审美代宗教,aesthetic on behalf of religion
1)aesthetic on behalf of religion审美代宗教
1.Li Zehou \'s"aesthetic on behalf of religion"based on traditional Chinese culture and made a further response,so revealed the new significance and limitations.李泽厚的"审美代宗教"说立足中国传统文化并做出进一步的回应,揭示出新的意义与限度。
1.On the Circumference in Emily Dickinson s Religious Aesthetics;爱米莉·狄金森宗教审美意识中的边缘性

1.On the Circumference in Emily Dickinson s Religious Aesthetics;爱米莉·狄金森宗教审美意识中的边缘性
2.The Tendency of Aestheticization of Chinese Religious Thoughts in Light of Quanzhen Taoism and Chanzong Buddhism;从全真与禅宗看中国宗教思想的审美化
3.On the Influence of Buddhism and Taoism Thoughts upon the aesthetic Sentiment of the Literati in Tang Dynasty;宗教思潮对唐代文人审美情趣的影响
4.On the features of Chan Buddhism;禅宗:生活重于教义,审美高于信仰
5.On Religious and Aesthetic Experience in Wang Weis Poetry;论王维诗宗教体验与审美体验之融合
6.an enduring or necessary ethical or religious or aesthetic truth.一个不朽的或必需的道德,宗教,或审美的原理。
7.Religion and Aesthetics: The Legitimacy of Western Paintings in the Middle Ages;宗教与审美:西方中世纪绘画艺术的合法性探究
8.Thought of Zen,the Breakthrough and Transcendence on Aesthetic Culture of the Poetry Education;禅宗思想对诗教审美文化的突破与超越
9.Nietzsche on the Rebirth of Tragedy;宗教衰落之后的审美神话——尼采论悲剧的再生
10.The Positive Meaning of Religious Consciousness in Modern Chinese Aesthetical culture;中国当代审美文化中宗教意识的积极意义
11.Ecological Concern-a Kind of Quasi-moral,Quasi-religious,and Quasi-aesthetic Emotion;生态关怀:一种准道德、准宗教、准审美的情感
12.Chan Atmosphere and Artistic Atmosphere--On Wang Wei s Religious and Aesthetic Experiences;禅境与艺境——论王维的宗教体验与审美体验
13.A Critical Discourse of Religious Drama's Aesthetic Characteristic in Ming and Qing Dynasties批评话语下的明清宗教题材剧审美特征论
14.Investigating from the religious culture angle, Jiuge has manifested the no-god worship consciousness of the Chu is the esthetic integrated performance of the Chu religion emotion.如从宗教文化角度考察,《九歌》体现了楚人的天神崇拜意识,是楚人宗教情感的审美综合表现。
15.The Philosophical Dualism of Ancient Persian Religion and Aesthetic Elucidation of Sterotyped Imagery古代波斯宗教哲学的二元本体论及原型意象的审美阐释
16.Marriage among Religion,Convention and Art: On the Neutralization of Aesthetics about the Taoist Nun Poem of Tang Dynasty;宗教、世俗与艺术的媾和:论唐代女冠诗的审美中和
17.On the Reversion and Change in Liu Zongyuan s Landscape Poems --On the Influence of Buddhism to Liu Zongyuan s Aesthetic Idea;论柳宗元山水诗的复与变——兼及佛教对其审美理念的影响
18.Tasting Chan Sect--Talking About the Chan Tasting of Zong Baihua Personality,Aesthetic and Poems;体味“禅”“宗”——论宗白华的人格、审美、小诗的禅味

1.On the Circumference in Emily Dickinson s Religious Aesthetics;爱米莉·狄金森宗教审美意识中的边缘性
3)religion and esthetic宗教与审美
4)aesthetic education on behalf of religion美育代宗教
1.As a cultural strategy,Cai Yuanpei\' s"aesthetic education on behalf of religion"had real relevance,which contemporary artists responded to,companying significance of history of ideas and social history,however,from a theoretical point of view,there were many limitations.蔡元培的"美育代宗教"说作为一种文化策略具有现实的针对性,并得到了同时代艺术家的响应,具有思想史与社会史的意义,然而这一命题从理论的角度看存在诸多局限。
5)the substitution of aesthetic education for religion以美育代宗教
1.In the past hundred years, “the substitution of aesthetic education for religion” has been always worshiped by several generations of aestheticians with Cai Yuanpei as their representative.百年以来,“以美育代宗教”始终被以蔡元培为代表的几代美学家奉若神明。
6)theory of"aesthetic education displaces religion"以美育代宗教说
