非手术方法,Nonsurgical technique
1)Nonsurgical technique非手术方法

1.Non-operation Method Treat Lumbar Disc Herniation 87 Cases非手术方法治疗腰椎间盘突出症87例
2.Study Design. Systematic review of randomized trials comparing surgical to nonsurgical treatment of discogenic back pain.研究设计:对于比较手术和非手术方法治疗椎间盘源性腰痛的随机试验,进行系统性评价。
3.Conclusion The speech aid be able to improve the velopharyngeal function in some VPI patients,also it is useful clinical results for the speech therapist.结论发音辅助器能改善腭咽闭合功能,为临床治疗腭咽闭合功能不全提供非手术方法
4.Objective: To learn about the non-operati ng therapy and advantages and disadvantages of surgery in uterine leiomyoma.目的:了解关于子宫肌瘤非手术治疗的方法及手术治疗的优缺点。
5.Methods Six patients underwent bidirectional Glenn shunt without cardiopulmonary bypass.方法在非体外循环下行双向格林手术6例。
6.Effect of Different Methods on Surface Disinfection after Non-infected Surgery不同擦拭方法对非感染手术后物体表面清洁效果的观察
7.The effect of Surgical treatment of nonconcomitant stribismus非共同性斜视的手术方式和效果分析
8.From these results mentioned above,it can be concluded that the arytenoid adduction operation might be one of the most effective operative methods to improve glottal incompetence caused by laryngeal nerve paralysis.杓状软骨内移术可使喉的发音功能得到显著改善 ,是非常安全、有效的手术方法之一。
9.Conclusions Small incision cataract extraction is safe,effective and convenient for traumatic cataract.结论小切口非超乳白内障摘出术在外伤性白内障手术中是一种简便、安全、有效的方法。
10.Methods 24 cases of traumatic cataract received small incision cataract extraction and IOLs implantation.方法24例(24眼)手术均采用小切口非超乳白内障摘出人工晶状体植入术。
11.Effects of Various Anesthesia Methods on Cognitive Dysfunction in Patients undergoing OPCABG非体外循环下冠状动脉搭桥手术不同麻醉方法对术后认知功能的影响
12.Causes analysis and operation methods exploration of reoperation on lumbar intervertebral disc herniation腰椎间盘突出症再手术原因及手术方法的探讨
13.The Method and Clinical Results of New Cesarean Section新式剖宫产术的手术方法及临床效果
14.Clinical discussion of the mangement of cortex behind the incision during cataract surgery白内障手术切口后方的皮质处理方法
15.On Principals of the Crime of Illegal Proceeding Practice on Birth Controls and its Legislative Perfection;论非法进行节育手术罪的主体及其立法完善
16.Scleral tunnel and non suture scleral flag filtration surgery in treating acute angle-closure glaucoma巩膜隧道加非缝合巩膜瓣滤过手术治疗急性闭角型青光眼的方法探讨
17.Influential factors and non-pharmacal intervention strategies for anxious and depressive state of patients with gastrointestinal tumors in perioperative period胃肠道肿瘤患者围手术期焦虑抑郁状态影响因素及非药物干预方法的研究
18.The Comparation of Two Non-surgical Ways to Treat Vascular Malformations of Oral and Maxillofacial Region;口腔颌面部脉管畸形两种非手术治疗方案比较

Nonoperative method非手术法
3)Operation method手术方法
1.Results According to different pathological type, different operation methods were selected for 63 patients.结果:63例病人,术中按不同的病理解剖情况,分别选择不同的手术方法治疗。
2.Objective: To evaluate operation methods selection for hallux valgus.结论:根据患者病变特点、年龄、生活条件详细了解病史判断发病情况、病情进展、畸形加重的因素,同时还应注意疼痛的性质、部位和持续时间,以及局部病变,选择合适的手术方法是影响足拇外翻外科治疗效果的重要因素。
4)surgical method手术方法
1.Research on the surgical method of thyroid benign mass;甲状腺良性肿块手术方法的探讨
5)operative method手术方法
1.The operative method of traumatic cataract complicated with subluxation of the lens;外伤性白内障合并晶状体半脱位手术方法探讨
2.Objective To investigate the surgical indication and operative method of arachnoid cyst(AC).目的探讨蛛网膜囊肿的手术指征和手术方法。
3.Objective To explore operative method and points for attention of chronic atrophic cholecystolithiasis.目的探索慢性萎缩性胆囊炎并胆囊结石的手术方法及注意事项。
1.To study the operation method of external auditory canal cholesteatoma with destroyed ossis external auditory canal and mastoid.结论 :外耳道胆脂瘤应根据不同病变范围而采用保守或不同的手术方法治疗。
2.The operations of permanent fistula in the rumen, at the proximal duodenum and terminal ileum in sheep were improved, and were applied in practices.本研究对原有的羊永久性瘤胃瘘管、十二指肠近端瘘管和回肠末端瘘管的手术方法进行了改进 ,并在实践中得到应用 。
