活血降糖胶囊,Huoxuejiangtang Capsule
1)Huoxuejiangtang Capsule活血降糖胶囊
1.The Influence of Huoxuejiangtang Capsule on Expression of NF-κB in Vessel Wall of Sprague Dawley Rats with Atherosclerosis;活血降糖胶囊对T2DM大鼠主动脉粥样硬化血管壁核因子-κB表达的影响
2)Huoxue Jiangzhi capsules活血降脂胶囊
1.Objective To observe the efficacy of capsules of promoting blood circulation to reduce vicosity(CPBCRV)in cerebral ischemic stroke(CIS)and effects on patients cerebral blood flow(CBF).目的观察活血降粘胶囊治疗缺血性脑卒中的疗效及对患者脑血流的影响。
4)Jiangtang capsules降糖胶囊
1.Determination of ginsenoside Rg_1 in jiangtang capsules by TLCS;薄层扫描法测定降糖胶囊中人参皂苷R_(g1)的含量
2.Studies on Identification for Pioglitazone Hydrochloride Mixed in Jiangtang Capsules;降糖胶囊中非法掺入盐酸吡格列酮成分的检测
3.Objective To study the effects of Jiangtang capsules on reducing blood glucose in diabetes rats.目的研究降糖胶囊对糖尿病大鼠的降糖作用。

1.Study on the Preparation and Pharmacodynamics of Co-Lingzhijingtang Capsule;复方灵芝降糖胶囊工艺及药效学研究
2.Clinical Observation on Tian-Qijiangtang Capsules in Interventing Impaired Glucose Tolerance天芪降糖胶囊干预糖耐量减退的临床观察
3.Study of Qidanyishenjiangtang capsule on diabetic nephropathy芪丹益肾降糖胶囊治疗2型糖尿病肾病的研究
4.Effect of Sangyin capsule on blood glucose level in Sreptozocin-induced diabetic rats桑银降糖胶囊对链脲霉素致糖尿病大鼠的降糖作用
5.Effects of Jiangtang Capsule on Blood Sugar,Insulin and Glycated Hemoglobin in Diabetic Rats降糖胶囊对糖尿病大鼠血糖、胰岛素及糖化血红蛋白水平的影响
6.Study on the Preparation and Quality Standard for the Compound Ganoderma Jiangtang Capsule;复方灵芝降糖胶囊工艺及质量标准的研究
7.Studies on Molding Process and Preliminary Pharmacodynamics of Shengejiangtang Capsule;参葛降糖胶囊的成型工艺及药效学初步研究
8.Qualitative Study of Major Components in Yijinjiangtang Capsule益津降糖胶囊中主要成分的定性实验研究
9.Determination of puerarin in Shiwei Jiangtang Capsule by HPLC十味降糖胶囊葛根中葛根素的HPLC含量测定
10.Effects of Jiangtang Capsule on Rat Models of Experimental Type 2 Diabetes;降糖胶囊对实验性2型糖尿病大鼠血糖和血脂的影响
11.Effect of Sangyin Capsule on Heart/brain Capillary in Experimental Diabetic Rats桑银降糖胶囊对实验性糖尿病大鼠微血管的影响
12.The Effect of Co-lingzhijiangtang Capsule to the Glucose,Lipid and SOD-activity in Blood of Type Ⅱ Melituria Rats复方灵芝降糖胶囊对Ⅱ型糖尿病大鼠相关指标的影响
13.OBJECTIVE? To study the effects of the Hua lu capsule on the blood glucose level in the diabetic mice. ?[目的 ]研究花芦胶囊对实验性糖尿病小鼠的降低血糖作用 .
14.The Hypoglycemic Effect of Tibetan Medicine Jiangtangshu Capsule in Alloxan-induced Diabetic Mice藏药降糖舒胶囊对四氧嘧啶糖尿病小鼠的防治作用研究
15.Study on the Consenescence-resistence and Hypoglycemic Effect of Dendrobium Huoshenense Capsule on DM Rats;“霍山石斛胶囊”抗衰老及对DM大鼠降血糖作用的研究
16.Uncertainty of the content of Glibenclamide in Chinese Traditional Medicine determined by HPLCHPLC法测定降糖宁胶囊中格列本脲含量的不确定度分析
17.Determination of The Berberine Hhydrochloride in Shangqing Pill by HPLCRP-HPLC法测定三消降糖1号胶囊中盐酸小檗碱的含量
18.Effect of adjusting blood pressure and blood fat capsule on ET-1 and NOS in early-stage diabetic nephropathy rats降压调脂胶囊对糖尿病早期肾损害模型大鼠NOS和ET-1表达的影响

Huoxue Jiangzhi capsules活血降脂胶囊
1.Objective To observe the efficacy of capsules of promoting blood circulation to reduce vicosity(CPBCRV)in cerebral ischemic stroke(CIS)and effects on patients cerebral blood flow(CBF).目的观察活血降粘胶囊治疗缺血性脑卒中的疗效及对患者脑血流的影响。
4)Jiangtang capsules降糖胶囊
1.Determination of ginsenoside Rg_1 in jiangtang capsules by TLCS;薄层扫描法测定降糖胶囊中人参皂苷R_(g1)的含量
2.Studies on Identification for Pioglitazone Hydrochloride Mixed in Jiangtang Capsules;降糖胶囊中非法掺入盐酸吡格列酮成分的检测
3.Objective To study the effects of Jiangtang capsules on reducing blood glucose in diabetes rats.目的研究降糖胶囊对糖尿病大鼠的降糖作用。
5)Jiangtang capsule降糖胶囊
1.By determining berberine with HPLC method,the optimum extraction conditions of rhizoma coptidis in Jiangtang capsule were established.采用L9(34)正交设计,以小檗碱的含量为指标,优选降糖胶囊中黄连的提取方法。
6)Huoxue capsule活血胶囊
1.Determination of Tanshinone Ⅱ_A in Huoxue Capsule by HPLC;HPLC法测定活血胶囊中丹参酮Ⅱ_A的含量
2.Objective To establish a method for determining the content of Danshensu and Protocatechuic Aldehyde in Huoxue capsule.目的制定活血胶囊中丹参素和原儿茶醛的含量测定方法。

芪蛭降糖胶囊药物名称:芪蛭降糖胶囊汉语拼音:Qizhi Jiangtang Jiaonang主要成分:黄芪、生地、水蛭等组成。性状:胶囊剂,内容物呈棕褐色粉末,味腥,微涩。药理作用:经动物实验,其结果表明本品对四氧嘧啶所致高血糖模型动物的血糖有明显下降作用。还对实验性高血脂症模型动物的总胆固醇、甘油三脂和脂蛋白含量有一定降低效应。功能与主治:益气养阴,活血化瘀。用于Ⅱ型糖尿病证属气阴两虚兼瘀者,证见:口渴多饮,多尿易饥,体瘦乏力,自汗盗汗,面色晦暗,肢体麻木,舌暗有瘀斑等。用法与用量:口服。一次5粒,一日3次,疗程3个月,或遵医嘱。不良反应:禁忌症:注意事项:有凝血机制障碍、出血倾向者慎用。孕妇禁用。规格: 0.5g/粒贮藏:密闭,防潮。有效期:暂定一年半。处方药:是