袁鼎生,Yuan Dingsheng
1)Yuan Dingsheng袁鼎生
1.The Integration Principle in Yuan Dingsheng's Academic Construction of Modern Eco-aesthetics走向整生理想的学术路线——论袁鼎生对当代生态美学的建构

1.A Comprehensive Review of Studies on Contemporary Aesthetic Fields in China;中国当代审美场研究综论——兼评袁鼎生《审美场论》
2.The Integration Principle in Yuan Dingsheng's Academic Construction of Modern Eco-aesthetics走向整生理想的学术路线——论袁鼎生对当代生态美学的建构
3.Bite and sup·sex·renew--the new explanation of Ijing·ding divinatory symbols and Dingxin(renew);饮食·男女·鼎新——《易经·鼎卦》及"鼎新"之义的发生新解
4.Yuan Longping was born and brought up in China.袁隆平生长在中国。
5.There's IBM's aloof and distinguished Louis V. Gerstner Jr.IBM孤傲和大名鼎鼎的路易斯?葛斯特勒先生;
6.Yuan Shi-kai and the Overseas Military Education of the Modern China;袁世凯与中国近代军事留学教育——兼论袁世凯与军事留学生的关系
7.Sing for Life--A Brief review of Yuan Mei s Poems of Self-mockery and Self-present;为生命而歌——袁枚自嘲、自赠类诗作简论
8.Seven arguments on Music Bureau;“乐府”七说——与袁行霈、李炳海先生商榷
9.Yuan Shikai s Merits and Demerits --to discuss with Mr. Zhu Shu Guang;袁世凯功过谭概——与祝曙光先生商榷
10.Yuan Hongdao s View of Natural Mind;本然生命的伸扬:袁宏道的自然性灵论
11.Dr. Howard Kelly, now famous was called in for the consultation.(大名鼎鼎的霍华德-凯利医生也参加了医疗方案的制定。
12.This I presume is your celebrated friend, Mr. Sherlock Holmes?我猜,这位就是你那大名鼎鼎的朋友歇洛克·福尔摩斯先生吧?
13.Although Mr Cooper is a most famous scientist, he is as common as an old shoe.虽然库珀先生是个大名鼎鼎的科学家,但他待人却十分谦和。
14.I met with the celebrated traveller, Mr. Murthwaite, the day afterwards.后来的一天我还碰见了大名鼎鼎的旅行家莫士威特先生。
15.Yes, sir, indeed. It has elicited a great deal of public feeling.不错,先生,真的,现在是舆论鼎沸。
16.Each civilization is born, it culminates, and it decay.各种文明都要历经诞生,鼎盛和衰落。
17.Each civilization is born, it culminates, and it decays.各种文明都要经历诞生、鼎盛和衰亡。
18.Study on Evaluation and Development of Eco-tourist Resources in the City of Fuding;福鼎市生态旅游资源评价与开发研究

1.Dualistic Structure in the Notion of the Shang Chou Ting;商周“鼎”观念的二元结构
3)Yuanshi Shengmai Chenggu Tablets袁氏生脉成骨片
1.Elementary Studies on HPLC Fingerprint of Yuanshi Shengmai Chenggu Tablets;袁氏生脉成骨片HPLC指纹图谱的初步研究
4)Yuan Mei s Attitude Towards Life And Death袁枚的生死观
6)Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve鼎湖山生物圈保护区
1.Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve was in the extent of acid rain hazard.对鼎湖山生物圈保护区内两溪流水源水质状况进行了调查 ,结果发现 :1鼎湖山地表水总体水质较好 ,符合地面水环境质量标准的 类水源水质标准。

奥玛尔.阿里.赛福鼎(omar ali saifuddien)[[清真寺]],位于yayasan购物中心附近,它作为[[文莱]]首都[[斯里巴加湾市]]的象征,富丽堂皇、用料考究,尽显雍容华贵,是[[东南亚]]最美丽的清真寺之一。一出机场前往市区的路上就可以看到这一标志性的建筑。寺庙建成于1958年,以当时苏丹奥玛尔.阿里.赛福鼎的名字命名,纪念他建国17年来的功绩。所用的材料十分考究,大理石全部从意大利进口,花岗岩来自中国,彩色玻璃和枝形吊灯来自英国,地毯则从比利时和沙特阿拉伯进口。整个建筑巍峨高大,庄严肃穆,其巨大圆形金顶和镂空乳白色尖塔,雄伟豪迈,可供千人礼拜,是当之无愧的伊斯兰文化中心。清真寺被湖水环绕,湖面平幽如镜,一艘仿文莱古舟的石舫,浮在碧水之中,树木繁盛,构成一幅美丽的天然图景。