盖洛,William Edgar Geil
1)William Edgar Geil盖洛
1.William Edgar Geil, an American human geographer, visited China several times in the early 20th century, doing investigation and research of the Yangtze Valley, the Great Wall, the 18 provincial capitals and the five sacred mountains.美国旅行家盖洛在 2 0世纪初数次来华考察中国的人文地理 ,着重研究和考察了长江流域、长城、1 8行省省会和五大名山 ,对长城烽火台和嘉峪关以西的城墙有过重要的发现 ,并且用相机记录了处于重大历史转折时期的有关中国文化、民俗、社会各界人物和自然地理风景的大量图片资料 ,同时还收集了众多拓片、方志和通俗文学的文本。

1.Dumfries & Galloway阿邓弗里斯-盖洛
2.Artist Frank Gaylord created the statues from steel.艺术家弗兰克?盖洛德用钢创作了雕像。
3.Nancy Reagan, and not George Gallup, may well have the final say.拥有最后发言权的,并非乔治-盖洛普民意测验,而是南希-里根。
4.At. the start of 1998 Bill Clinton's job-approval rating stood at 59%, according to the Gallup poll.根据盖洛普民意测验的结果,1998年初对克林顿政府的支持率是59%。
5.He consults Squire Gaylord about ways of preventing the affair from becoming public.为了防止事情闹得满城皆知,他去求教盖洛德法官。
6.In rating has never dipped below 60%.在此后进行的33次以上的盖洛普民意测验中,对总统的支持率从本降到60%以下。
7., Dave Witham, David Paich, Luis Conte, Eric Gale and Robben Ford, Scott mixes his own material with some contributions from the outside.这首说唱歌曲,由司格特用他独特的男高音配合盖洛轻快的电吉他伴奏演绎而成。
8.This year was also the first since Gallup started asking the question that a majority of Americans have not said that homosexual relations are morally wrong.自盖洛普开始征询以来,今年是美国大部分人不认为同性恋关系在道德上是错误的头一年。
9.Analysis of the Dilemmas of "the Majority Rule" Democracy--through "Annual Phi Delta Kappa/Gallup Poll of the Public's Attitudes toward the Public Schools"也论“多数人统治”的民主困境——以“卡潘/盖洛普对公立学校的民意调查”为例
11.Principle of Contradictions:Integralism·Systematism·Syncretism: A Study of Lotman s Analysis of the Artistic Characteristics of Eugene Onegin;试析洛特曼对《叶甫盖尼·奥涅金》的研究
12.Dynamics of the vegetation coverage in recent 15 years in Yijinhuoluo County,Inner Mongolia,China伊金霍洛旗近15年来植被覆盖度的动态变化
13.Tectonic Evolution and Hydrocarbon Potential in Heshituoluogai Basin in Northern Margin of Xinjiang新疆北缘和什托洛盖盆地构造与含油气远景
14.I'd rather talk to Guy Pollock in his dusty office.可我就愿意在盖伊·波洛克那个积满尘埃的公事房里跟他闲聊天。
15.After a day of hiking on Mauna Loa, a snow-capped mountain, I fly over to the island of Lanai.在白雪覆盖的洛阿山步行了一天之后,我搭乘飞机前往拉奈岛。
16."Well, that's a fine finish," said Drouet. "Pack up and pull out, eh? You take the cake."好哇,这样结束倒不错,”杜洛埃说,"想卷铺盖走了,是不是?
17.A Trojan boy of great beauty whom Zeus carried away to be cupbearer to the gods.盖尼米得特洛伊的美少年,宙斯将他带走做神的斟酒者
18.Research on Changes of VTA-NAc in Heroin Addicted Rats海洛因成瘾大鼠中脑腹侧被盖区和伏隔核损害的研究

Gallup's Q12盖洛普Q12
3)Floquet states弗洛盖态
6)Jagiellon dynasty亚盖洛王朝

盖洛仙药物名称:竹安新英文名:Zanocin别名: 奥复星;氧氟沙星;盖洛仙;康泰必妥;泰利必妥;泰利得;竹安新;赞诺欣;泰利必妥注射液; 福星必妥;嗪利得;氧甲氟哌酸外文名:Ofloxacin ,DL8280, Hoe280, Oflocet,OFLX, TARIVID, Tarivad, ZANOCIN 适应症: 用于治疗呼吸道、咽喉、扁桃体、泌尿道(包括前列腺)、皮肤及软组织、胆囊及胆管、中耳、鼻窦、泪囊、肠道等部位的急、慢性感染。 用量用法: 口服:每日200~600mg,分为1~3次服,根据病症适当调整剂量。抗结核用量为每日0.3g,顿服。控制伤寒反复感染每日50mg,连用3~6个月。 小儿剂量:口服:10-15mg/(kg.d),分2次。针剂小儿忌用!注意事项: 1.肾功能不全者应用本品可致药物蓄积。 2.可致肾功能障碍(BUN升高、血肌酐值升高)、肝酶升高、血细胞和血小板减少、胃肠功能障碍,也可见过敏反应和中枢症状(失眠、头晕等)。 3.孕妇忌用。 4.可进入乳计,故哺乳妇女禁用。 5.动物试验证实对软骨发育有障碍。故幼儿禁用。 规格:片剂:每片100mg。针剂:0.2g. 类别:合成抗微生物药\喹诺酮类