《美学的理论》,The Principles of Aesthetics
1)The Principles of Aesthetics《美学的理论》
1.Causes for Retranslating Croce’s The Principles of Aesthetics为何重译《美学的理论》——《作为表现科学和一般语言学的美学》的理论编翻译札记
2)retreat of aesthetic theory美学理论的倒退
3)the Theoretical Applied Aesthetics理论的应用美学
4)aesthetic theory美学理论
1.The contemporary innovative aesthetic theory should be equipped with excellent theoretical character,which is philosophically solid and open;and it should build its theory on the scientific base of philosophy and absorb the rational elements of various theories so as to perfect itself,develop with the times and make itself the greatest of times.当代创新的美学理论应该具备优秀的理论品格,其中包括坚实的哲学根基和开放性的品格,应将其理论牢固地搭建于科学的哲学基石之上,汲取各种理论学说的合理成分以使自身日臻完善、与时俱进,从而立于时代的高峰。
2.Although Chernyshevsky is not a Marxism aesthetician,his aesthetic theory becomes a constituent in the Marxism theory of literature and art because it manifests the revolutionary color.车尔尼雪夫斯基虽不是马克思主义美学家,但由于其美学理论体现出的革命性色彩使其最终成为马克思主义文艺理论的一个组成部分。
3.Aesthetic theory is presented as a pathfinder and formed its own venation in development with the beginning of aesthetic discussion in 1950s in China.从1950年代美学大讨论拉开序幕至今,新中国美学理论以探索者的姿态坎坷走来,并且形成了自身的发展脉络。

1.One versed in the theory of beauty and artistic expression.美学家精通美学理论和艺术表达的人
2.Aesthetic Effect of Literary Translation under the Reception Aesthetics;接受美学理论下的文学翻译审美效应
3.A Discussion on the Aesthetic Theories of Oriental & Occidental Classical Literatures试论东、西方古典文论中的美学理论
4.Effect of the Reception Theory on Modern Fashion Comment;接受美学理论对现代时装评论的影响
5.On "Collective Unconsciousness" in Aesthetic Theory System of Carl Gustav Jung论荣格美学理论体系中的“集体无意识”
6.Unique Aesthetic Thinking System and Poetic Aesthetic Theory--On General Characters of the Oriental Aesthetics;独特的审美思维体系与诗性的美学理论——东方美学的总体特征论
7.The Aesthetic Theory of Acceptance and Some Questions of Musical Aesthetics接受美学理论与音乐美学中的几个问题
8.The Rising of Theory of Sense of Beauty美感理论的发轫——论洛克美感理论的美学史意义
9.Relating to the philosophy or theories of aesthetics.美学的有关美学的哲学或理论的
10.Aesthetics Is Limitless;美学无疆——韦尔施审美泛化理论述评
11.The Theories about Aesthetic Experience in the 20th Chinese Aesthetics;20世纪中国美学中的审美经验理论
12.The Issues on Historical Art-Geography under Establishment of the Art-Geography Science;论建立美术地理学之下的历史美术地理学
13.Nietzche's Subversion of Aesthetics--A Tentative Analysis of Nietzche's Physiology of Aesthetics尼采对美学的颠覆——试论尼采的美学生理学
14.Esthetics Is the Psychology of Literature and Art美学即文艺心理学——浅论朱光潜早期的美学思想
15.On Eastern Aesthetic Characteristic of Korean Notes on Classical Poetry Theory论朝鲜古典诗话理论的东方美学特征
16.The Aesthetical Pursuit in Li Yu s Theory about Drama and Stage;论李渔戏剧舞台艺术理论的美学追求
17.Discussion of body aesthetics theory model and research significance;试论身体美学的理论范式与研究意义
18.On the Aesthetic Trend of Literary Theories in the New Era;新时期文学理论的审美主义倾向论略

retreat of aesthetic theory美学理论的倒退
3)the Theoretical Applied Aesthetics理论的应用美学
4)aesthetic theory美学理论
1.The contemporary innovative aesthetic theory should be equipped with excellent theoretical character,which is philosophically solid and open;and it should build its theory on the scientific base of philosophy and absorb the rational elements of various theories so as to perfect itself,develop with the times and make itself the greatest of times.当代创新的美学理论应该具备优秀的理论品格,其中包括坚实的哲学根基和开放性的品格,应将其理论牢固地搭建于科学的哲学基石之上,汲取各种理论学说的合理成分以使自身日臻完善、与时俱进,从而立于时代的高峰。
2.Although Chernyshevsky is not a Marxism aesthetician,his aesthetic theory becomes a constituent in the Marxism theory of literature and art because it manifests the revolutionary color.车尔尼雪夫斯基虽不是马克思主义美学家,但由于其美学理论体现出的革命性色彩使其最终成为马克思主义文艺理论的一个组成部分。
3.Aesthetic theory is presented as a pathfinder and formed its own venation in development with the beginning of aesthetic discussion in 1950s in China.从1950年代美学大讨论拉开序幕至今,新中国美学理论以探索者的姿态坎坷走来,并且形成了自身的发展脉络。
5)theoretic aesthetics理论美学
1.The research of theoretic aesthetics should cover all the important issues concerning the development of the discipline of aesthetics from the viewpoint of elite aesthetic researchers; while from the viewpoint of popular aesthetic researchers, the research of theoretic aesthetics should look at aspects of aesthetic study relating to people s life.站在美学研究的精英立场上,理论美学要研究关涉美学学科发展的一些重大问题;站在美学研究的大众立场上,美学要研究大众生活中的美学问题。
6)Aesthetics theory美学理论
1.Challenge faced by aesthetics theory and reconstruction in new period新时期美学理论所面临的挑战与重构
2.Over a long time,Zhou Zuoren s prosaic aesthetics theory was inglected in modern aesthetics researches.周作人散文美学理论在现代美学研究中长期被忽略 ,本文从趣味、闲适和平淡、苦涩和简单三个方面对这一问题进行了初步探
