初治,de novo
1)de novo初治
1.Treating newiy diagnosed de novo acute myeiocytic leukemia patients with sequential dual induction chemotherapy:standard induction chemotherapy combined with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor priming chemotherapy;标准诱导化疗与粒细胞集落刺激因子预激序贯双诱导治疗原发性初治急性髓细胞白血病

1.The Symptom-to-Treatment Delay and Stage at the Time of Treatment in Cancer of Esophagus;食管癌初发症状至初治时间及其临床意义
2.Efficacy of Prunella vulgaris L. (EPVL) as an Adjuvant for Patients with Naive Indolent Lymphoma夏枯草辅助治疗初治惰性淋巴瘤临床疗效分析
3.The curative effect of first-time smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis treatment witll IL-Ⅱ as adjunctive Therapy白介素-2辅助治疗初治菌阳肺结核的疗效观察
4.Analysis of clinical curative effect of initial treating and retreating 40 pulmonary multi-drug resistant tuberculosis patients40例初治复治耐多药肺结核临床疗效分析
5.The control on Dianchi Lake pollution reaps preliminary fruit.滇池污染治理初见成效。
6.How to Improve the Junior Middle School Students Interest in Ideo-Politics Course;培养初中生思想政治课学习兴趣初探
7.Combined Mechanism of "Rule by Law" and "Rule by Morality" in Preliminary Stage of Socialism社会主义初级阶段“法治”与“德治”结合机制初论
8.A Study on the Thoughts of Borderland Administration in Ancient China;古代“守中治边”、“守在四夷”治边思想初探
9.On the Struggle between the Principles of "Rule by Authority" and "Rule by Law;论民国初年的“人治”与“法治”之争
10.Preliminary Study the Subject of Politics of Junior High School Can Foster the Students Creative Qualities;初中思想政治课培养学生创新素质初探
11.The Historical Introspection and the Policy of Administering the Country of the Early Han Dynasty Thinkers and They are Influence on Politics;汉初思想家的历史反思与治国方略及其对汉初政治的影响
12.Political Thoughts of Xin Yu and Construction Process of Political Theory System in Early Han Dynasty;《新语》政治思维与汉初政治理论体系建构之路
13.Politics on Floating: a Preliminary Exploration on the Issue of the Political Management of Chinese Floating Population;流动中的政治:中国流动人口政治管理问题初探
14.Initially Searches of Person-Centered Therapy Approach Revelation to Ideological and Political Education;人本治疗模式对思想政治教育的启示初探
15.Effects to Prevent Desertification during Initial Period of Established Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region;内蒙古自治区成立初期防治荒漠化的努力
16.On the Political Thought of Huang-Lao and the Governance Practice in the Early Period of Han Dynasty;黄老道家的政治思想与汉初的治国实践
18.Li Da-Zhao s Political Thoughts in His Early Life and the Min-Guo s Politics in Its Early Stage;李大钊早期政治思想与民国初年中国政治

initial treating/retreating初治/复治
3)Initial treatment and retreatment TB初复治
4)Lnitial treatment初治方案
5)politics in early Tang Dynasty唐初政治
6)politics in early Ming Dynasty明初政治

《外治寿世方初编》《外治寿世方初编》 《外治寿世方初编》   方书名。四卷。清·邹存淦撰。刊于1877年。本书仿《理瀹骈文》体例,辑录了临床各科疾病的多种外治法的治疗方药,共分68门,载方约2200余首。现存清刻本、1936年台湾铅印本及《珍本医书集成》本。