公众美育,public aesthetic education
1)public aesthetic education公众美育
1.This paper discusses the importance of publice aesthetic education,analyses the resource advantage of the library of Fine Arts Academy,and puts forward the measures for the library of Fine Arts Academy to improve public aesthetic education.阐述了公众美育的重要性,分析了美院图书馆的资源优势,提出美院图书馆服务公众美育的措施。
2)the public's aesthetic judgment公众审美

1.A Method for Public Aesthetic Evaluation of the Furniture Products Based on the Fuzzy Theory;基于模糊理论的家具产品公众审美评价方式
2.The Manifestation of Public Aesthetic Education in View of Public Mural Art从公共壁画艺术看大众审美教育功能的体现
3.City Public’s Distinguishing Feature of Psychology to Public Art Facilities Aesthetic in History Block;城市公众对历史街区公共艺术设施审美的心理特点
4.will the beauty appreciation interests of artists and the public certainly be in the separated states?艺术家与公众的审美趣味是否必然要处于分离的状态?
5.Culture of Beauty Appreciation of Commonage and Cultural Education of Beauty Appreciation at Higher School;当代大众审美文化与高校审美文化教育
6.On New Concepts in Aesthetic Education from the Duality of Popular Aesthetic Culture;从大众审美文化的二重性谈审美教育新概念
7.Aesthetic Existence of Mass Culture and Modern Critique of Aesthetic大众文化的审美存在与审美现代性批判
8.Mass Media and Aesthetics of Popular Culture in Social Transition Period;社会转型期的大众传媒与大众文化审美
9.introspection on the criticism of Thema ss culture at an aesthetic angle审美主义视角下大众文化批评的反思
10.Reserch on Aesthetic Psychology in Visual Communication Design;视觉传达设计中受众审美心理的研究
11.A Study on the Impacts of Mass Media on the Contemporary Aesthetic Experience;大众传媒对当代审美经验的影响研究
12.Secularized Rise and Aesthetic Existence of the Popular Culture;大众文化的世俗化崛起与审美化生存
14.Carnival of Images: The Mass Media and tTransformation of the Way of Aesthetic Appreciation;图像狂欢——大众传媒与审美方式的转变
15.Popular Aesthetics and the Interest of Urban Residents in Sad and Ridiculous Causes;大众审美与《啼笑因缘》中的市民趣味
16.On the Popular Culture s Game Theory of Beauty Appreciation Between Alienation and Save;大众文化在异化与拯救间的审美博弈
17.The Effect of Aesthetic Guidance of the Refined Culture on Mass Culture;精英文化对大众文化的审美范导作用
18.Aesthetic Characteristics of TV and Psychological Need of the Audience;电视审美特性与受众心理需要的满足

the public's aesthetic judgment公众审美
3)the Europa American publics欧美公众
1.The misgivings of the Europa American publics about biotechnology and the resistance to the R&D of biotechnology have been reviewed, and the causes of this phenomenon have been analyzed and the lessons that China should learn are put forward.回顾了欧美公众对生物技术的种种疑虑和生物技术的研究开发所遇到的阻力,分析了产生这种现象的原因,并提出了我国应从中吸取的教训。
4)public education公众教育
1.Assessment of capacity for logisty,public education,and training in public health emergency management in China;我国突发公共卫生事件后勤保障、公众教育和人员培训能力现状评价
2.The public educational position of Shanghai Museum of TCM is oriented in disseminating the knowledge of TCM,carrying forward the culture of TCM,advocating the scientific spirits,pursuing scientific health preservation,keeping the harmony between man and nature,and then to advance the career development of TCM.上海中医药博物馆公众教育的定位是:传播中医药知识,弘扬中医药文化,倡导科学精神,探求科学养生、走人与自然和谐之路,以促进现代中医药事业的发展。
3.The importance of plant quarantine and public education for controlling red imported fire ant was discussed in detail in this paper.003蚁巢),新建公园、新建城区绿地蚁情比老公园、老城区严重,城乡结合部地区蚁情比较严重,指出了植物检疫和公众教育的重要性。
5)American Published Company美国公众公司
6)American public opinion美国公众舆论
1.The paper investigates the changing stance and strategies of the US in international climate talks and the trend of American public opinion on climate change issue, with the international climate talks from UNFCCC till now as the background.本文以1992年《联合国气候变化框架公约》(UNFCCC)至今的国际气候谈判为背景,考察美国在国际气候谈判中的立场和策略的变化以及关于气候议题的美国公众舆论的走向。

公众公众public  公众(public)泛指与一个组织或团体具有某种直接或间接相关的个人、群体和组织,他们对组织的目标、存续和发展具有或多或少、或现实或潜在的利益关系或影响力。社会心理学认为,公众不是散在的个体,而是具有某种“合群意识”的群体,个体之间必有某种共同倾向,如共同的目的、共同需求、共同兴趣、共同意识、共同态度或共同的文化心理等把他们联系在一起。公众的外延十分宽泛,它既可以是与组织或团体有关的单个人,也可以是某种社会团体,还可以是各种社会组织,如企事业单位、部门、机关、厂矿等。不同的组织与团体有不同的公众,每个组织或团体的公众,又是多元的、立体的社会关系网络,有上有下、有纵有横,有个体、有群体、有组织。公众的形态也多种多样,如流散的公众,像旅客、顾客;浮动的公众,像因某种事件集结的人群;稳固的公众,像社区居民、老客户:有组织的公众,像社团、企事业单位等等。公众是公众舆论的载体,公众舆论则是公众意见、公众要求的一种公开的表现形式。详见“公众舆论,,。 (孙俊山撰张觉审)