蛙纹铜鼓,Bronze Drum with Frog Figures
1)Bronze Drum with Frog Figures蛙纹铜鼓
2)copper drum pattern铜鼓纹
1.By expounding on relevant fire patterns,the sun pattern and copper drum pattern in a specific way based on Yi ethnic people's worship for fire together with the application of fire patterns to costumes of Yi ethnic people,the article probes into the ethnic characteristics of fire patterns on Yi ethnic people's costumes in terms of types of fire patterns,art features and aesthetic values.从彝族对火的崇拜以及火纹样在服饰上的应用来阐述相关的火镰纹、太阳纹及铜鼓纹的类型,在火图纹的类型、艺术特点和美学价值上探讨了彝族服饰火纹样的民族个性特点。
3)Copper and drum decorative pattern铜鼓纹饰
4)frog pattern蛙纹
1.This paper concludes the intercommunity and relation of frog pattern in baldachin by analyzing frog patterns’ sculpt,structure,color,symbolism and cultural connotation in different minorities of Miao,Yao,Li and Chuang.文章通过对苗族、瑶族、黎族、壮族等蛙纹的造型、结构、色彩、象征意义、文化内涵等分析,总结出各少数民族织锦中蛙纹的共同性和联系。

1.The one performing a frog must have himself painted or wear specially made frog clothes.扮演青蛙者要在身上画蛙纹或穿特制的蛙服,
2.More sawtooth, circling and frog-shaped strokes appeared, which look wild, bold and enigmatic.那些锯齿纹、四大圈纹以及蛙纹等显得大起大落,粗犷狞厉,甚至怪诞神秘。
3.Comparative Histology of the Skin of Rana Nigromaculata,Rana Rugulosa and Rana Catesbeiana黑斑蛙、虎纹蛙和牛蛙皮肤的比较组织学
4.Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of the Tiger Frog (Hoplobatrachus Rugulosus) in Zhejiang Area浙江地区虎纹蛙遗传多样性与遗传结构研究
5.Hemorheology of Hoplobatrachus rugulosus under the influence of acid stress酸胁迫对虎纹蛙血液流变学指标的影响
6.Isolation and Identification of Pathogenic Bacteria from Frog Rana tigerina with Cankering Toe Disease and Drug Sensitivity虎纹蛙烂趾病病原菌分离鉴定与药敏试验
7.Complete mtDNA Analysis of the Microhyla Ornata and Rana Plancyi, and Implication for Anura Groups Phylogeny;饰纹姬蛙和金线蛙mtDNA全序列分析及其在无尾目系统发生关系中的应用
8.Investigation on the Prevalence of Bacterial Infectious Diseases of Rana Tigerina Rugulosa in Hainan Province from 2003 to 2004;2003-2004年海南省人工养殖虎纹蛙主要细菌性传染病的流行情况调查
9.GC digitized fingerprint of Forest Frogs Oviduct and quantified identification中国林蛙卵油气相色谱数字化指纹图谱和定量鉴别研究
10.The submicroscopic structures of various blood cells of Tilaria nilotica,Rana tigrina,Columba livia domestica and Oryctolagus cuniculus domestica were studied under the transmission electron microscope.用透射电镜观察了罗非鱼、虎纹蛙、家鸽和家兔各类血细胞的亚显微结构。
11.Green Frog laughs at Blue Frog.绿青蛙嘲笑蓝青蛙。
12.Froggers Adventures Temple of the Frog青蛙冒险-蛙之殿堂
13.A croaking animal, especially a frog.蛙呱呱叫的动物,尤指蛙
14.Chromosome Research on Paa Boulengeri and Paa Yunnanensis (Ranidae: Paa);棘腹蛙和双团棘胸蛙(蛙科:棘蛙属)染色体研究
15.do breast-stroke, back-stroke, etc进行蛙泳、 仰泳等
16.Sixteen, seventeen frogs.十六,十七只青蛙。
17.a lamb, veal, salmon, etc cutlet羊肉、 牛肉、 蛙鱼...片.
18.smoked ham, salmon, mackerel, etc熏火腿、 蛙、 鲭等.

