世纪性贡献,epochal contributions
1)epochal contributions世纪性贡献
2)Contribution property贡献性
3)Proportion of Inertia惯性贡献率
4)reliability contribution可靠性贡献
5)pioneering contribution开创性贡献

1.The Initiating Contribution of Mcluhan s Media Theories;论麦克卢汉媒介论预言的开创性贡献
2.Liang Qichao s Creative Contribution to Modern Education;梁启超对现代教育事业的开创性贡献
3.Gu Jie-gang s Pioneering Contribution to Chinese Historical Geography;顾颉刚对中国历史地理学研究的开创性贡献
4.On the Pioneering Contribution of Qu Qiubai to the Sinicization of Marxism;瞿秋白对马克思主义中国化的开创性贡献
5.On Cao Cao s creative contribution to elegant folk songs of Han Yuefu;论曹操对汉乐府民歌文人化的开创性贡献
6.An Exploration of the Original D evotion of Xu Baohuang to Modern Public Opinion in China from his Research on Public Opinion;从《舆论之研究》看徐宝璜对我国现代舆论学的开创性贡献
7.On Zhou Dunyis Morality Doctrine and His Creative Contribution to the Song and Ming Dynasties Morality Theory;论周敦颐的道德学说及其对宋明理学道德理论的开创性贡献
8.Qu Qiubai’s Historical Contribution on the New Path of Chinese Revolution;瞿秋白对开创中国革命新道路的历史性贡献
9.An Exploration into the Originality and Contribution of Vico s Jurisprudence;试论维柯法学思想的原创性及其贡献
10.On The Monk s Contributions to Psychological Portray;《修道士》对心理世界描写的开拓性贡献
11.During his life, Xu Beihong also devoted heart and soul to the education of new artists and made important contributions to fine arts education after the founding of New China.徐悲鸿为培养美术的新生力量付出了巨大心血,对中国新兴的美术教育作出了开创性的贡献。
12.For instance, philosophers and thinkers such as Bacon, Comte have made an original study of the interactions between the science and society.其中,培根、孔德等哲学家和思想家对科学与社会互动关系的开创性研究,贡献比较突出。
13.As a founder of the study of local history and national history in Yunnan, professor Fang Guoyu made an original contribution in many spheres of academic learning.作为云南地方史、族史的奠基者,方国瑜先生在诸多学术领域作出了开创性的贡献。
14.In this situation, Dutch Professor Hofstede, created the theory of Four-Dimension of national culture and made the initiative contribution.在这方面,荷兰学者霍夫斯坦德教授提出的民族文化四维度学说,做出了开创性的贡献。
15.Schiller s Original Creative Contributions to Aesthetics--To Commemorate the 200th Anniversary of Schiller s Passing-away;席勒对美学的原创性贡献——纪念席勒逝世200周年
16.MAO Ze-dong s Creative Contributions to Chinese Marxism;毛泽东对马克思主义中国化的创造性贡献
17.On the Features of Britain Empiricism Aesthetics and Its Original Theoretical Contributions;论英国经验主义美学的特点和原创性理论贡献
18.Mao Zedong s Pioneering Contribution to Exploring the Lawsce by the CPC;毛泽东对探索共产党执政规律的开拓性贡献

Contribution property贡献性
3)Proportion of Inertia惯性贡献率
4)reliability contribution可靠性贡献
5)pioneering contribution开创性贡献
6)Flowability contribution流动性贡献
