外来婚嫁女,non-native married female
1)non-native married female外来婚嫁女

1.The Marital Status of Non-native Female and Their Notion on Marriage in Jiangsu Province;江苏省外来婚嫁女的婚姻状态与观念
2.Investigation on infective status of human immunodeficiency virus among immigrant women in rural areas of Lianyungang city连云港市农村外来婚嫁妇女HIV感染状况调查
3.a peeress by marriage afterwards intermarried with a commoner一个嫁给贵族而成为贵妇人的女子后来又与一个平民通婚(结婚)。
4.A married woman's personal property exclusive of her dowry, according to common law.妻子的财产按照习惯法,已婚妇女除嫁妆以外的个人财产
5.Comparative Study on Marriage Notion and Bearing Status of External Female in Jiangsu Province;江苏外来女婚恋观念和婚育现状的比较研究
6.When a son is grown he takes a wife, and when a girl is old enough she goes to her husband. And that is right and proper.男大当婚女大当嫁, 古今常理。
7.A differential analysis of divorce and remarriage of the women in Tang;唐代妇女离婚改嫁实践的差异性分析
8.But families here also fear the financial burden of girls- when it comes time to pay huge traditional dowries to their daughters' future husbands upon marriage.但是家庭也考虑生女孩的负担——结婚时,要给未来女婿家准备一大笔传统嫁妆。
9.Good Marriage and Good Career:Woman s Position in Marriage and Career;嫁得好与干得好:女性婚姻定位与事业定位
10.On the Female World of the Tujia People through the Weeping Wedding Ritual从土家族的哭嫁婚俗解读土家女性世界
11.A survey on AIDS and maternal to child transmission diseases (hepatitis B,hepatitis C,syphilis) among inter-provincial married women of childbearing age in a county at rural areas某县跨省婚嫁育龄妇女母婴传播性疾病调查
12.A Brief Discussion on the Legal Protection of the Land Contract Rights and Interests for the "Out-Married Women" in the Countryside;农村“外嫁女”土地承包权益的法律保护
13.for storage of clothing (trousseau) and household goods in anticipation of marriage.用来存放结婚用的衣服(嫁妆)和家用物品的箱子。
14."On the point of their divorce, she demanded on his returning to her all the lot she has Brought as her marriage portion"离婚时,她要求男方把她结婚时带过来的全部嫁妆还给她
15.So then he that giveth her in marriage doeth well; but he that giveth her not in marriage doeth better.这样看来,叫自己的女儿出嫁是好。不叫他出嫁更好。
16.As a wife, the woman was protected by the setting up of a dowry or decimum.给已婚妇女备有一份嫁妆,或者称为“decimum”,以使其受到保护。
17.Used formerly as a courtesy title before the surname of a married woman not of noble birth.太太以前放在已婚嫁的女人的姓氏前作为尊称而非贵族称号
18.Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family.成年男女,不受种族、国籍或宗教的任何限制有权婚嫁和成立家庭。

Married-in migrant women外来嫁入妇女
3)married daughters外嫁女
1.With economic development in the countryside,in some developed areas,married daughters have turned into a lawful concept of repelling and discriminating women.随着农村经济的发展,在经济发达地区,外嫁女已演变为一个排斥、歧视妇女的法律概念,外嫁女权益纠纷的形成原因,既有传统观念影响的因素,也与目前我国法律救济手段不足有关,但更重要的原因是诸多的法律制度性的缺陷。
4)unmarried women in cities from other places城市外来未婚女性
1.Marginalization and Social Conformity——an investigation and analysis on the reproductive health problem of unmarried women in cities from other places;边缘化现象与社会整合——城市外来未婚女性生育健康问题的调查与解析
5)Migrant women who married to men in the city外来婚嫂
1.The Research on Wedding Etiquette and Custom of Gold Bottle Plum;本文是从民俗学角度对《金瓶梅》中的婚嫁礼俗进行的全面考察研究之作。
