早期干预治疗,Early intervening treatment
1)Early intervening treatment早期干预治疗
1.Early intervening treatment of diabetic foot with Ciwujia injection and decoagulant;刺五加注射液及抗凝剂对糖尿病足的早期干预治疗

1.The Study of Theory and Experiment of FulingZexie and Shanzha Decoction Treating Hyperlipidemia at the Early Stage;茯苓泽泻加山楂汤对高脂血症早期干预治疗的理论与实验研究
2.The influence on intelligence development of external hydrocephalus patients with early intervention treatment早期干预治疗对外部性脑积水患儿智能发育的影响
3.Neuropsychology development monitoring and clinical observation of early interventional treatment of high-risk infants高危儿神经心理发育监测及早期干预治疗的临床观察
4.The clinical evaluation of early interventional surgery and parenteral,enteral nutrition for the treatment of external intestinal fistulas早期干预性手术和肠内外营养治疗肠外瘘的疗效评价(24例报告)
5.SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA: The role of early endoscopic intervention, in the treatment of acute gallstone pancreatitis, remains controversial.主要的背景数据:急性胆源性胰腺炎的早期内镜干预治疗仍有争论。
6.Effects of Medicines and Early Diagnosis of Parkinson s Disease;药物干预对帕金森病的治疗作用以及帕金森病的早期诊断
7.The Effects of Early Behavioral Intervention and Hyperbaric Oxygen on the Neonates with Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy;早期干预和高压氧治疗新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病的效果分析
8.The Study of Early Diagnosis and Intervention Therapy on PTE Resulted from Bone Trauma;骨创伤致肺血栓栓塞早期诊断及干预性治疗研究
9.Initial study on young adults with femoral neck fractures transplanted with iliac bone flap with sartorius muscle in early intervention早期干预应用缝匠肌蒂髂骨瓣治疗青壮年股骨颈骨折初探
10.Early detection and proper treatment will help.早期的检测和正确的治疗能够预防它。
11.The Surgical Treatment and Prevention of Early Post-operative Complication of Calcaneal Fractures跟骨骨折手术治疗及早期并发症预防
12.Expectant Management of Early-onset Pre-eclampsia: Perinatal Outcome;早发型子痫前期期待治疗的围产儿预后
13.Clinical Effect of Early Rehabilitation Training on Acute Stroke Patients;早期康复干预对急性脑卒中患者临床疗效观察
14.Analysis on Therapeutic Effect of Early Intervention with Chinese Medicinal Materials Hydrotherapy on Children with Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy中药水疗早期干预缺氧缺血性脑病的分析
15.Clinical study on medicinal bathing hydrotherapy for early intervention of neonatal jaundice药浴水疗对新生儿黄疸早期干预的临床研究
16.International diabetes: So the early intervention includes metformin besides life style change?国际糖尿病》:所以除了生活方式改变以外二甲双胍治疗也应该作为早期干预的手段?
17.Experimental Study of Apoptosis Expression in Rat s Brain Tissue with Hypertensive Cerebral Hemorrhage and Early Treatment with Hyperbaric Oxygen;高血压性脑出血脑组织细胞凋亡表达及早期高压氧干预治疗的实验研究
18.Prognosis was correlated with timeliness of consult, capabilityof early diagnosis and performance of treatment.其预后与能否及时就诊、早期诊断和早期治疗有关; 与其他因素无关。

preventive intervention孕期干预治疗
3)Early treatment早期治疗
1.Early treatment of deep mycosis for critically ill patients in central intensive care unit;危重症患者并发深部真菌感染的早期治疗
2.Clinical observation of early treatment on 46 infants with cerebral palsy;婴儿脑性瘫痪早期治疗的临床观察
3.Objective To study the effective method of early treatment on cracked tooth.目的探讨牙隐裂早期治疗的有效方法。
5)early intervention早期干预
1.Study of early intervention in promoting neuropsychology and constitutional development for low birth weight infants;早期干预促进低出生体重儿神经心理及体格发育的研究
2.Study on the effectiveness of early intervention for behavior problems of primary school students;小学生行为问题早期干预的研究
3.Clinical Study on early intervention of infant asthma With montelukast;孟鲁司特钠对婴幼儿哮喘的早期干预作用
1.The Research on Rat Alcoholic Fatty Liver Diasease and Treatment with Tiopronin;大鼠酒精性脂肪性肝病的实验性研究及硫普罗宁的干预治疗性作用

早期治疗早期治疗early therapy 在早期发现或早期诊断的基础上给予及早治疗。根据疾病的病因、病变范围的大小选择适当的治疗措施。