混合型高血脂症,mix type hyperlipidemia
1)mix type hyperlipidemia混合型高血脂症
1.Study of Xuezhikang and atorvastatin on mix type hyperlipidemia;血脂康和阿托伐他汀治疗混合型高血脂症的研究
2)combined hyperlipidemia混合型高脂血症
1.Study on combined therapy with small-dose fluvastatin and fenofibrate in elderly patients with combined hyperlipidemia;小剂量氟伐他汀联合非诺贝特治疗老年混合型高脂血症的临床研究
2.Studies on efficacy and safety of simvastatin plus acipimox for treating combined hyperlipidemia;辛伐他汀联合阿昔莫司治疗混合型高脂血症的疗效与安全性研究
3.Detection of lipoprotein lipase S447X polymorphisms in combined hyperlipidemia;混合型高脂血症患者脂蛋白脂酶基因S447X的多态性

1.Researching to Curing Result of Tating Kind of Medicine Combinating Sport to the Mixed High Lipemiause;慢跑结合他汀类药物对混合型高脂血症的疗效观察
2.The Influence of Statins Capsule for the Treatment of Combined Hyperlipidemia阿托伐他汀、非诺贝特、降脂通络软胶囊对混合型高脂血症患者血脂水平及肝功能的影响
3.Effect of acipimox for treating combined hyperlipidemia in the elderly patients with diabetes阿昔莫司对老年糖尿病患者混合型高脂血症的影响
4.Fluvastatin and fenofibrate and fluvastatin of high dosage in management of hyperlipidemia氟伐他汀与非诺贝特联合和大剂量氟伐他汀强化治疗混合型高脂血症的临床观察
5.familial combined hyperlipidemia复合脂蛋白型高脂血症
6.Influence of Qingzhifugan Pellet on fatty liver animal model with chronic hyperlipemia and alcoholized hepatic damage清脂复肝颗粒对慢性高脂血症与乙醇肝损伤混合型脂肪肝动物模型的影响
7.Study of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine on mixed type Hyperlipidemia中西药结合治疗混合性高血脂症的研究
8.Treating Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with Hyperlipidemia From the Phlegm and Blood Stasis从痰瘀辨治2型糖尿病合并高脂血症
9.multiple lipoprotein-type hyperlipidemia家族性复合高脂血症
10.Research Advance on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with Hyperlipoidemia in Chinese Medicine2型糖尿病合并高脂血症中医药研究进展
11.Study on combined therapy with fluvastatin and fenofibrate in patients with combined hyperlipidemia氟伐他汀联合非诺贝特治疗混合性高脂血症的可行性探讨
12.Clinical effects of Ganjiaxinpian and Xuezhikang capsule on hyperlipidemia fatty liver肝加欣联合血脂康治疗高脂血症脂肪肝62例
13.Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Associated with Hyperlipemia by Tangzhixiao Recipe;糖脂消方治疗2型糖尿病合并高脂血症的临床研究
14.Changing of the Correlation in four Serum Lipid Factors among DifferentType Hyperlipemia血脂指标相关性在不同表型高脂血症中的变化
15.The effect of nutrition combined with exercise on blood fat in patients with hyperlipidemia营养联合运动治疗对高脂血症患者血脂的影响
16.familial type 3 hyperlipoproteinemia家族性3型高脂蛋白血症
17.Guinea Pigs:A Suitable Model for Hyperlipidemia豚鼠:一种良好的高脂血症模型动物
18.Establishment and Mechanisms of a Guinea Pig Model of Hyperlipidemia and Comparison with the Rat Model豚鼠高脂血症模型的建立及机制探讨

combined hyperlipidemia混合型高脂血症
1.Study on combined therapy with small-dose fluvastatin and fenofibrate in elderly patients with combined hyperlipidemia;小剂量氟伐他汀联合非诺贝特治疗老年混合型高脂血症的临床研究
2.Studies on efficacy and safety of simvastatin plus acipimox for treating combined hyperlipidemia;辛伐他汀联合阿昔莫司治疗混合型高脂血症的疗效与安全性研究
3.Detection of lipoprotein lipase S447X polymorphisms in combined hyperlipidemia;混合型高脂血症患者脂蛋白脂酶基因S447X的多态性
3)Mixed hyperlipemia混合型高脂血症
1.Results Among the different hyperlipemia,the sickness rate of fatty liver with hypertriglyceridemia or mixed hyperlipemia is higher (85.结果不同类型高脂血症中,以高甘油三酯血症及混合型高脂血症者的脂肪肝患病率较高。
4)combined dyslipidemia混合型高脂血症
1.The efficacy and safety of atorvastatin in treatment of combined dyslipidemia;阿托伐他汀治疗混合型高脂血症的疗效和安全性
2.Objective: To assess the efficacy and safety of astorvastafin in treatment of combined dyslipidemia in the elderiy.目的:评估阿托伐他汀治疗老年人混合型高脂血症的疗效和安全性。
5)familial combined hyperlipidemia家族性混合型高脂血症
1.High plasma apoB 100 levels does not distinguish familial combined hyperlipidemia from familial hypercholesterolemia;血浆apoB100水平升高不宜作为家族性混合型高脂血症与家族性高胆固醇血症鉴别诊断的指标
6)Compound hyperlipimia混合性高脂血症
1.Cost-effectiveness Analysis on Atorvaststin and Simvastatin in the Treatment of Compound hyperlipimia;阿托伐他汀片与辛伐他汀片治疗混合性高脂血症的成本-效果分析
