《易传》美学,aesthetic thought conceived in Yizhuan
1)aesthetic thought conceived in Yizhuan《易传》美学
2)ZhouYi Esthetics周易美学
3)the study on zhouyi and esthetics易学与美学
4)Zhuan qian yi xue《〈传〉前易学》
1.Constructing the Childhood of the Yi-ology:On Mr. WU Qian-heng's Posthumous Zhuan qian yi xue建构易学的童年——吴前衡先生遗著《〈传〉前易学》读后

1.Constructing the Childhood of the Yi-ology:On Mr. WU Qian-heng's Posthumous Zhuan qian yi xue建构易学的童年——吴前衡先生遗著《〈传〉前易学》读后
2.Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis for Robertsonian Translocation Carrier罗式易位携带者胚胎植入前遗传学诊断的研究
3.Preimplantation genetic diagnosis for Robertsonian translocation carriers with fluorescence in situ hybridization罗伯逊易位携带者胚胎植入前遗传学诊断
4.Establishment and Application of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis System for Chromosome Translocation Carrier;染色体易位携带者植入前遗传学诊断体系的建立与应用
5.Confucius Hermeneutic Approach to Zhouyi and the Change of His Orientation by the Silk Manuscript of Yi Zhuan;从帛书《易传》看孔子易学解释及其转向
6.On the Hermeneutics of Hardness-softness in the Yizhuan of the Silk Manuscript and Current Version今、帛本《易传》“刚柔”解《易》的诠释学考察
7.Hermeneutics in Yizhuan:Stimulation-Response and Communication;论《易传》的解释学:交感与会通——兼论《易传》解释学与西方解释学之异同
8.Approach to the Characters of Chinese Traditional Systematic Learning with the Aid of Yijing Theory;以易学理论探讨中国传统学问的特点
9.On the transmission and transformation of the Ancient and New texts of the Yi-ology--Simultaneously on the authenticity of Zixia Yi zhuan;今、古文易学流变述略——兼论《子夏易传》真伪
10.Explore the Conotation and Embodiment of"Facility" Rule --to Discuss the Important Philosophical Character of Yiqing that Opened Out by Yichuan;“易简”之道探微——论《易传》所揭示的《周易》哲学之重要特征
12.Go smoothly by acting timely & appropriately" "preserve the harmoniousness": On the philosophy of harmoniousness in Yi Zhuan“亨行时中”,“保合太和”——论《易传》的中和哲学
13.Confucius and Yi Zhuan--On the establishment of the metaphisical system of Confucianism孔子与《易传》——论儒家形上学体系的建立
14.Ideology System, Features of Times and School Style of Yi Zhuan;《易传》的思想体系、时代特征及学派风格
15.The Philosophical Ideas in 《Book of changes》 and Traditional Wushu of China;论《易经》哲学思想与中国传统武术
16.On the academic school of thought Yi Zhuan belongs to--to discuss with Mr. CHEN Gu ying;论《易传》的学派属性——与陈鼓应先生商榷
17.An Analysis and Exposition on Confucius Academic Ideology at His Old Age from Yi-Zhuan Copied on Silk;从帛书《易传》析述孔子晚年的学术思想
18.Heaven. Earth. Human──On the Philosophy of Ecology Reflected in Yizhuan;天·地·人──谈《易传》的生态哲学

ZhouYi Esthetics周易美学
3)the study on zhouyi and esthetics易学与美学
4)Zhuan qian yi xue《〈传〉前易学》
1.Constructing the Childhood of the Yi-ology:On Mr. WU Qian-heng's Posthumous Zhuan qian yi xue建构易学的童年——吴前衡先生遗著《〈传〉前易学》读后
5)traditional aesthetics传统美学
1.On traditional aesthetics in Chinese modern landscape and its modernization;中国当代景观中的传统美学与现代化
2.Main component of Chinese traditional aesthetics were described.阐述了中国传统美学思想的主要内涵、极简主义风格家具的特点和设计要素,以及如何利用符号学和语义学的设计方法来把握极简风格家具中的中国传统美学。
3.To be sure,Chinese traditional aesthetics is also in peril.探讨了中国传统美学中注重虚实相生的艺术精神;认为其背后所蕴含的深刻的哲学思想使之反而具有重要的现实意义;指出在当代新美学的语境之下,中国传统美学理应得以发扬光大,不断传承下去。
6)traditional esthetics传统美学
1.The article will classify and discuss the refinement of traditional esthetics view- points and give much emphisis to some of them which should be highly integrate,inherit and develop in the process of new countryside landscape construct.本文对中国传统美学意蕴进行归纳与阐述, 强调在新农村景观建设中理应融合、传承和发展"上善若水"、"天人合一"与"复归于朴"的传统美学意蕴。
2.This paper explores the defect and disadvantage of traditional esthetics from an-ti-traditional esthetics.本文从反传统美学的角度论证了传统美学的重大缺失和根本弊端,并论证了审美文化理论研究具有"开拓新的领域"、"重写美学史"、"新的思维与新的方法"及"创建新的学科"等五个方面的创新性意义。
