延缓衰老。
5)liberalists perspective自由主义学说
6)Free Cash Flow Hypothesis自由现金流假说
1.We always use Free Cash Flow Hypothesis and Internal Capital MarketHypothesis to demonstrate why the enterprises engage in M&A activities, but thequestion is can the two hypothesizes be rea.自由现金流假说和内部资本市场假说经常被财务学者用来解释企业并购动因,但是这两种假说对于中国上市公司股权收购动因能否适用呢?这是本文的核心问题。

必然王国与自由王国(见必然与自由)必然王国与自由王国(见必然与自由)realm of necessity and realm of freedom  of口1 Iun Wongg口0 yU ZlyQU wangguo必然王国与自由王国(realmandrealm of freedom)necessity见必然与自由。