copper drum pattern铜鼓纹
1.By expounding on relevant fire patterns,the sun pattern and copper drum pattern in a specific way based on Yi ethnic people's worship for fire together with the application of fire patterns to costumes of Yi ethnic people,the article probes into the ethnic characteristics of fire patterns on Yi ethnic people's costumes in terms of types of fire patterns,art features and aesthetic values.从彝族对火的崇拜以及火纹样在服饰上的应用来阐述相关的火镰纹、太阳纹及铜鼓纹的类型,在火图纹的类型、艺术特点和美学价值上探讨了彝族服饰火纹样的民族个性特点。
3)Copper and drum decorative pattern铜鼓纹饰
4)frog pattern蛙纹
1.This paper concludes the intercommunity and relation of frog pattern in baldachin by analyzing frog patterns’ sculpt,structure,color,symbolism and cultural connotation in different minorities of Miao,Yao,Li and Chuang.文章通过对苗族、瑶族、黎族、壮族等蛙纹的造型、结构、色彩、象征意义、文化内涵等分析,总结出各少数民族织锦中蛙纹的共同性和联系。
1.The Influence of the Smelting and Casting Technology's Development of Chinese Bronze on Timbal;中国青铜冶铸技术发展对铜鼓的影响
2.Analysis of the chemical composition of the Vietnamese timbal and other objects;越南铜鼓和其他器物成份分析报告
6)bronze drum铜鼓
1.Abundant Concentration of Lead on the Sample of Bronze drum in Viet Nam and Survey for Lead isotopic;越南铜鼓样品铅的富集与铅同位素测定
2.The Comparative Study on Tuning Technology Between the Chime and the Bronze Drum in Ancient China;古代壮族铜鼓与内地铸钟调音技术的比较研究
3.A large number of ancient bronze drums found in Vietnam provided valuable information for the production technique of bronze drums.铜鼓在中国和东南亚地区有着悠久的历史,越南发现的大量古代铜鼓,为研究铜鼓的制作技术提供了宝贵的资料。

中国铜鼓  中国古代西南少数民族的青铜打击乐器。其形状来源于鼓或铜釜,用于演奏音乐或伴奏舞蹈;亦作为礼器,用于祭祀、仪典等活动。主要流行于云南、广西、广东及贵州、四川、湖南等省(区),并传播至东南亚。制作年代大约始自春秋,经战国、秦汉、唐宋至明清,其中汉代的铜鼓尤为精美。铜鼓在历史上曾零星地出土过,但第1次有计划、有组织地大规模发掘,是1955年5月由云南省博物馆对晋宁县石寨山遗址的考古发掘,出土器物表明是西汉时期。          铜鼓是以泥或石做成泥模或石范,将合金铜液浇注其中,铸造而成,上端为鼓面,下端是空虚的鼓身。它主要由5个部分组成:①鼓面,为一大平展正圆的圆面,中心微隆,称光体,有向四周辐射的光芒,还有由里向外扩散的弦纹,即晕圈;弦纹与弦纹之间饰有多种图案;有的鼓面最外晕圈上还饰有立体的蛙、龟、鸟及骑士等装饰物。②鼓胸,与鼓面相连,稍外凸,成一定球状弧度,胸下向里微敛。③鼓腰,内敛,多直筒形,上下两端有界线与胸和足隔开。④鼓足,位于腰下,多上小下大,呈倒置截头锥状,晚期铜鼓,腰足界线不清,有的甚至无足部,而仅分上下两节。⑤鼓耳,常置于胸与腰之间,两侧各嵌鼓耳一对,有圆茎与扁茎之分,前者为粗壮的实心环或平环,表面有一道道的轮线纹;后者种类较多,一般为桥纽形,扁而宽,正中有长条形孔,两侧为辫纹、栉纹或交织人字纹。    铜鼓依其流行地区和形制式样的不同,一般可分为滇系和粤系两大类型。①滇系铜鼓:分布于云南、广西、贵州、四川、湖南等省、区,其中以云南中部、广西西部出土最多。滇系铜鼓形体较小,鼓面直径基本在1米以内,鼓面小于鼓身,胸部膨大突出,花纹多用平弧分晕,晕圈有宽窄主次之分。②粤系铜鼓:分布在广西东南部和广东西南部。粤系铜鼓较之滇系形体高大厚重,铸造精良,鼓面大于鼓胸,腰部微束,足部有一道突棱。鼓面中心光体突起,光芒细长如针,常突破第1道弦,有的甚至开叉,光芒道数较少,常为8或10道,鼓面也几乎都装饰有立体的青蛙。铜鼓全身花纹以几何图案为主,晕圈密而窄。    铜鼓的纹饰一般饰在鼓面,亦有饰在鼓身的,其纹样常见的有:①太阳纹,为铜鼓中出现最早和最普遍的纹样,居于鼓面中心,由光体及光环组成。②蛙纹,一般出现在成熟后的铜鼓鼓面上,常见的为4~6只,亦有叠距式的,多为一大一小相背负,也有3~4只蛙相叠称"累蹲"式,另外还有大小相负的乌龟。③鹭鸟纹,饰于鼓面上,尖嘴,圆眼,羽冠大,翅不很宽,呈三角形,尾呈长三角形,多4或6只一组,个别多达20只,首尾相连,展翅飞翔,姿态优美。④舞蹈纹,多饰于铜鼓腰部或鼓面晕圈内,一般为头戴羽冠、身披羽饰的人形,翩翩起舞。⑤竞渡纹,多饰于鼓的胸部四周,船呈变形的鸟形,船上有人划桨,船下有游鱼,前后有水鸟。⑥雷纹,主要饰于粤系铜鼓上。另外还有乘骑、牛橇及其他纹饰。