养乐,nurturing pleasure
1)nurturing pleasure养乐

1.Pleasure Can be Nurtured by Self-Cultivation without Recourse to Beauty of All the Things of Creation" --A New Exploration of Master Xun s Self-Cultivation Aesthetics;无万物之美而可以养乐──荀子修养美学新探
2.and developing attitudes that make you receptive to learning.培养乐于接受学习的态度。
3.the enjoyableness of an afternoon at the beach.养花是很有乐趣的活动。
4.all lamps are lit through the night, with music and dance, and all other offerings to the Buddhas.通夜燃灯,伎乐供养。
5.Cultivate your musical taste; Train your tastebuds; She is well schooled in poetry.培养你的音乐欣赏能力。
6.the gradual refinement of her taste in music她音乐修养的逐步提高.
7.He studied music there,他在教养院学习音乐,
8.Concerts foster interest in music.音乐会培养对音乐的兴趣。
9.Music Aesthetic Quality Cultivation and Music Appreciation in Teaching;音乐审美素质的培养与音乐欣赏教学
10.Cultivation of Child s Musical Competence through Listening;音乐聆听:培养幼儿音乐能力的关键
11.Reform vocal music lesson teaching and quicken train music teacher;改革声乐课教学 加速音乐教师培养
12.Construction on Aptitude for Music of Sports Related to Music;音乐相关项目运动员音乐素质的培养
13.Developing "Three Senses" in Musical Singing Education论音乐剧声乐教学中“三感”的培养
14.Study on Modern Swine Production and Development of Swine Industry in Leshan;现代养猪业与乐山市养猪业发展研究
15.Improving College Students’Humanist Quality Through Musical Teaching as an Elective Course;大学音乐公选课教学与人文素养培养
16.LeLe: That sounds great. But you raise a pet at home.乐乐:那听上去很好。可是宠物是养在家里的。
17.The Skills and Sensibility in Playing the Guzheng--How to Cultivate Students Sensibility;筝技与乐感——古筝演奏中乐感培养的实施
18.About the Music Function in Quality Education;在音乐兴趣培养中发挥音乐的素质教育作用

1.Management Mode of Japan Yakult Enlightening to Chinese Lactobacillus Beverage Development;日本养乐多的营销模式解析及其对我国乳酸菌饮料发展的启示
3)musical quality音乐素养
1.In the teaching practice of harmonica,by setting the best teaching situation to inspire the students interest in music,it is prone to develop the students abilities of work and creation,and strengthen their rhythm,harmony and consonance so that they keep improving their musical quality in mastering the performance skills.在口风琴教学实践中,通过创设最佳教学情境,激发学生对音乐的兴趣,易于培养学生动手和创作能力,强化学生的节奏感、协调感、和声感,使学生在掌握演奏技巧中不断提高音乐素养。
4)music quality音乐素养
1.Vocal music teachers should have a considerable theoretical knowledge, high music quality,substantial ability to sing and to show students how to sing and an initiative and pioneering spirit.声乐教师基本技能的高度是决定声乐教学成败的关键,应具备较高的理论知识和音乐素养,良好的演唱、范唱能力,以及不断开拓进取的创新精神。
5)musical accomplishment音乐素养
1.The teaching of eurhythmics should cultivate students behavioral spontaneous sensation,expressive force and musical accomplishment,then effectively achieves the best teaching effect.在艺术体操教学中应着重培养学生的动作的自然感,表现力及音乐素养,才能更有效地达到最佳教学效果。
2.Piano accompaniment is an extremely important, highly inclusive and widely comprehensive performing arts course, which requires accompanists not only to be equipped with somewhat excellent performing skills and flexibilities, but with rich and profound cultural groundwork , higher musical accomplishment and vast thinking space.钢琴伴奏是现代高师音乐教学中一门极其重要的、包容性强、涵盖面宽的表演艺术课程,要求伴奏者不仅要具备一定的弹奏技能和应变能力,而且还要具备丰厚的文化底蕴、较高的音乐素养和广阔的思维空间,这样才能准确地把握音乐作品的风格,具有正确的理解能力、分析能力和艺术表现能力。
6)music accomplishment音乐素养
1.To be a qualified teacher of vocal music,one should have broad music accomplishment,a proper teaching attitude to serve the students heart and soul,good qualities on teaching vocal music,a strong sense of responsibility for the learners,and also industrious study spirit to keep up with the times.要作一名称职的高职高专声乐教师,需要具备广博的音乐素养,需要具备全心全意为学生服务的教学态度,需要掌握声乐教学的基本功,需要对学生高度的负责精神,也需要紧跟时代脉搏的刻苦钻研精神。
2.Music accomplishment is a key component of a professional dancer s artistic accomplishment.舞蹈专业人员的音乐素养是其艺术素养的重要组成部分。
