病因分型,Pathogeny types
1)Pathogeny types病因分型

1.Relationships between stroke etiological subtypes and risk factors in brain ischemia缺血性脑卒中的病因分型与危险因素
2.Analysis of Related Factors of Diabetic Nephropathy in Type 2 Diabetes;2型糖尿病肾病发病的相关因素分析
3.Analysis on the risk factors of diabetic nephropathy in older patients with type 2 diabetic mellitus老年2型糖尿病肾病危险因素的分析
4.Genome-Wide Analysis of NBS-Encoding Disease Resistance Genes in Populus trichocarpa毛果杨全基因组NBS类型抗病基因分析
5.Genetic Subtypes and Distribution of Seoul Virus in Jilin吉林省汉城型汉坦病毒基因分型研究
6.Risk Factors of Diabetic Nephropathy in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes;2型糖尿病患者糖尿病肾病的危险因素分析
7.Analysis on risk factors for type 2 diabetic retinopathy2型糖尿病视网膜病变发病的危险因素分析
8.Screening for Genes Involved in Resistance Against Leaf Rust in Populus Tomentosa Carr. and Characterization of NBS Type of Disease Resistance Genes;毛白杨抗锈病基因筛选与NBS型抗病基因分析
9.Hepatitis B Virus Genotyping and the Influence on Chronic Hepatitis B乙型肝炎病毒基因分型及对肝病的影响
10.Molecular Epidemiologic Study of Hepatitis B Virus Genotypes in Yanan延安市乙型肝炎病毒基因型分子流行病学研究
11.Analysis of genotypes of hantavirus isolates in Hangzhou杭州地区汉坦病毒病毒分离株的基因型分析
12.Survey on Molecular Epidemiology of Porcine Circovirus Type 2 Isolates Collected from Some Area of China with a PCR中国部分地区猪圆环病毒2型的基因型分析
13.Spectrum of Mutations in β-MHC, cTnT and cTnI Genes in Chinese Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy and Genotype-Phenotype Correlation Analysis;中国肥厚型心肌病部分基因突变谱分析及基因型—表型关系研究
14.Meta-analysis on Risk Factors Related to Retinopathy in Type 2 Diabetes;2型糖尿病视网膜病变危险因素Meta分析
15.Isolation and Identification for Genotype 2 BVDV Isolates in China;基因2型牛病毒性腹泻病毒的分离、鉴定
16.Analysis of Risk Factors of Diabetic Microvascular Complication in Type 2 Diabetes;2型糖尿病微血管病变危险因素的分析
17.The Analysis of Risk Factors for Diabetic Foot in Type 2 Diabetic Patients;2型糖尿病患者糖尿病足的相关危险因素分析
18.Understanding of Underlying the Molecular Mechanism of Brachydactyly Type A-1;A1型短指/趾症致病基因IHH的分子致病机理研究

Etiological typing病因学分型
3)typed by pathogeny病因分型法
4)TOAST(Trial of Org 10 172 in acute stroke treatment)TOAST病因分型
5)stroke etiologic subtypes卒中病因分型
6)Analyze the virus genotype病毒基因型分析

阻尼型电容分压器(见分压器)阻尼型电容分压器(见分压器)damped capacitor voltage dividers 阻尼型电粤万压藉一”divider尽)见分压器(dam卯d eapaei、orvoltage