历史观点,aesthetical viewpoint
1)aesthetical viewpoint历史观点
1.The Marxism "aesthetical viewpoint and the historical viewpoint" is the literary criticism values which unify the aesthetic criticism and the historical criticism,and it is one kind of value which comprehensively manifests the basic idea of Marxism literature and art.马克思主义的"美学观点和历史观点"是美学批评与历史批评相结合的文学批评价值观,是全面体现马克思主义文艺学基本观念的价值观。

1.Marxism Aesthetical Viewpoint and Historical Viewpoint马克思主义的“美学观点和历史观点
2.this is historically interesting.从历史观点说,这是很有趣的。
3.The two attitudes derive from different historical perspectives.这两种态度产生于不同的历史观点
4.The overall principle and approach of Mark's and Engel's literary criticism is esthetical and historical viewpoint.马克思恩格斯文艺批评的总体原则和方法是美学观点和历史观点
5.The historical aspects formed the main theme of her essay她的论文的主题是由历史观点贯穿起来的
6.view an issue from a historical perspective用历史的观点看待问题
7.On Mao Zedong conception of History Based on His Remarks on the Historical Figures;基于毛泽东点评历史人物看其历史观
8.He illustrated his argument with the historic facts他用历史事实来阐述他的观点。
9.we can be wrong about history:我们对历史的观点还是可能是错误的:
10.see the events in their historical perspective用历史的观点看待这些事件
11.Let's look at this from a historical standpoint.让我们从历史的观点来看待这个问题。
12.We should look at this from a historical standpoint.我们应从历史的观点看待这事。
13.As another point of view; from another standpoint .让我们从历史的观点来看待这一切。
14.Reflexion zur führenden Position in der historischen Bewertung von Preuβen;对普鲁士历史评价中主流观点的反思
15.Interpretation of Historism in Russian Psychology;解读俄罗斯心理学中的历史主义观点
16.Research on Chinese Modern Literature with Views of History and Aesthetics;简论用"美学的历史的观点"研究文学
17.The Reflection about "Bygone Law Point"Criticism at the Beginning of New China;对建国初批判“旧法观点”的历史反思
18.To interpret history from this viewpoint is historical materialism; standing in opposition to this viewpoint is historical idealism.拿这个观点解释历史的就叫做历史的唯物主义,站在这个观点的反面的是历史的唯心主义。

historical and dialectic viewpoints历史辩证的观点
3)An Interpretation on Marx s Moral Theory从历史的观点看
4)look at the problem from a historical point of view用历史观点看问题
5)Landscape History景观历史
6)Historic Landscape历史景观
1.The Conservation and Restoration of the Historic Landscape of Mont.Saint-Michel in France;法国圣米歇尔山的历史景观保护与更新
2.Historic Landscape is the mixture of natural elements, cultural spirits and artificial buildings, which is an abundance of historic heritages.历史景观,是指具有一定历史文化内涵,富有一定历史遗存,综合了自然、人文与人工构筑物的景观。
