荀子美学,Xunzi's aesthetics
1)Xunzi's aesthetics荀子美学
2)On Hsun Tzu's Aesthetic Thoughts荀子美学思想研究
3)Xun Zi's Theory Of Rite荀子礼学
4)Xunzi's Study of the Book of Songs荀子《诗》学
5)Xun Zi's Thought of the Book of Songs荀子诗学

1.Differences Between School of Xunzi and School of Zisi-Mengzi and the Features of Xunzi Poetry;荀学与思孟学派的差异及荀子诗学的独特性
2.Confucius on ‘The Book of Song’,Xunzi and Pre-Qin Confucian Classics and the Continuity of Their Thoughts;《孔子诗论》、《荀子》及先秦儒学思想的历史脉络
3.Twin Peaks in the Axial Age: On Xun Zi s On Music Paralleled with Aristotle s Poetics;世界轴心时代的诗学双峰——与亚里士多德《诗学》并峙的荀子《乐论》
4.The Study of Classics of Confucian Poetics through Confucius,Mencius and Xunzi s Citing and Reviewing Poetry;从孔、孟、荀引诗、说诗看儒家《诗》的经学化进程
5.A tentative analysis on Hui Dong s Xun-ology --based on Xunzi weiyan;惠栋荀学思想刍议——以《荀子微言》为中心的考察
6.Disparity of Poem and Music,Unity of Kindliness and Justice--On Concept of Honor and Shame by Xun Zi诗书礼乐之分,仁义之统——荀子荣辱观阐释
7.Xunzi's Philosophy of Moral Education:The Prioritization of Justice in His Theory of Evil Human Nature论荀子的“德育哲学”——兼论荀子性恶论中的“公义”优先思想
8."Xunzi Tianlun" and Confucian scientific obscurantism《荀子·天论》和儒家的科学蒙昧主义
9.Xun Zi "the Chemical Property Has False" in the Thought Management Science Sigificance;荀子“比性起伪”思想中的管理学意义
10.The Concept of Shen & Ming in pre-Qin Yi Tradition and that in Xun Zi s Thought;先秦易学的“神明”概念与荀子的“神明”观
11.The Way of Thinking and Location of Aesthetics of Xunzi s Wen;论荀子“文”的思想理路及其美学定位
12.A Restricted View on Xunzi’s Sociolinguistic Ideas from Zhengming;从《正名》篇管窥荀子的社会语言学思想
13.The Dialectical Thought of Rule of Virtue and Rule of Law in Xunzi s DOctrine;荀子学说中德治与法治辩证思想探析
14.Xun Zi s Fllowing the Later King and Confucian develipment towands Politics;荀子的“法后王”与儒学的走向政治
15.A Study on The Structure of Xunzi s Philosophy;礼道·礼教·礼治:荀子哲学建构新探
16.An Analysis of Xun Kuang's Aesthetics of Pleasure without External Beauty Source and Void and Quietness荀子无美而乐与虚静的美学思想辨析
17.From Division to Debate:the Debate Reason in Xunzi's Political Philosophy由“辨”而“辩”——荀子政治哲学中的论辩理性
18.On the Ideas of Humanism Education by Xunzi;君子之学 以美其身——略论荀子的人文教育思想

On Hsun Tzu's Aesthetic Thoughts荀子美学思想研究
3)Xun Zi's Theory Of Rite荀子礼学
4)Xunzi's Study of the Book of Songs荀子《诗》学
5)Xun Zi's Thought of the Book of Songs荀子诗学
6)On the Study of Names by Xunzi荀子名学管窥

荀况(见荀子)荀况(见荀子)Xun Kuang (Hsün K'uang)  X以nKuang苟况见荀子。