刚柔并济,balancing hardness with softness
1)balancing hardness with softness刚柔并济
1.It inherits the positive factors in the Yizhuan and reaches a state of balancing hardness with softness in many ways."豪放"美学范畴的成熟,主要受到《易传》美学思想的影响,它继承《易传》哲学的积极因素并在多方面达到了"刚柔并济"的美学境界。
2)flexible and rigid combined management刚柔相济
1.Based on the reality of library management,this paper discusses that adopting the flexible and rigid combined management pattern in library management can realize the best management effect.从图书馆管理的实际情况出发,认为在现代图书馆管理中,要实现最佳管理效果,应将刚性管理和柔性管理有机结合起来,施行刚柔相济的管理模式。

1.Such a striking contrast has enhanced the attractiveness of both.两者刚柔相济,美不胜收。
2.A Preliminary Exploration of Xin Qiji and the Style of His Verses;辛弃疾及其刚柔相济的词作风格初探
3.Pluralistic beauty rooted in firmness combined with gentleness:Analysis of verse by Zhang Yuangan刚柔相济 多元之美——评析张元干词
4.Softness to Hardness, Couple Hardness with Softness--On pragmatic tendency from the viewpoint of Language Wordiness prohibition;柔而趋刚 刚柔相济——从言语奢化禁则看语用法制化趋势
5.Brief Discussion on Establishment of New Management Pattern with the Combination of Rigidity and Moderation in Salt and Chemical Enterprises;浅议建立刚柔相济的盐化工企业管理新模式
6.Stressing the Foundations of Human Beings, Coupling “Hardness” With “Softness”--On the Management of Humanity in Colleges and Universities;以人为本,刚柔相济——略论高校的人性化管理
7.Strength and softness of the "Hua Jian" variant of Ci--Disscuss the Frontier Fortress Ci of "Hua Jian Ji"刚柔相济的“花间别调”——论《花间集》中的边塞词
8.Main point: With proper strength, twisting without hard-going and stagnancy, couple hardness with softness.(3)要领:用力要适度,要做到搓而不涩,揉而不滞,刚柔相济
9."I guess that is why taijiquan switches smoothly and harmoniously between the ways of yin and yang--between hard and soft, fast and slow movements."我想,这也是为什么太极拳显得协调连贯,刚柔相济,快慢结合。
10.Tamper Force with Mercy,Science Won't Live Alone Any Longer:A Science Notion Based on the Visual Angle of Feminism刚柔相济,科学从此不再孤寂——基于女性主义视角的科学理念
11.The colorful folk dances and in particular the pas de deux of the princess and Tibetan king shows both softness and hardness of the couple in characters,其中公主与藏王的两段双人舞刚柔相济,和谐悠雅;更有色彩斑烂的民族舞蹈相陪衬,
12.Strength balanced sensuousness and had upon it a tonic effect, compelling him to love beauty that was healthy and making him vibrate to sensations that were wholesome.在这里力量和敏感刚柔相济,相得益彰,促使他喜爱有益身心的美,也因无伤健康的感受而震颤。
13.A curious friendship of theirs must have been a pointed illustration, indeed, of the old adage that "extremes meet."他们之间的友谊一定是一种奇怪的友谊,确实是谚语所谓“刚柔相济”的一个明证。
14.Administration by Hard and Soft Measures: to Build Managing System of Port Frontier Inspection Gate--Also about Managing Tactic of Dealing with Illegal Immigrated Ocean Fishermen;刚柔相济:构建海港边检行政治理模式——兼论远洋渔工非法出入境的治理策略
15.The Research to the Features of Adoption on Literature Quotation in Jiaxuan s Poems;词境拓宽 刚柔兼济——论稼轩词的用典艺术
16.Gentle management is in contrast to firm management.柔性管理是相对于刚性管理而提出来的。
17.Soft and fair goes far.(谚语)柔能克刚。
18.Combination of Rigid and Flexible Management in Department Advance Excellent Hospital Service;科室管理中刚性与柔性管理相结合提升医院卓越服务

flexible and rigid combined management刚柔相济
1.Based on the reality of library management,this paper discusses that adopting the flexible and rigid combined management pattern in library management can realize the best management effect.从图书馆管理的实际情况出发,认为在现代图书馆管理中,要实现最佳管理效果,应将刚性管理和柔性管理有机结合起来,施行刚柔相济的管理模式。
3)hardness and softness刚柔
1.Brief probe into viewpoint of "hardness and softness" in Wang Bi’s Notes of Zhouyi;王弼《周易注》“刚柔”观略探
4)rigid-flexible coupling刚柔耦合
1.Study on Design of Engineering Vehicle Steering Mechanism Based on Rigid-flexible Coupling Model;基于刚柔耦合模型的工程车辆转向机构设计研究
2.Research on dynamics modeling method of rigid-flexible coupling based on experiment;基于实验的刚柔耦合动力学建模方法研究
3.Study on Vehicle Ride Comfort Based on Rigid-flexible Coupling Nonlinear Suspension;基于刚柔耦合的非线性悬架汽车的平顺性研究
5)Rigid-flexible coupling刚-柔耦合
1.Virtual prototyping based on rigid-flexible coupling for machining;基于刚-柔耦合的机床虚拟样机建模技术
6)combination of rigidity and flexibility刚柔复合

刚柔刚柔 刚柔   ①刚强与柔弱。阳性刚,阴性柔,故代指阴阳。《素问·阴阳应象大论》:“审其阴阳,以别柔刚。”张景岳注:“形证有柔刚,脉色有柔刚,气味尤有柔刚,柔者属阴,刚者属阳,知柔刚之化者,知阴阳之妙用矣。”《难经·十难》:“五脏各有刚柔邪。”《灵枢·本神》:“节阴阳而调刚柔。”   ②刚柔二干。即刚干、柔干。《素问遗篇·刺法论》:“假令甲子,刚柔失守,刚未正,柔孤而有亏。”张景岳注:“十干五运,分属阴阳。阳干气刚,甲、丙、戊、庚、壬也;阴干气柔,乙、丁、己、辛、癸也,故曰刚柔二干。”