甲状腺摄碘率,Radioactive iodine uptake rate
1)Radioactive iodine uptake rate甲状腺摄碘率
1.Radioactive iodine uptake rate of thyroid were detected before and after treatment in these patients, and serum levels of thyroid hormones were assayed by RIA.目的 通过对甲状腺机能亢进症 (甲亢 )患者服用碳酸锂前、后甲状腺摄碘率变化的观察 ,了解碳酸锂对甲状腺摄碘率的影响。
1.Many factors such as iodine-131uptake,effective half-life,thyroid volume,and antithyroid drugs affect the iodine-131dose for every hyperthyroid patient.甲状腺功能亢进症131I治疗剂量的确定受甲状腺吸碘率、有效半衰期、甲状腺质量、抗甲状腺药物等众多因素影响,131I治疗的预后情况是这些因素共同作用的结果。
3)Iodine Conversion rate甲状腺碘转换率
1.Objective:Study the Correlation between Iodine Conversion rate and time of Effective half life of Graves Disease PatientsMethods:Choice 639 Patients with Graves Disease,According conversion rates divided into four groups.目的探讨Graves 病患者甲状腺碘转换率对摄碘率半衰期的影响,利用转换率来推算半衰期。

1.Correlation Study between Iodine Conversion Rate and Time of Effective Half Life of Patients with Graves Disease;Graves’病患者甲状腺碘转换率与摄碘率半衰期的相关性研究
2.Value of thyroid ~(131) I uptake test in early diagnosis of subacute thyroiditis甲状腺吸~(131)碘率检查对亚急性甲状腺炎的早期诊断价值
3.Lithium carbonate plus ~(131)I for treatment of low iodine uptake in hyperthyroidism碳酸锂配合~(131)I治疗低摄碘率甲状腺功能亢进
4.Iodine tends to localize in the thyroid.碘容易集于甲状腺。
5.Iodine induced hyperthyroidism碘性甲状腺机能亢进
6.Effect of acute iodide administration on expression of sodium/iodide symporter protein in rat thyroid急性碘过量对大鼠甲状腺钠碘转运体表达的影响
8.Preliminary Research on Clinical Value of Antibodies to Sodium Iodide Symporter in Patients with AITD;钠碘转运体抗体在自身免疫性甲状腺疾病中临床价值的初步探讨
9.Gene Expression and Regulation of Sodium Iodide Symporter in Thyroid Gland;甲状腺组织及细胞钠/碘转运体基因表达及其调节的研究
10.Effects of Iodine Excess on Thyroid Function and Deiodinase Activity;碘过量对甲状腺功能及脱碘酶活性的影响
11.enlarged thyroid gland resulting from iodine deficiency.由于碘缺乏而导致的甲状腺肿大。
12.rabbit antiserum against triidothyronine三碘甲状腺原氨酸抗兔血清
13.hypertriiodothy oninemia高三碘甲状腺原氨酸血症
14.Immunoregulation mechanism of AITD caused by excessive iodine过量碘致甲状腺自体免疫性疾病作用
15.Investigation on Thyroid Volume of School Children Aged from 8 to 10 Exposed to Iodine Excess碘过量8~10岁学生甲状腺容积调查
16.Experimental study on the effects of KI and KIO_3 on thyroid hormone碘化钾、碘酸钾对缺碘大鼠甲状腺激素作用的实验研究
17.Experimental study on the effect of KI and KIO3 on thyroid morphology碘化钾、碘酸钾对缺碘大鼠甲状腺形态与作用的实验研究
18.An Experimental Study on the Effectiveness and Safety of KIO_3 Salt for Treatment of Iodine Deficient Goiter;碘酸钾碘盐对治疗缺碘性甲状腺肿的有效性和安全性的实验研究

1.Many factors such as iodine-131uptake,effective half-life,thyroid volume,and antithyroid drugs affect the iodine-131dose for every hyperthyroid patient.甲状腺功能亢进症131I治疗剂量的确定受甲状腺吸碘率、有效半衰期、甲状腺质量、抗甲状腺药物等众多因素影响,131I治疗的预后情况是这些因素共同作用的结果。
3)Iodine Conversion rate甲状腺碘转换率
1.Objective:Study the Correlation between Iodine Conversion rate and time of Effective half life of Graves Disease PatientsMethods:Choice 639 Patients with Graves Disease,According conversion rates divided into four groups.目的探讨Graves 病患者甲状腺碘转换率对摄碘率半衰期的影响,利用转换率来推算半衰期。
4)thyroid iodine clearance甲状腺碘清除率
5)~(131)I thyroid uptake test甲状腺摄~(131)I率
6)thyroid radioiodide uptake (RAIU)甲状腺摄131I率

三碘甲状腺原氨酸钠 ,碘甲腺氨酸钠药物名称:碘赛罗宁英文名:Liothronine别名: 碘噻罗宁;甲碘安;甲碘氨;三碘甲状腺素钠;三碘甲状腺原氨酸钠 ,碘甲腺氨酸钠 外文名:Liothyronine Sodium 适应症: 常用于粘液性水肿及其它严重甲状腺功能不足状态,还可用作甲状腺功能的诊断药。 用量用法: 口服:成人开始时,1日10~20μg,分2~3次口服,以后逐渐增加至1日80~100μg为止。体重在7kg以下的儿童开始时1日2.5μg,7kg以上1日5μg。以后每隔1周,用量增加1日5μg,维持量为1日15~20μg,分2~3次口服。三碘甲状腺原氨酸抑制试验:用于对摄碘率高的病人作鉴别诊断。方法是:1日口服60~100μg,分3次服用,共6日,重复作放射性同位素碘摄碘试验,正常人及单纯性甲状腺肿者摄碘率受抑制数值超过服本品前基数的50%以上,而甲状腺功能亢进者受抑制的数值低于50%。 注意事项: 同甲状腺素。 1.剂量过大可出现甲状腺功能亢进症状、多汗、体重减轻等。 2.神经兴奋性增高、失眠、呕吐、腹泻、发热。 3.糖尿病、高血压、冠心病及快速型心律失常病人禁用。 规格: 片剂:每片20μg。类别:甲状腺用药