蛙神崇拜,Frog Worship
1)Frog Worship蛙神崇拜

1.The Aesthetic Interpretation on the Worship of Frog among the Zhuang Nationality in the Valley of the Red River红水河流域壮族蛙神崇拜的美学阐释
2.One who worships idols.崇神者崇拜偶像的人
3.Worship of or belief in magical fetishes.拜物教,物神崇拜崇拜或相信有魔力的物神
4.To worship as God or a god.崇拜作为上帝或神来崇拜
5.These archetypes of the divine are worshipped by Wiccans to this very day.巫术崇拜者每天崇拜这些神的原型。
6.worshipping or believing in more than one god.多神崇拜或多神信仰。
7.He is adored as a god by the natives,土人崇拜他为神灵。
8.a material object that is worshipped as a god.被当作神崇拜的物体。
9.Worship of the sun as a god太阳崇拜(视太阳为神)
10.worshipper of Krishna.克利须那神的崇拜者。
11.Some people deify power.某些人崇拜权力如神。
12.Genitalia adoration is the initial stage.竹的生殖崇拜主要包括生殖器崇拜和生殖神崇拜。
13.Of, relating to, or typical of the worship of Bacchus.酒神崇拜的崇拜巴克斯的或与之相关的或以崇拜巴克斯为典型的
14.To honor and love as a deity.崇拜象对神一样崇敬和热爱
15.They worship dreams Holiness in art, ritual, entertainment.他们崇拜梦,崇拜艺术、仪式和娱乐中的神圣。
16.the worship of a single god but without claiming that it is the only god.不否认他神存在的神崇拜。
17.Belief in and worship of all gods.多神信仰所有神的信仰和崇拜
18.Image of “Mysterious Mountain” in Architectural Art and Apollo Adoration建筑艺术中“神山”的意象与太阳神崇拜

mysterious adoration神秘崇拜
3)worship of Horse God马神崇拜
4)moon god worship月神崇拜
1.The moon god worship is the lasting remarkable cultural phenomenon in the religious history of the Ancient Mesopotamia.月神是古代两河流域自然神灵中的重要成员,月神崇拜是古代两河流域宗教历史中持久显著的文化现象;月神的神性、家谱、神庙、节日、祭礼、象征、神话和赞美诗等构成月神崇拜的完整系统,生动反映了两河流域古代自然崇拜发展充分和成熟的文化特征。
5)Worship of Holy Forest神林崇拜
1.Va People s Worship of Holy Forest and Ecological Protection:Taking Yellow-Suit Va People s Colorful Forest Worship in Gengma Big Village as an Example;论佤族神林崇拜与生态保护——以耿马勐简大寨“黄佤”神林崇拜为例
6)worship of water spirit水神崇拜
1.The rainy washy entironment in Foshan makes the worship of water spirit booming.佛山多雨多水的自然条件,使得佛山的水神崇拜十分兴盛。
