西学中和,Xixue Zhonghe
1)Xixue Zhonghe西学中和
1.Xixue Zhonghe-Another Narrative of the Early Chinese Modern Aesthetics“西学中和”:中国现代美学初创阶段的另一种叙事

1.Xixue Zhonghe-Another Narrative of the Early Chinese Modern Aesthetics“西学中和”:中国现代美学初创阶段的另一种叙事
2.The development of Western philosophy in China and dialogue between Chinese,Western and Marxist philosophies西方哲学在中国的发展和中、西、马哲学对话(英文)
3."Introduction of Western Learning to the East", "Chinese Learning for Fundamentals and Western Learning for Practical Application" and the Spirit of Peace and Harmony in Chinese Culture西学东渐、中体西用及中国文化的和合精神
4."Harmony" and "Harmonious Society" in Western Philosophy;西方哲学视野中的“和谐”与“和谐社会”
6.On the Kernel Concepts between the Chinese and Western Poetics:Its Establishment and Expansion;简论中西诗学中心范畴的确立和延伸
7.Identification and application of cauchy inequality in middle school mathematics;柯西不等式在中学数学中的证明和应用
8.The Language-Meaning View in the Vision of Sino-Western Aesthetics--Taking Zhuangzi and symbol theory as example;中西美学视野中的言意观——以庄子和符号学为例
9.Read, study and learn about everything important in your life.读书、究和学习你生命中重要的东西。
10.Harmonious Management in Sabah Chinese High School, Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia;马来西亚斗湖巴华中学和谐管理研究
11.The Feasibility and Significance of the Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Philosophical Paradigms;中西哲学范式比较研究的可能和意义
12.Probe into Chinese and Western Philosophical Basis of "Harmonious Society"“和谐社会”思想的中西哲学基础探究
13.Chinese Historiography and(West) German/Western Historiography:a Dialogue? the " Turning of Social History " in China Since the 1980s;中国史学和(西)德/西方史学:一种对话?——始于1980年代中国社会史转向
14.A review on Chinese philosophy and Greek philosophy;也谈中国哲学和西方哲学——对李廉《中国哲学与希腊哲学》一书的简评
15.Improve of Western Economics Teaching with Experiments and Short Plays;实验法和短剧法在西方经济学教学中的应用
16.The Practice of Psychological Counseling from the Perspectives of Western Philosophy and Confucianism;西方哲学和儒学双重视野中的心理咨询实践
17.On the Societal Prerogatives of the Western Universities and Academic Communities in the Later Period of Middle Ages;论中世纪晚期西方大学和学者社群的社会特权
18.Adoption of Western Academic Achievements and Application of Pragmatic Theories:SHENG Xuan-huai’s View on Education and Talents;论盛宣怀“西学中用”、“实学实用”的教育观和人才观

Chinese and Western mediate中西调和
3)Marriage of Chinese and western arts调和中西
4)The Chinese and western pharmacology中西药学
5)standardizing traditional Chinese medicine with western standards中学西范
6)Chinese and western poetics中西诗学
1.In Chinese and Western poetics,the existent mode of literature is the same approximately;but the opinion that the authenticity of reality be reflected by literature is inconsistent.中西诗学对于文学的存在方式,有着大致相同的看法,但对于文学反映现实的真实性,却有着不尽一致的看法。
2.There exists a great difficulty in understanding discourse in doing comparative study between Chinese and western poetics.中西诗学的比较研究存在着严重的文本阅读障碍,这是由于从事中西比较诗学研究的学者大多不能精通研究 对象的语言和文化。
