人类学历史本体论,Anthropological history ontology
1)Anthropological history ontology人类学历史本体论

1.Anthropological History Ontology and Practice Aesthetic--Comment on Philosophical Aesthetics of Li Zehou人类学历史本体论与实践美学——兼评李泽厚的哲学美学观
2.Historical anthropology: from historical text to meaning subject;历史人类学:从历史文本到意义主体
3.Should archaeological research be associated with history and anthropology more closely, or regress to data and found up her theory systems?考古学研究应同历史学、人类学更紧密地联合 ,还是应返回资料本身 ,建立自己的理论体系 ?
4.Interaction between History and Anthropology;历史学与人类学的互动——历史人类学的理论与实践学术研讨会综述
5.On Western "Historical Anthropology" and Its Academic Context;论西方“历史人类学”及其学术环境
7.Historical Materials, Way and Theory: “Zhong Renjie s Uprising" under the Perspective of Historical Anthropology;史料·方法·理论:历史人类学视角下的“钟九闹漕”
8.A History of Human Ethics in Self-Justification: A New Theory of the History of Ethics;人类自我道德确证的历史——伦理学史新论
9.History and Present Condition of Legal Anthropology and National Law in Japan;日本法人类学及民族法学研究的历史与现状
10.The Historical Basis of the Structure of Multiple Integration--Double Angles of View of History and Anthropology;多元一体格局的历史基建——历史学与人类学的双重视角
11.Anthropological Turn of Historical Studies;历史是文化——历史研究的人类学转向
12.The ”Historical Entities” in the Narrative of Mythology: A Review of the Mythological Theories in Anthropology;神话叙事中的“历史真实”——人类学神话理论述评
13.The significance of historical anthropology lies in the exposure of historical faults of some main determinism of history.历史人类学的意义在于指出一些主流的历史决定论自身的历史缺陷。
14.Structure and Event, History and Structure, the Other and Us;结构与事件·历史与结构·他者与我者——评《历史之岛》的历史人类学方法论价值
15.Study on National Traditional Sports in the View of Historical Anthropology;历史人类学视角中的民族传统体育研究
16.The Anti-ontology Orientation and the Meagre Ontology of Marx s Practical Philosophy;马克思实践哲学的非本体论批判向度和弱本体论历史语境
17.great man theory of history历史伟人论 历史伟人论
18.While sticking to the basic principles of historical determinism, the historical materialism emphasizes on human's objective option with the development of society and history.历史唯物主义在坚持历史决定论的基本原则的同时,强调人在社会历史发展中的主体选择性。

A Brief Introduction to Historical Anthropology历史人类学简论
3)historical ontology历史本体论
1.This paper aims to present and interpret these ideas from the perspective of contemporary Science Studies,such as philosoph of experimental science,historical ontology,remaking the world and making up people,and styles of reasoning.作为当代科学哲学界的重要人物,哈金在一系列重要问题上提出了自己的独到见解,本文旨在把哈金置于当代科学论的背景之下来集中阐述他的科学哲学思想,其中包括实验科学哲学、历史本体论、世界的重构与人的构造以及推理风格,并对其中可能引发的相对主义等问题进行了简要评论。
2.Lukacs ontological idea mainly comes from Hegelian historical ontology and Marxist ontology of social being.卢卡奇的本体论思想主要来源于黑格尔的历史本体论和马克思的社会存在本体论,卢卡奇认为,马克思的历史唯物主义就是社会存在本体论,只有向着马克思的社会存在本体论的复归,才能从根本上代表当代本体论研究的正确方向。
3.Popper is also a historical philosopher, who proposes many original opinions on historical ontology, historical epistemology, and historical methodology, and whose historical thought is profoundly connotative.波普尔也是一位历史哲学家,在历史本体论、历史认识论、历史方法论提出了不少独到的见解,其历史思想内涵丰富。
4)historical anthropology历史人类学
1.Studies on Historical Anthropology and Modern History of Territorial Society in China;历史人类学与中国近代区域社会史研究
2.Snowball-anthropological analysis of the Han Nationality edited mainly by professor Xu Jie-shun is the masterpiece of the application of theories and methodology of historical anthropology in the research of history and culture of Han nationality.历史人类学在中国有着广泛的应用前景。
3.The anthropological interpretation and analysis of the literature of Chinese History is the demand of historical anthropology.对中国历史文献进行人类学解读和分析正是历史人类学所要求的。
5)Anthropology Ontology人类学本体论
1.Universe Ontology·Reason Ontology·Anthropology Ontology ──New Exploration on the Evolvement of Western Tragedy Theory;宇宙本体论·理性本体论·人类学本体论——西方悲剧理论嬗变新探
6)human noumenon aesthetic人类本体论美学

人类1.泛指人。 2.人的总称,指人的全体。