自然的景观化,landscaping of the nature
1)landscaping of the nature自然的景观化
2)naturalization landscape景观自然化
3)natural landscape自然景观
1.General Analysis on the Reformation of the Natural Landscape Parks——The Reformation Project of Daming Lake, Jinan City as an Example;自然景观模式的城市公园改造综合分析——以济南大明湖公园改扩建为例
2.Restoration and regeneration of the natural landscape in renewal of urban industrial wasteland;城市工业废弃地更新中自然景观的改造与再生
3.Reasonable control and continuous development of urban natural landscape城市自然景观的合理控制与可持续性开发

1.Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas“三江并流”自然景观
2.Longnan has unique natural and man-made landscape.陇南有独特的自然景观和人文景观。
3.Manmade sceneries on Wudang Mountain compliment natural ones.武当山风景自然景观与人文景观融为一体。
4.The country abounds in scenic and natural wonders.这个国家有许多风景优美的自然景观
5.Evaluation and reasonable exploitation of the natural view resources scenic spot;风景区自然景观资源评价及合理开发
6.The Natural and Cultural Landscape of the Ye City in the Period of Caowei;论曹魏邺城及其周边自然景观和文化景观
7.The landscape garden mainly contains natural scenes, so it looks more natural than artificial.景观园林主要包括自然景观,因此它看起来比人造的更具天然之美。
8.which can please not only your eyes but also your mind.那些自然景观能让你赏心悦目。
9.Because it's the best-known natu-ral wonder in China.(因为它是中国最著名的自然景观
10.Kanasi Integrated Nature Landscape Protect Region喀纳斯综合自然景观保护区
11.Witness seven of the world's most diverse landscapes.目睹世界上七种完全不同的自然景观
12.a painting depicting an expanse of natural scenery.描绘广阔的自然景观的绘画作品。
14.Three others like to see some natural attractions of beauty and peacefulness.另外三个人喜欢美丽、安静的自然景观
15.Study on Characteristics of the Natural Landscape Ecosystems in the Yellow River Beach;黄河滩区自然景观生态系统特征研究
16.Discussions on the Use the Natural Land Slape and Landformsuperiorsy of Wuyi Mount浅论武夷山自然景观地貌优势的利用
17.Analysis and Response on Nature Elements in Landscape Architecture Design;风景建筑设计对自然景观要素的解读及回应
18.The Understanding of "Nature" of Natural and Ecologic Plant Landscape;自然生态式植物景观的“自然”概念理解

naturalization landscape景观自然化
3)natural landscape自然景观
1.General Analysis on the Reformation of the Natural Landscape Parks——The Reformation Project of Daming Lake, Jinan City as an Example;自然景观模式的城市公园改造综合分析——以济南大明湖公园改扩建为例
2.Restoration and regeneration of the natural landscape in renewal of urban industrial wasteland;城市工业废弃地更新中自然景观的改造与再生
3.Reasonable control and continuous development of urban natural landscape城市自然景观的合理控制与可持续性开发
4)natural scenery自然景观
1.The Formative Factors & Causes of the Natural Scenery in Peach Blossom Valley of Mount Tai;泰山桃花峪景区自然景观构成要素及成因
5)nature landscape自然景观
1.Technology of graphics based to produce 3D nature landscape is popular in constructing virtual scene.虚拟场景构造中基于图形的自然景观生成技术是当今国内外研究热点 。
6)natural/semi-natural landscape自然/半自然景观
1.How to effectively and reasonably assess the ecological risk of the natural/semi-natural landscapes under the fast urbanization process is helpful to optimize the urban land use pattern and to reduce and keep away the urban environment venture.有效、合理地评估快速城市化过程中自然/半自然景观的生态风险,对于优化城市土地利用格局、降低和防范城市生态环境风险,非常必要。
