滋阴润燥法,method of nourishing yin and moistering arid
1)method of nourishing yin and moistering arid滋阴润燥法

1.Clinical Study with Method of Qing Gan Xie Xin and Zi Yin Run Zao in Treating Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Xin Gan Yu Re Syndrome;清肝泻心 滋阴润燥法治疗糖尿病(心肝郁热证)的临床研究
2.A Clinical Study on Effect of TCM Treated the Patients with Dry Eye;滋阴润肺法治疗干眼症(肺肝阴虚型)的临床研究
3.Clinic Research on Treating Primary Sjogren's Syndrome with the Method of Yan Yin Sheng Jin, Run Zao Tong Luo Ways养阴生津、润燥通络法治疗原发性干燥综合征阴虚络滞证的临床研究
4."this formula helps soothe dry, itchy skin"本配方可以滋润干燥发痒的皮肤
5.Clinical Observation of Ziyin Huoxue Decoction on Primary Sjogren's Syndrome滋阴活血方治疗原发性干燥综合征的临床观察
6.The evaluation of clinical nursing efficacy of Ziyinrunfu softening prescriptions in patients with pruritus senilis滋阴润肤方治疗老年性皮肤瘙痒症的疗效评价
7.Therapeutic Effect of Runzao Itching Capsule Combined with Dexamethasone Cream on Treating Simple Vulvar Pruritus润燥止痒胶囊联合地霜治疗单纯性女阴瘙痒症的疗效观察
8.Function: Massages partially, increases the renal function, balances endocrine, moistens and nourishes yin and body building.功效:局部按摩,强化肾功能,平衡内分泌,滋润养阴,强体健身。
9.The Clinical Research on Expelling Wind, Eliminating Sputum, Moisturizing Dryness, Relieving Sore-throat Treatment of the Wind Phlegm Drying Syndrome of Laryngeal Cough疏风化痰、润燥利咽法治疗喉源性咳嗽(风痰燥化证)的临床研究
10.Treatment Chronic Itch of Skin on Enriching the Blood and Moistening Dryness in 48 Cases养血润燥法治疗慢性瘙痒性皮肤病48例
11.It can preserve moisture with the help of natural vegetal moisturizing factors, mildly clean, moisten and soften the skin so as to keep a health skin.配合植物保湿因子,全面锁住水份,温和清洁肌肤的同时,滋润干燥肌肤,保持肌肤柔嫩健康。
12.Mild enough to be used on the face as well as the body, the Complexion Bar blends glycerine and honey to maintain skin moisture.性质温和,适用于清洁全身和面部皮肤,蕴含甘油和蜜糖滋润成分,能有效锁住水分,防止乾燥。
13.Colloidal oatmeal is known to reduce dry skin through its moisturizing qualities and it also serves as a protectant.胶态燕麦片,它的滋润性可以减少皮肤的干燥,而且它可以作用一种皮肤的保护剂。
14.No more worry for dry skin when change season. Herbal help you keep moisture as soft skin with rosemary, Gardenia flavors.栀子花草本精华有滋润皮肤、保湿的功效,乾燥皮肤无需再担心转季时出现的皮肤问题了!
15.Experimental Study on Urban Sludge Drying by Applying a Polarized Electric Field with Cathodic Heat Wall;城市污泥加热面阴极化干燥法的实验研究
16.Experimental Research of the Method of Nourishing Both "Qi" and Blood on the Mice Having SS气阴双补法对干燥综合征小鼠的实验研究
17.The effect of strengthen kidney-yin and mourishing te heart and tranquilization on the learning and memory ability of the aged and yin-deficiency rat model;滋阴补肾、养心安神法对老年阴虚大鼠模型学习记忆的影响
18.A Clinical Study on the Treatment of Active Lupus Nephritis with the Method of Yin-Nourishing, Detoxifying and Promoting Blood Flow (YNDPBF);滋阴解毒祛瘀法治疗阴虚内热型狼疮性肾炎的临床研究

moisturizing and preventing dryness滋阴润燥
3)reinforce body fluid to live the smooth bowel method of blood滋阴活血润肠法
4)Nurturing-yin prescription滋阴润肤
5)Nourishing Yin and promoting blood c irculation to Lubricate In-testines /Bianke tong滋阴活血润肠法/便可通
6)nourishing yin to moisten dryness养阴润燥

法润【法润】 (人名)纪传不详。日本明匠略传引三国高僧碑曰:“法润阿阇梨者,青龙寺东塔院义操和尚之付法也。又祖师慧果阿阇梨之入室也,以胎藏金刚两部之大法并诸尊之瑜伽秘法,付属玄法寺法全阿阇梨净住寺道升和尚等。”