雅洁,Thought of Elegance and Terseness
1)Thought of Elegance and Terseness雅洁
1.As the scholarship of literary composition,the basis of Tongcheng School theory is the Thought of Elegance and Terseness.桐城派作为文章之学,其理论核心即"雅洁",本文从思想史的角度探讨了"禅儒互渗"对于这一理论体系形成所产生的影响。

1.Comments on Chen Duxiu s Poetry;雅洁豪放 胎息亦厚——陈独秀诗作管窥
2.A Study on the Headstream and the Characters of the Blue-and-White Pocelains;幽亮雅洁 赏心悦目——青花瓷器的源流及特点探析
3.Be famous Both at home and aBroad for its Beautiful patterns, neat colours, fine emBroidering and vivid needling素以图案秀丽、色彩雅洁、绣工精湛、针法灵活的特色驰名中外
4.New World Community is in beautiful surrounding, displaying its great image of happy life.新世界家园小区的环境优雅洁净,展现美好幸福生活的新景象
5.Ningbo Yashi Sanitaryware Co., Ltd.宁波雅适洁具有限公司
6.Yarte Bathware Co., Ltd.温州市雅特洁具有限公司
7.Zhongshan Ally Bathing Equipment Co., Ltd.中山市雅立洁具有限公司
8.Ningbo Dafang Yage Sanitaryware Co., Ltd.宁波大方雅阁洁具有限公司
9.He was always neatly and quietly dressed in accordance with his age and station.他衣着整洁素雅,合乎他的年龄和身份。
10."It does not require money to be neat, clean and dignified."无须用钱来使其优雅、纯洁和显贵。
11.The dingy cottage was converted into a neat tasteful residence.那间脏黑的小屋已变成一个整洁雅致的住宅。
12.I like the simple and elegant screen in your living room.我很喜欢你家客厅里的那座简洁典雅的屏风。
13.Li Yu s Aesthetic Standard of Ladies Apparel-Cleanness, Elegance and Fitness;“洁、雅、宜”——略论李渔对于女子服饰的审美理想
14.Besides keeping their tastefully furnished homes spick-and-span, ordinary Swiss housewives also maintain cleanliness outside their own homes as well.普通家庭主妇,除了把家里打理整洁,布置优雅外,还保持屋外环境的清洁。
15.From head to toe, Middleton seems to have adopted the same timeless taste as Diana Spencer -- classic, simple and refined.从头到脚,凯特看起来都与戴安娜的品味相投——古典、简洁和优雅。
16."He goes for the crispest, simplest, probably least elegant language,"says Hart."“他喜欢用最干脆、最简洁、但也可能是最不文雅的语言。”阿特说。
17.She is unexpectedly cheerful, and her dining - room have the decency of clean bareness她出乎意料地欢乐,她的餐室有一种清洁而无装饰的高雅
18.She was unexpectedly cheerful, and her dining-room had the decency of clean bareness.她出乎意料地欢乐,她的餐室有一种清洁而无装饰的高雅。

elegant and concise典雅简洁
3)Elegance and cleaness雅洁观念
4)elegance and immaculacy精洁淡雅
5)fresh and refined writing清新雅洁的文风
6)lapidary prose.简洁优雅的散文
