理论过剩,theory surplus
1)theory surplus理论过剩
2)overproduction theory生产过剩理论
3)Relative Surplus Population相对过剩人口理论
1.A Comparative Study of Marx s Theory of Relative Surplus Population and Unemployment Theory in Western Economics;马克思相对过剩人口理论与西方经济学失业理论的比较

1.Marx s Relative Overpopulation Theory and the Present Issue of Unemployment in China;马克思的相对过剩人口理论与当前我国的失业人口问题
2.A Comparative Study of Marx s Theory of Relative Surplus Population and Unemployment Theory in Western Economics;马克思相对过剩人口理论与西方经济学失业理论的比较
3.An In-depth Research for Marx s Relative Surplus Population Based on China s Actual;基于中国实际对马克思相对过剩人口理论的深入研究
4.They regard overpopulation as a danger to society.他们把人口过剩看成是对社会的威胁。
5.Unemployment under Relative Surplus Economy and Its Solutions;相对过剩经济条件下的失业及其治理
6.The countries in which the rainforests are located are all quite poor and overpopulated.地处热带雨林的国家都相当贫困,人口过剩。
7.Paradox of the Coexistence of Surplus and Shortage of Public Human Resources and Countermeasures;人力资源过剩与短缺并存——公共部门人力资源管理的悖论及其对策
8.Contemporary Inspiration of Marx′s Relative Surplus Value Theory;马克思相对剩余价值理论的当代启示
9.In an overpopulated world,在人口过剩的世界里,
10.an overspill housing development城市过剩人口住房开发.
11.Study on Excess Liquidity during China s Opening up;论中国对外开放中的流动性过剩及其治理
12.Excess Liquidity and Rising Prices of Real Estate in China:Theory and Measures流动性过剩与我国房地产价格上涨:理论及对策
13.Birth Control and Investment Against Population Growth;生育控制与逆人口投资——人口过剩条件下人口与社会经济问题的综合治理
14.We need to tell people about the problems of overpopulation.我们要告诉人们人口过剩的问题。
15.The Irish would not allow overpopulation to occur again.爱尔兰人不允许再发生人口过剩。
16.For overpopulation is not compatible with freedom.因为人口过剩和自由是不可调和的。
17.Overpopulation is in the way of the construction of modern country.人口过剩是国家现代化 建设的绊脚石.
18.Overpopulation is not compatible with freedom.人口过剩和自由是不可调和的。

overproduction theory生产过剩理论
3)Relative Surplus Population相对过剩人口理论
1.A Comparative Study of Marx s Theory of Relative Surplus Population and Unemployment Theory in Western Economics;马克思相对过剩人口理论与西方经济学失业理论的比较
4)the theory of residues剩余理论
5)over-population theory人口过剩论
6)On Surplus Economy论过剩经济

生产过剩  见经济危机。