人的美学生成,human aesthetic generation
1)human aesthetic generation人的美学生成
2)Make up Life Aesthetics人生美学的创构
3)aesthetic generation美学生成
1.The aesthetic generation of human is an important thought of modernity.人的美学生成思想是一种极具现代性的思想,它要求培养人的自觉意识,促成人的精神的升华与灵魂的重塑,提高人的实践的有效性和实现人的生活质量的优化。

1.The Aesthetic Frame about "the Distinction between Words and their Meaning" in Chinese Classical Poetics;中国古典诗学“言意之辨”的美学生成
2.Artistic Conception and Imagery can Transcend and Produce Aesthetics论“意境”对“意象”的超越与美学生成
3.The Intervention for School-counselor-led Student Success Skills in America;美国学校辅导员的学生成功技能干预
4.The Analysis of the Causes that Hengshui University Male Students Dislike Choosing Calisthenics;衡水学院男生厌学健美操的成因分析
5.How aesthetic judgment generates knowledge;审美何以生成知识——哲学解释学的视角
6.Perfect application of the research achievment of bionics and biological chemistry.人体仿生学和生物化学研究成果的完美运用。
7.Freshman Year Experience Program:A Program for the Study for Success in the United States基于大学生成功学习的美国本科新生体验计划
8.Pre-Qin Confucians Eco-aesthetics View and Constitution Situation;先秦儒家的生态美学观及其构成态势
9.Phenomenological Intentionality and the Generation of Aesthetic Images of Poetry;现象学的意向性与诗审美意象的生成
10.The Values Derivation of "Neglectness" in Ancient Chinese Aesthetics;“忘”在中国古代美学中的价值生成
11.Surrounding and Popularity as the Factors of Personality-shaping of Students Aesthetic Psychology;环境·时尚:学生审美心理的个性形成
12.HE":The Theory of Existenzialen Constitution in Traditional Chinese Eco-Aesthetics;和:中国传统生态美学之境域构成论
13.The Institutional Causes of American Students Failing in Study and Its Inspiration;美国学习失败学生的学校体制成因及其启示
14.The creative mechanism of the Aesthetics of Teaching and Learning incarnates the combination and reunion of presupposition and productiveness in the Aesthetics of Teaching and Learning.教学美的创生机制体现了教学美的预设性和生成性的结合和统一。
15.Cause and Adjustment on Mental Obstacles of College Students in Aerobic Exercise Teaching;健美操教学中大学生心理障碍的成因及调控
16.Comparative Research on Attribution Theory of Sino-U.S.A. Minority Ethnic Students Academic Achievement中美少数族群学生学业成就归因理论比较研究
17.The aesthetics of the tea art is both of life and existence.茶艺美学是生活美学,也是人生美学。
18.The Generative Traits of the Artistic Aesthetics of Natural Ecology: A Case Study of Chinese Aesthetics;自然生态艺术审美的生成性特征——以中国美学为例

Make up Life Aesthetics人生美学的创构
3)aesthetic generation美学生成
1.The aesthetic generation of human is an important thought of modernity.人的美学生成思想是一种极具现代性的思想,它要求培养人的自觉意识,促成人的精神的升华与灵魂的重塑,提高人的实践的有效性和实现人的生活质量的优化。
4)life aesthetics人生美学
1.Hence Zhu Guang-qian s unique thought of "life aesthetics".文章阐释朱光潜接受与背离克罗齐的过程,包括三个阶段;朱光潜选择与解释克罗齐受两个因素的制约:一个是外在社会思潮,一个是内在人生价值,由此朱光潜形成了独有的“人生美学”思想。
2.This article analyzes the life aesthetics of Zhu Guangqian in the early stage.分析朱光潜先生前期的人生美学 ,主要是分析他出世———入世的二极性人生态度和渗透着这种人生态度的美学体系 ,并在此基础上进一步探讨他早期美学体系对 2 1世纪美学研究方向的重大启示和意
3.That is, “life aesthetics” or “ new practice aesthetics”.面对当代中国美学抉择的严重困境 ,认为应从“人生”(实践 )的维度建构当代美学 ,即“人生美学”或“新实践美学”。
5)the beauty of the humanities美的人学
6)adult learner成人学生
1.Some views on network-based course design for adult learners;成人学生网络课程设计的几点思考
2.It explores the adult learners motivations and obstacles in English learning by questionnaire and interview, analyzes their learning styles which disagree with the nature of language learning.以问卷、访谈等形式了解了接受远程开放教育的成人学生英语学习的动机和障碍,分析了成人英语学习的特点以及这些特点与英语学习本身的矛盾。

人生【人生】 (术语)鞞婆沙论问曰云:何知人中有化生?答曰:劫初人也。朱子亦尝言及,其云佛经说初生人云云,今见阿含经。世界初成,光音天人下来,各有身光,飞行自在。因地肥香美,取食多者,即失神足,体重无光,日月始生。因贪食故,地肥灭没,复生婆罗。婆罗灭没,复生粳米。食彼米故,方分男行、女相行、不净行,云云是也。见余冬序录。