般若学,Borexue(a kind of Buddhist thought)
1)Borexue(a kind of Buddhist thought)般若学
1.Preconditioned by the coupling between Borexue(a kind of Buddhist thought) and Chinese aesthetics,Chinese aesthetics realized its transformation in Eastern Tsin Dynasty.中国美学在东晋时期实现自觉转型,是以般若学与中国美学的内在耦合为前提的。

1.Penetrating the Non-ontological Characteristics of the Doctrine of Madhyamika Prajā from Zhao Lun;从《肇论》看中观般若学的非本体性特征
2.On the Transformation of Chinese Aesthetics in Eastern Tsin Dynasty:from the Perspective of the Internalization of Borexue从般若学内化谈东晋时期中国美学的转型
3.Research on the Problem of Language and Thinking in Chinese Buddhism Wisdom under Metaphysics in Wei and Jin Dynasties;论魏晋玄风下的中国佛教般若学言意观
4.The historical encounter of Buddhism Prajna and Chinese Esthetics was the crucial point that caused the Chinese Esthetic System a profound turn in Wei-Jin era.魏晋时期,佛学般若学与中国美学的历史交遇,是促成中国美学体系发生深刻转型的重要动因。
5.Ma Yifu s Pannuo Hui and His “Intellectual Buddhism” Orientation;马一浮的般若会及其“知性佛学”取向
6.A Comparison of Buddhism s Prajna Thought with Schubenhua s Will Philosophy;佛教般若思想与叔本华意志哲学比较
7.A Philosophical Interpretation of Banruoboluomiduoxin Scripture;禅而无禅便是诗——《般若波罗密多心经》的哲学解读
8.Buddhist Poh Yea Home for the Aged [Poh Yea Ching Shea Ltd]佛教般若安老院〔般若精舍有限公司〕
9.Seeing Eye dogs generally go to special schools for several years to learn to help blind people.导盲犬一般在特殊学校若干年学习如何帮助盲人。
10.Jurisprudence was separated from philosophy, which is the joint name of all original sciences.若泛泛而论,作为法的一般理论的西方法理学甚至先于法学而出现。
11.Some Ideas of Speciality Orientation on the science of law in Common Colleges and the Teaching Method Reform;一般院校法学专业定位及教学方法改革若干问题的思考
12.From Non-existenc to Being:the Examing on the Social and Cultural Backgroup of Buddhist Thought Turning in Jin-song Dynasty;从般若“空”到涅槃“有”——晋宋佛学转向的社会文化背景考察
13.On the Theory of Poetry in The Diamond Sutra and Its Influence;“般若无形相,智慧心即是”——试论《金刚经》所蕴含的诗学理论及其影响
14.Credibility attacks usually fall into several broad categories.可信性抨击一般可分为若干大的范畴。
15.a general principle to which there may be several exceptions可能有若干例外的一般原则
16.The landscape is divided and unsteady which makes it like a dream.风景断断续续,时有时无,宛若梦境一般。
17.To regard ourself lightly is prajna(wisdom). To regard ourself highly is attachment.看淡自己的是般若,看重自己的是执着。
18.Intelligence (buddhi) is the reflection in the mind of the power to know (chit).智慧(般若)是头脑中认知能力(识)的反映。

Bore philosophy般若哲学
1."Nothingness" is the "national chanting",and "popular chanting" of the Bore philosophy."本来无一物",是南禅左派般若哲学的"民族唱法"和"通俗唱法"。
3)Study of Prajna般若义学
4)Buddhist Prajna般若佛学
1.Buddhist Prajna plays a very important role in this transformation.写意画的诞生源于传统人物画用笔由密向疏的转变,而在这转变中,佛教的般若佛学思想起到了不可忽视的重要影响。
1.The prajna thoughts in Analects of the Sixth Chan Patriarch Huineng are generally analyzed in such aspects as "void", middle path and "no difference".常见研究将《坛经》的般若思想分析为"空""中道""无分别"等方面,这种方法流于简单,没有区分《坛经》对般若思想的侧重与择取。
2.The non-systematic understanding of Chinese monks with regard to the Indian concept of Prajna and Sunyata thus gave rise to six different schools and seven different sects.佛教传入中国的初期,一直受到中国思想的影响,中国僧伽对般若学无法进行系统地了解,因对空的思想理解不同才形成了六家七宗的局面。
3.The paper applies the methods of macroscopic descriptive and microscopic analysis,takes the poems of Wang Wei and Daoji for example,explores the soul secret of some ancient poetry,compares it with prajna which exists in Tanjing,and then gives some new concepts of literary theory.运用宏观勾勒与微观分析、理论阐释与实例印证相结合的方法,以王维、道济等人的若干作品为例,解读出蕴含于诗情禅境中的心灵秘密,指出《坛经》般若境界与某些相似诗禅境界的联系与区别,并借此提出一些重要的文论概念,如死境、活境等。
6)Banruo spring般若泉
1.The Banruo spring is located near the Shuxiang temple of Taihuai town of WutaishanBuddhism resort.般若泉位于五台山佛地台怀镇殊象寺旁,交通方便,环境优美,泉水流量大、水质好。

般若学  中国魏、晋、南北朝时期佛教的思想流派。般若,梵文Praj╣的音译,亦称"波若"、"钵罗若"等,意译为"智慧"、"智"、"慧"、"明"等。全称为"般若婆罗蜜多"(Praj╣p╣ramit╣)或般若波罗蜜,意译为"智度"、"明度"、"无极"等,是成佛的特殊认识。这种认识视世界万物为因缘和合所生,认为它没有固定不变的自性,所以性空。"般若"即"空观"。    从东汉末年支娄伽谶译出《般若道行品经》开始,佛教般若类经典源源不断流入中国,历经魏、晋、南北朝数代,在玄学的影响下,形成一种学风,出现了许多不同的般若经译本。姚秦时期,鸠摩罗什在长安译经,系统地译出印度佛学大师龙树、提婆的中观学说。此前在阐发般若思想方面,已形成了所谓 "六家七宗" 学派。后来由于鸠摩罗什对般若宗旨的系统介绍,把般若学的宣传、讲论推到了一个高潮。当时把关于"般若"理论的研究称为般若学,成为魏晋南北朝时期佛教的基础理论。当时的名僧与名士均以能讲般若学来抬高他们的学术地位。但他们所讲的般若学,一般都是魏晋玄学的补充或发挥,均未尽符印度中观学派宣扬空宗的原义。后来僧肇《肇论》问世,较为忠实地介绍了龙树、提婆的般若宗旨,但当时的中国学术界中理解者仍然很少。影响最大的,如道安、慧远诸人,都是按照中国玄学的思路来解释般若宗旨的。般若学影响深远,后来的三论宗直接以此为立宗的宗旨,并影响到天台、华严诸宗。